Galadriel Calma
Elrond Calma
Lorien, Earth
Family history
Calma lost track of his family several decades ago. He has, however, indicated an interest in recovering the his relationship with his extended family. The identities of his great-nephews and great-neices are being tracked down by Starfleet.
Calma's educational history is clearly impressive, though currently unknown. We are currently attempting to track down old records for his name or countenance.
Medical profile
In his early twenties, Calma began experimentations into extending humanoid lifespans to moderate success. He had decided to use himself as a test subject and found a treatment that almost worked; his physical age was frozen but had marked difficulties operating under stress. The treatment worked on a semi-genetic level that had the strange side effect of also seeming to "freeze" strong emotional states. The more stressful a situation he worked under, the worse his day-to-day temprament became. This was paired by an increased sensitivty to light and darkening of his skin until a second experiment seemed to reverse those effects.
After transferring from Pharaoh, he was placed under medical and psychiatric observation on Starbase 50, following the Captain's discovery of his previous behaviour. Following the discovery of the metaphasic rings surrounding the Ba'ku homeworld, Calma offered himself as a test subject for Starfleet Medicals' experiments using metaphasics and, despite failure with other subjects, Calma was fully healed. The alterations to his telomeres were fully reversed and his temprament returned to normal. He is under continued observation by Starfleet Medical and his renewed commission is evidence that he had progressed as far as possible in the environment he was in. Until it can be determined that Calma has, indeed, been completely rehabilitated by the metaphasic experiments, he must remain a brevet Lieutenant, Junior Grade. As well, we recommended strongly that he be kept away from critical systems.
Given his confiscated, though impressive, experiment involving duplicating the TR-116's interface, we recommend that Calma continue his cybernetics research. He has proven himself to be quite the engineer as well as medical researcher.
Classified, Starfleet Medical. Access restricted to personnel with Beta-One security clearance or higher in the following divisions: Command, Medical, Tactical. Disclosure must be cleared by CO and CMO.
After transferring from Pharaoh, he was placed under medical and psychiatric observation on Starbase 50, following the Captain's discovery of his previous behaviour. Following the discovery of the metaphasic rings surrounding the Ba'ku homeworld, Calma offered himself as a test subject for Starfleet Medicals' experiments using metaphasics and, despite failure with other subjects, Calma was fully healed. The alterations to his telomeres were fully reversed and his temprament returned to normal. He is under continued observation by Starfleet Medical and his renewed commission is evidence that he had progressed as far as possible in the environment he was in. Until it can be determined that Calma has, indeed, been completely rehabilitated by the metaphasic experiments, he must remain a brevet Lieutenant, Junior Grade. As well, we recommended strongly that he be kept away from critical systems.
Given his confiscated, though impressive, experiment involving duplicating the TR-116's interface, we recommend that Calma continue his cybernetics research. He has proven himself to be quite the engineer as well as medical researcher.
Classified, Starfleet Medical. Access restricted to personnel with Beta-One security clearance or higher in the following divisions: Command, Medical, Tactical. Disclosure must be cleared by CO and CMO.
Long, pointed ears; slender; above average hearing; deep, scratchy voice; several visible facial scars.
Starfleet Record
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