Abertura Station

SMs: Karriaunna Scotti, Mark Tucker, Mike Jones
- Beth Kelley-Wharton
- position: CTOrank: Cmdr.vessel: Arcadia Station
date action 10205.08 Assigned to CSO aboard USS Claymore as Ens. 10205.15 Transferred to CNS 10205.16 Transferred to CNS aboard USS Gryphon 10208.17 Removed to Inactive 10210.17 Assigned to TO aboard Arcadia Station as Ens. 10210.18 Transferred to CTO 10211.07 Transferred to TO 10211.07 Transferred to CIV 10301.25 Transferred to CTO 10302.18 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for your excellence in service and performance of your duties 10304.08 Received Distinguished Service Medal for outstanding performance of duties 10306.03 Received Purple Heart for injuries sustained during the conflict with T'laran terrorists 10308.12 Promoted to Lieutenant for excellence of duty 10308.12 Removed to Inactive 10311.21 Assigned to CBO aboard Abertura Station as Lt. 10401.13 Participated as XO of PRISM Xi 10405.22 Removed to Inactive 10406.16 Assigned to CTO aboard USS Sharikahr as Lt. 10407.27 Transferred to CIV 10410.29 Received Starfleet Decoration for Valor for actions of bravery and courage that far exceeded what your duty demands, in the recent Pi Stanlius system 10410.29 Received Purple Heart for injuries sustained, in the recent Pi Stanlius system 10412.08 Transferred to CTO 10501.29 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Triton 10506.17 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for service and devotion to the Triton 10506.25 Received Starfleet Command Commendation for Conspicuous Gallantry for your heroic act in saving a fellow officer from certain harm 10511.11 Promoted to Commander for service and devotion to the Triton 10605.26 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties under extreme conditions 10609.01 Removed to Inactive 10610.28 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Triton as Cmdr. 10701.1 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Delphyne 10702.28 Removed to Inactive 10708.22 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Apache as Cmdr. 10801.19 Received Medal of Valor for outstanding performance during the rescue mission of the Admirals 10804.19 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties 10810.11 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for for preformance above and beyond the call of duty 10912.2 Removed to Inactive 11702.07 Assigned to CTO aboard Arcadia Station as Cmdr. 11903.24 Removed to Inactive
- Beth Kelley-Wharton
- position: CTOrank: Ens.vessel: USS Dublin
date action 10308.09 Assigned to CSO aboard Abertura Station as Ens. 10308.09 Transferred to CBO 10311.21 Removed to Inactive 10603.14 Assigned to CSO aboard USS Dublin as Ens. 10606.12 Transferred to CTO 10608.07 Removed to Inactive
- Blake Harris
- position: CEOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Sharikahr
date action 10204.16 Assigned to CMO aboard Abertura Station as Ens. 10206.21 Removed to Inactive 10208.29 Assigned to CTO aboard IKS QIb as Ens. 10209.28 Removed to Inactive 10301.28 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Apache as Ens. 10302.17 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for exceptional performance of duty 10303.06 Transferred to TO 10304.26 Received reprimand for reckless behavior and endangering the Captain 10304.29 Transferred to TO aboard USS Tal-War 10308.28 Assigned to CTO aboard USS Claymore as Ens. 10309.18 Transferred to FCO aboard USS Don Johnson 10401.23 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for professionalism in the execution of your duties 10401.31 Transferred to CEO aboard USS Sharikahr 10402.21 Removed to Inactive 10403.07 Assigned to CTO aboard USS Seleya as LtJG. 10405.3 Received Silver Palm for exemplerary conduct under strenuous circumstances 10406.14 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Quirinus 10407.26 Removed to Inactive 10502.21 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Scimitar as LtJG. 10511.15 Removed to Inactive 10605.03 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Sharikahr as LtJG. 10607.14 Transferred to EO 10607.14 Received Distinguished Service Medal for serving above and beyond the call of duty during extremely difficult circumstances 10608.04 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for honorable performance in duties during a difficult Away Team mission 10701.19 Removed to Inactive 10801.18 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Sharikahr as LtJG. 10803.28 Removed to Inactive
- Brian Fredrickson
- position: CEOrank: Lt.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 10210.17 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Paula Greene as Ens. 10301.01 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for your enduring long and dedicated service to the crew of the Paula Greene 10310.04 Promoted to Lieutenant for your continued dedication and service 10401.06 Removed to Inactive 10407.2 Assigned to CEO aboard Abertura Station as Lt. 10410.31 Received Meritorious Service Medal for your continued dedication and hard work in starfleet, 10502.18 Removed to Inactive
- Cathy Campos
- position: CNSrank: Ens.vessel: USS Paula Greene
date action 10208.08 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Elara as Ens. 10209.3 Removed to Inactive 10302.25 Assigned to SO aboard Abertura Station as Ens. 10308.1 Transferred to CNS aboard USS Paula Greene 10310.04 Removed to Inactive
- Christopher Dickinson
- position: CSECrank: Cmdr.vessel: Arcadia Station
date action 10207.26 Assigned to OPS aboard Arcadia Station as Ens. 10207.26 Transferred to CIV 10211.07 Transferred to CTO 10212.24 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for continuing excellence in the performance of your duties 10301.23 Removed to Inactive 10301.23 Assigned to SEC aboard Abertura Station as LtJG. 10301.3 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for performance of duties 10302.01 Transferred to CSEC 10309.11 Promoted to Lieutenant for loyalty and services rendered 10404.04 Provisionally assigned to Prism Omicron as AS 10410.2 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for your dedication and service to the Abertura 10502.18 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Quirinus 10505.1 Transferred to CTO 10505.26 Received Distinguished Service Medal for Dedicated loyal work for the benefit of the Federation. 10512.13 Promoted to Commander for Outstanding Service to the U.S.S. Quirinus 10606.27 Received Distinguished Service Medal for Outstanding Service to Starfleet Command 10611.29 Provisionally reassigned to Prism Tau as AS 10701.24 Received Sanctum Star Campaign Medal on behalf of the Amenti Government for serving in the Federation-Synod Conflict of 2383 10707.17 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties aboard the U.S.S. Quirinus 10707.17 Received Star Cross for outstanding defense of the U.S.S. Quirinus during the Xherivhan assignment 11001.04 Transferred to CSEC aboard Arcadia Station 11304.3 Received Meritorious Service Medal for your strategic planning in dealing with the pirates that have caused us problems of late and your input on dealing with the shield mines 11306.03 Removed to Inactive
- Cory Friess
- position: CNSrank: LtJG.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 10205.27 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Triton as Ens. 10208.05 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for meritous work 10208.06 Transferred to CMO 10208.09 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for exceptional work 10208.15 Transferred to CNS 10301.12 Removed to Inactive 10301.19 Assigned to CMO aboard Abertura Station as LtJG. 10301.3 Transferred to CNS 10302.07 Received Meritorious Service Medal for actions in preventing an incursion into Federation space 10303.03 Removed to Inactive
- Darlene Wise
- position: OPSrank: LtCmdr.vessel: Deep Space 102
date action 10009.26 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Gryphon as Ens. 10101.06 Promoted to LtJG. 10103.04 Transferred to TO aboard USS Titan 10108.25 Promoted to Lt. 10112.13 Transferred to CTO 10202.25 Received the Starfleet Distinguished Service Medal for actions while the crew of the USS Titan was being held captive by unknown aliens 10202.25 Promoted to LtCmdr. 10208.27 Removed to Inactive 10211.08 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Don Johnson as LtCmdr. 10211.15 Transferred to CTO 10302.14 Removed to Inactive 10302.14 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Europa as LtCmdr. 10305.01 Removed to Inactive 10306.21 Assigned to CBO aboard Abertura Station as LtCmdr. 10307.27 Removed to Inactive 10608.14 Assigned to FCO aboard Deep Space 102 as LtCmdr. 10610.07 Transferred to OPS 10708.18 Removed to Inactive
- Darlene Wise
- position: SECrank: Ens.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 10302.17 Assigned to SEC aboard Abertura Station as Ens. 10304.11 Killed
- Erin Cody
- position: XOrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Arondight
date action 10011.21 Assigned to MO aboard USS Hayden as Ens. 10104.23 Promoted to LtJG. 10104.23 Transferred to CNS 10105.03 Promoted to Lt. 10107.29 Transferred to CTO 10108.18 Received Starfleet Command Decoration for Valor for conspicous valor 10202.05 Promoted to LtCmdr. 10204.23 Transferred to XO aboard Abertura Station 10206.29 Transferred to CTO aboard USS Hayden 10211.22 Removed to Inactive 10507.05 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Arondight as LtCmdr. 10508.16 Participated in Prism Rho as XO 10512.04 Promoted to Commander for demonstrated leadership and general excellence in your duties 10512.04 Transferred to XO 10610.08 Removed to Inactive
- Gilles Léger
- position: COrank: Capt.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 10012.15 Assigned to TO aboard USS Europa as Ens. 10106.17 Promoted to LtJG. 10107.2 Removed 10108.28 Assigned to SO aboard USS Pendragon 10110.21 Transferred to CEO 10112.13 Promoted to Lt. 10207.07 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding service in getting the crew out of many a situation 10209.01 Removed to Inactive 10302.17 Assigned to CEO aboard Abertura Station as LtCmdr. 10307.21 Transferred to CO 10307.21 Promoted to Commander for duties to the service 10401.2 Promoted to Captain for your dedication and loyalty 10410.31 Received Distinguished Service Medal for your many years of dedication and forbearance 10502.01 Removed to Inactive
- Joel Poppleton
- position: NPCrank: Ens.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 10310.24 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Delphyne as Cdt. 10403.16 Removed to Inactive 10403.22 Assigned to CSO aboard Abertura Station as Ens. 10407.01 Removed to Inactive
- Julie Léger
- position: CMOrank: LtJG.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 10306.26 Assigned to CMO aboard Abertura Station as Ens. 10401.22 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for satisfactory conduct 10405.28 Removed to Inactive
- Julie Léger
- position: FCOrank: Lt.vessel: USS Ganymede
date action 10408.03 Assigned to CBO aboard Abertura Station as LtJG. 10502.01 Removed to Inactive 10607.07 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Ganymede as Lt. 10703.25 Removed to Inactive
- Karen Morris
- position: MOrank: Ens.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 10211.2 Assigned to CMO aboard USS Tal-War as Ens. 10301.06 Removed to Inactive 10302.17 Assigned to MO aboard Abertura Station as Ens. 10303.01 Removed to Inactive
- Karen Morris
- position: CMOrank: Lt.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 10303.01 Assigned to MO aboard Abertura Station as Ens. 10303.13 Transferred to CMO 10303.28 Promoted to Lieutenant for . 10306.22 Removed to Inactive
- Karriaunna Scotti
- position: CNSrank: Cmdr.vessel: Arcadia Station
date action 10107.2 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Europa as Cmdr. 10203.05 Received Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Performance of duties 10302.17 Transferred to XO aboard Abertura Station 10502.18 Transferred to CNS aboard USS Quirinus 10505.26 Received Distinguished Service Medal for Dedicated loyal work for the benefit of the Federation. 10512.13 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Service to Starfleet Command 10701.24 Received Sanctum Star Campaign Medal on behalf of the Amenti Government for serving in the Federation-Synod Conflict of 2383 10707.17 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for outstanding service during the Xherivhan assignment 10707.17 Received UFP Medal of Honor for your oustanding service to the U.S.S. Quirinus and Starfleet Command 11001.03 Transferred to CNS aboard Arcadia Station 11306.03 Removed to Inactive
- Kevin
- position: CBOrank: Lt.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 10003.3 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Titan as Ens. 10007.09 Received Starfleet Command Meritorious Service Medal for actions in the galactic core which interrupted a chain of exploding stars 10010.1 Participated in Prism Eta as CIO 10010.15 Promoted to LtJG. 10101.03 Received Purple Heart for injuries received in a combat situation 10101.03 Received Starfleet Command Decoration for Valor with Combat Cluster for actions above and beyond the call of duty on or about stardate 10012.03 10108.03 Promoted to Lt. 10201.15 Transferred to CBO aboard Abertura Station 10204.27 Received Letter of Commendation 10212.24 Removed to Inactive
- Kurt Goring
- position: CSECrank: LtJG.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 10201.15 Assigned to CSEC aboard Abertura Station as Ens. 10205.16 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for Promotion 10208.01 Removed to Inactive
- Kytra Seliquini
- position: MOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Tal-War
date action 10202.12 Assigned to CIV aboard Abertura Station as LtJG. 10301.18 Transferred to MO aboard USS Tal-War 10301.18 Transferred to CMO 10301.18 Transferred to MO 10306.15 Removed to Inactive
- Loren Desjardins
- position: CEOrank: LtCmdr.vessel: USS Don Johnson
date action 10502.02 Assigned to SO aboard USS Don Johnson as Ens. 10502.03 Transferred to CSO aboard Abertura Station 10502.18 Removed to Inactive 10711.11 Assigned to EO aboard USS Don Johnson as Ens. 10802.19 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for distinguished service 10802.29 Transferred to CEO 10811.08 Promoted to Lieutenant for dedication to duty and excellence of performance 11003.23 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for excellence in the performance of duties and superb leadership skills 11010.11 Received Starfleet Decoration for Valor for actions to defend engineering against pirates 11010.11 Killed
- Mike Jones
- position: CVOrank: Ens.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 10203.31 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Claymore as Ens. 10208.05 Removed to Inactive 10209.08 Assigned to CIV aboard Xayvian Station (NC-17) as Ens. 10209.27 Transferred to FCO 10210.05 Removed to Inactive 10401.08 Assigned to CVO aboard Abertura Station as Ens. 10410.15 Removed to Inactive
- Mike Stannard
- position: CEOrank: Lt.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 10201.14 Assigned to CEO aboard Abertura Station as Lt. 10204.27 Received Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Performance of Duties under Extreme Conditions 10210.21 Removed to Inactive
- Phil Yarbrough
- position: SOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Cherokee
date action 10209.02 Assigned to EO aboard Abertura Station as Ens. 10211.17 Transferred to EO aboard USS Gryphon 10212.3 Received Purple Heart for injuries incurred from the Meglean 10301.06 Received Star Cross for your exemplary act of courage far exceeding your training during a counter attack against the Meglean assault on stardate 10212.15, awarded 10304.07 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for exemplary service 10306.16 Transferred to CEO 10401.04 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for extended research and work on retrofitting the shuttle Gryphon for under water operations 10403.07 Removed to Inactive 10505.02 Assigned to TO aboard USS Triton as LtJG. 10511.11 Promoted to Lieutenant for devotion to duty and loyalty 10603.2 Participated in PRISM: Sigma as XO. 10605.07 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties 10605.07 Removed to Inactive 11101.24 Assigned to SO aboard USS Cherokee as LtJG. 11104.06 Removed to Inactive
- Robert P.
- position: COrank: Capt.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 9810.1 Assigned to TO aboard USS Quirinus as Ens. 9903.15 Promoted to LtJG. 9904.27 Transferred to OPS 9907.19 Received reprimand for disobeying a direct order 10010.02 Assigned to XO aboard USS Quirinus as Cmdr. 10010.1 Participated in Prism Eta as CO 10201.13 Promoted to Capt. 10201.13 Transferred to CO aboard Abertura Station 10307.21 Removed to Inactive
- Ryan King
- position: TOrank: Ens.vessel: USS Quirinus
date action 10209.13 Assigned to CSEC aboard Abertura Station as Ens. 10211.14 Removed to Inactive 10304.15 Assigned to TO aboard USS Quirinus as Ens. 10305.18 Removed to Inactive
- Scott Fisher
- position: CVOrank: Ens.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 10201.14 Assigned to CVO aboard Abertura Station as Ens. 10212.24 Removed to Inactive
- Steve Seliquini
- position: CMOrank: LtCmdr.vessel: USS Tal-War
date action 102022.16 Assigned to CSO aboard Abertura Station as Lt. 10207.04 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for excelling in your duties 10301.18 Transferred to CSO aboard USS Tal-War 10301.18 Transferred to CMO 10306.15 Removed to Inactive
- Tom Gardner
- position: XOrank: Cmdr.vessel: Abertura Station
date action 10207.15 Transferred to XO aboard Abertura Station 10301.29 Removed to Inactive
- William Davis
- position: COrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Claymore
date action 9807.18 Assigned to EO aboard USS Seleya as Ens. 9810.05 Transferred to CEO 9901.13 Awarded Letter of Commendation for performance aboave and beyond the call of duty 9901.13 Promoted to LtJG. 9902.28 Removed 9906.08 Assigned as CTO aboard USS Seleya as LtJG. 9906.23 Transferred to TO aboard USS Scimitar 9907.3 Removed 9910.3 Assigned as CEO aboard USS Vesuvius as LtJG. 10007.02 Removed 10101.29 Assigned as EO aboard USS Scimitar as LtJG. 10106.14 Removed 10111.04 Assigned as EO aboard USS Vesuvius as LtJG. 10201.24 Transferred to CEO 10301.02 Assigned to EO aboard USS Pharaoh as LtJG. 10301.04 Transferred to CBO aboard Abertura Station 10304.24 Transferred to CEO aboard USS Vesuvius 10308.08 Removed to Inactive 10309.04 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Vesuvius as LtJG. 10310.28 Removed to Inactive 10402.05 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Pharaoh as LtJG. 10405.04 Removed to Inactive 10501.12 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Pharaoh as LtJG. 10504.07 Removed to Inactive 10506.14 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Apache as LtJG. 10605.27 Promoted to Lieutenant for outstanding dedication to duty 10606.24 Transferred to OPS 10610.07 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties 10610.07 Transferred to FCO aboard USS Claymore 10610.08 Transferred to EO 10701.27 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding service to vessel and crew 10701.29 Received Purple Heart for wounds received during the Sanctum War 10703.07 Received Sanctum Star Campaign Medal on behalf of the Amenti Government for serving in the Federation-Synod Conflict of 2383. 10703.28 Transferred to OPS 10809.03 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Performance of Duties Under Extreme Conditions during the search and recovery of the USS Nantahala and the Romulan vessel Rhenal. 10809.03 Promoted to Commander for dedication and service to the USS Claymore 10809.03 Transferred to XO 11003.1 Received Legion of Honor for restoring the Lothian Government under extreme combat conditions 11106.15 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for the rescue of the NX Visby’s Crew 11210.24 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for your dedication to the saftey and security of sector 097, Deep Space 3, Federation, and Starfleet 11210.24 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for the Claymore's dedication to service above and beyond the call of duty 11210.24 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Andromeda 11310.05 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11310.05 Received Medal of Valor for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11310.19 Removed to Inactive 11406.06 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Claymore as Cmdr. 12006.28 Removed to Inactive 12012.14 Assigned to XO aboard USS Claymore as Cmdr. 12106.2 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your defense of the Claymore during the Kethran attempt to board 12210.12 Transferred to CO
USS Afton

SMs: Derek Walter
- A.J. Foster
- position: FCOrank: LtCmdr.vessel: USS Carina
date action 11006.02 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Afton as Ens. 11009.17 Removed to Inactive 11101.08 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Afton as Ens. 11103.04 Transferred to SO 11104.19 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for performance of duties and time in grade 11105.18 Transferred to CSO 11201.12 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for excellent performance of duties 11205.07 Transferred to XO 11205.07 Promoted to Lieutenant for dedication to ship and crew under challenging conditions 11207.08 Removed to Inactive 11208.2 Assigned to CMO aboard USS Carina as Lt. 11303.18 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for dedication to duty under trying circumstances 11303.23 Transferred to FCO 11308.1 Removed to Inactive 11309.17 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Carina as Lt. 11402.01 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for exemplary performance of duty 11402.01 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for dedicated services to the Carina 11702.06 Removed to Inactive
- Alex Nguyen
- position: SOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10809.22 Assigned to SO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10812.21 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for dedication to your duties 10906.28 Removed to Inactive
- Andrew James
- position: CTOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Victoria
date action 10901.19 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10905.14 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding dedication to duty and the crew 10907.31 Removed to Inactive 10908.22 Assigned to TO aboard USS Victoria as LtJG. 10909.19 Transferred to CTO 10911.27 Removed to Inactive
- Angus Lehto
- position: MOrank: Ens.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10905.2 Assigned to MO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10906.14 Removed to Inactive
- Billy Harris
- position: CTOrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Victoria
date action 10901.23 Assigned to CTO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10908.17 Received Revelations Legion of Honor Campaign Medal on behalf of the Federation for serving in the campaign against the Toqar Empire, performing peaceful negotiations and military operations while protecting Federation interests 10908.23 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for dedication to duty, and leadership potential 11002.02 Promoted to Lieutenant for exceptional leadership 11009.27 Received Legion of Honor for a selfless act of bravery in defence of the ship 11104.19 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding dedication to duties and crew 11201.12 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for superior dedication to the ship and crew 11207.08 Removed to Inactive 11305.21 Assigned to CTO aboard USS Victoria as LtCmdr. 11305.21 Promoted to Commander for undying dedication to duties while posted at Starfleet Tactical. 11305.24 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for superior dedication to the instruction of Tactical Officer candidates 11407.3 Removed to Inactive
- Brandon Carter
- position: COrank: Capt.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10610.11 Assigned to CO aboard USS Afton as Capt. 10612.18 Removed to Inactive
- Brian Paveza
- position: XOrank: Cmdr.vessel: Denali Station
date action 10007.03 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Delphyne as LtJG. 10011.21 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Paula Greene 10109.06 Reinstated as FCO aboard USS Europa 10209.02 Transferred to OPS aboard USS Tal-War 10301.18 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for 10301.11 10304.05 Received reprimand for lack of log submissions 10712.31 Demoted to Ens. 10712.31 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Victoria as Ens. 10812.19 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for continued service and dedication to the Victoria 10902.11 Transferred to FCO aboard USS Afton 10908.01 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for dedicated service during an away mission 10908.19 Received Revelations Legion of Honor Campaign Medal on behalf of the Federation for serving in the campaign against the Toqar Empire, performing peaceful negotiations and military operations while protecting Federation interests 11002.19 Promoted to Lieutenant for outstanding aptitude and courage under duress 11009.27 Received Starfleet Decoration for Valor for excellence in the performance of duties and tasks under hostile action 11104.19 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding performance in difficult circumstances 11111.14 Removed to Inactive 11309.11 Assigned to OPS aboard Denali Station as LtCmdr. 11601.24 Transferred to XO 11601.24 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for meritorious service in temporary command of Starbase 390 during hostile alien incursion 11808.03 Promoted to Commander for your meritorious command and defense of the USS Katana (NCC- 80764) during the Borg incursion on Pacifica 11808.03 Received Distinguished Service Medal for your command and defense of the USS Katana (NCC- 80764) during the Borg incursion on Pacifica, thereby distinguishing yourself by exceptionally meritorious service to the United Federation of Planets in a duty of grave responsibility
- C.J. Short
- position: CEOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Carina
date action 10608.28 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Perseus as Ens. 10612.19 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for excellent dedication to the ship and crew during the mission regarding the Cardassians 10704.04 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for bravery and outstanding dedication to the Federation 10704.04 Received Silver Palm for Honorable Acts 10707.07 Transferred to EO aboard USS Afton 10709.1 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for excellent performance under fire 10710.26 Removed to Inactive 11207.12 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Carina as LtJG. 11303.23 Removed to Inactive
- C.J. Short
- position: CNSrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10710.26 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Afton as LtJG. 10712.31 Removed to Inactive
- Callum Booker
- position: EOrank: Ens.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10703.31 Assigned to EO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10706.24 Removed to Inactive
- Cathy Knights
- position: COrank: Capt.vessel: USS Victoria
date action 10410.3 Assigned to TO aboard USS Broadsword as Ens. 10501.17 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for your excellent performance of duty, even outside duty hours 10504.03 Transferred to CTO 10504.21 Promoted to Lieutenant for superb dedication to the ship and crew 10511.24 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for Service to both your crew and ship 10609.07 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for heroism beyond the call of duty while recovering the USS Crecy 10609.07 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for heroism in the face of adversity while aiding the USS Victoria 10609.07 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for conspicuous dedication to duty 10612.19 Promoted to Commander for meritorious service, conspicuous dedication to duty, and extreme bravery in combat. 10705.13 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for excellent service in all areas 10705.21 Transferred to XO aboard USS Perseus 10706.04 Received Star Cross for consistent heroic actions above and beyond the call of duty aboard the USS Broadsword. 10708.26 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Broadsword 10710.12 Transferred to XO aboard USS Afton 10802.24 Received Starfleet Command Commendation for Conspicuous Gallentry for courageous actions taken in defense of the ship, and a Federation planet 10807.2 Received Distinguished Service Medal for exemplary performance of duties under duress 10812.21 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for outstanding leadership and dedication 10908.01 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for exemplary leadership and diplomatic skill 10908.17 Received Revelations Legion of Honor Campaign Medal on behalf of the Federation for serving in the campaign against the Toqar Empire, performing peaceful negotiations and military operations while protecting Federation interests 10908.21 Transferred to CO aboard USS Victoria 10908.23 Promoted to Captain for exceptional dedication to Starfleet 11006.16 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for exposing corrupt members of Starfleet 11203.19 Received Distinguished Service Medal for courage under fire 11212.29 Removed to Inactive
- Cathy Knights
- position: CIVrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10702.19 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10705.12 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for dedication to the ship against overwhelming odds 10709.1 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for excellent performance under fire 10709.1 Received Starfleet Decoration for Valor for personal valour under fire in the interest of ship security 10710.12 Removed to Inactive
- Chris Van Drimmelen
- position: EOrank: Ens.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10607.31 Assigned to EO aboard USS Hercules as Ens. 10610.12 Transferred to EO aboard USS Afton 10611.08 Removed to Inactive
- Christopher Smith
- position: CIVrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10607.04 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Hercules as Ens. 10608.15 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding service 10610.12 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Afton 10702.18 Removed to Inactive
- Connor Dempsey
- position: CEOrank: Ens.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10903.08 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10907.31 Removed to Inactive
- Daan Smit
- position: CIVrank: Cmdr.vessel: Valdivian Station
date action 10704.27 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10708.06 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for diligence in the execution of your duties 10709.1 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for excellent performance under fire 10712.13 Promoted to Lieutenant for perseverance in the performance of your duties 10807.2 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for courage in the face of enemy fire 10811.1 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Broadsword 10902.22 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for dedication to duty 10908.15 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for performance of duties 10908.18 Received Revelations Legion of Honor Campaign Medal on behalf of the Federation for serving in the Campaign against the Toqarian Empire in performing peaceful negotiations and military implements on protecting Federation Interests 10911.22 Removed to Inactive 11001.12 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Victoria as Lt. 11006.16 Received Meritorious Service Medal for dedication to both crew and ship 11108.06 Transferred to XO aboard Morgan Le Fay Station 11207.23 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding performance of duties 11207.23 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for dedication to station and crew 11303.02 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for exempliary service to station and crew 11303.02 Promoted to Commander for outstanding service to Morgan Le Fay Station 11309.21 Transferred to XO aboard USS Carina 11401.07 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for protecting atlantis station 11401.07 Received Starfleet Decoration for Valor for defending the carina from hostile forces 11702.06 Removed to Inactive 11702.22 Assigned to CIV aboard Valdivian Station/USS Trinity as Cmdr. 11801.05 Received Meritorious Service Medal for outstanding service to the station and crew of Valdivian Station and the USS Trinity
- Daan Smit
- position: CNSrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10811.15 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10905.14 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for dedication to duty 10908.17 Received Revelations Legion of Honor Campaign Medal on behalf of the Federation for serving in the campaign against the Toqar Empire, performing peaceful negotiations and military operations while protecting Federation interests 10911.22 Removed to Inactive
- Daan Smit
- position: CSOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Carina
date action 11106.06 Assigned to SO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 11207.12 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for time in grade 11207.12 Transferred to CSO 11303.18 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for dedication to duty under trying circumstances 11309.21 Removed to Inactive
- Daniel Carney
- position: TOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10906.03 Assigned to TO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10908.17 Received Revelations Legion of Honor Campaign Medal on behalf of the Federation for serving in the campaign against the Toqar Empire, performing peaceful negotiations and military operations while protecting Federation interests 10911.22 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for excellent performance of duties 11002.02 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for dedicated service 11011.1 Removed to Inactive
- Daniel Sanchez
- position: CTOrank: Lt.vessel: USS Victoria
date action 10603.3 Assigned to TO aboard USS Hercules as Ens. 10608.15 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding service 10610.12 Transferred to TO aboard USS Afton 10702.18 Promoted to Lieutenant for dedication to the ship and your duties 10704.11 Removed to Inactive 10803.04 Assigned to TO aboard USS Afton as Lt. 10807.03 Removed to Inactive 10912.31 Assigned to CTO aboard USS Victoria as Lt. 11005.06 Removed to Inactive
- Dean Helton
- position: XOrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10411.08 Assigned to SO aboard USS Hercules as Ens. 10503.29 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding performance of your duties 10504.28 Transferred to OPS 10505.02 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your actions during the mission on Ynaria IV 10505.02 Received Purple Heart for the injuries you sustained during the mission on Ynaria IV 10511.06 Promoted to Lieutenant for excellent service 10602.11 Received Distinguished Service Medal for your actions during a classified mission 10602.11 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your actions during a classified mission 10602.18 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding service 10602.22 Transferred to XO 10610.12 Transferred to XO aboard USS Afton 10702.18 Promoted to Commander for dedication to the crew, and excellence in administrative duties 10709.05 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for dedication to the crew and the ship 10709.05 Removed to Inactive
- Derek Walter
- position: COrank: Capt.vessel: USS Carina
date action 10503.13 Assigned to MO aboard USS Perseus as Ens. 10503.23 Transferred to CMO 10507.08 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for Exemplary Service during the mission on Tirgarridian Prime 10507.08 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for Outstanding Performance of Duties Under Extreme Conditions 10507.08 Received Axanar Humanitarian Medal for your service to the Tirgarridians 10511.21 Promoted to Lieutenant for continued dedication to the USS Perseus 10601.07 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Dakota 10611.15 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding service 10702.15 Transferred to CO aboard USS Afton 10702.16 Promoted to Captain for Exemplary service to the 7th fleet 10709.1 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for excellent performance under fire 10710.03 Received Meritorious Service Medal for clear and direct leadership in hostile conditions 10802.24 Received Purple Heart for injuries sustained on an away mission 10802.24 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for honourable humanitarian actions 10807.2 Received Star Cross for dedication and leadership at risk of life and limb during a major crisis 10812.28 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for exemplary service 10908.17 Received Revelations Legion of Honor Campaign Medal on behalf of the Federation for serving in the campaign against the Toqar Empire, performing peaceful negotiations and military operations while protecting Federation interests 11002.01 Received Distinguished Service Medal for years of dedicated service to Starfleet, and exemplary command under all conditions 11009.27 Received Purple Heart for critical injury in the line of duty 11104.19 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for sound action and judgement in the face of a superior hostile entity 11106.05 Transferred to CO aboard USS Carina 11202.09 Received UFP Council Peace Medal for negotiating the end of hostilities between the UFP and the alien race known as The Benefactors 11309.15 Removed to Inactive
- James McCauley
- position: XOrank: LtCmdr.vessel: USS Broadsword
date action 10508.25 Assigned to EO aboard USS Perseus as Ens. 10511.21 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding performance of duties under extreme conditions and outstanding performance and service 10604.23 Promoted to Lieutenant for Victory Against Overwhelming Odds 10604.23 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Performance of Duties Under Extreme Conditions 10604.23 Received Silver Palm for Victory Against Overwhelming Odds while on an away mission 10610.15 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for continued service and dedication to the crew of the USS Perseus 10611.05 Transferred to CEO 10704.03 Promoted to Commander for extraordinary dedication to the ship and crew 10704.04 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for bravery and outstanding dedication to the Federation 10704.04 Received Purple Heart for Outstanding Performance of Duties Under Extreme Conditions 10704.04 Received Starfleet Command Commendation for Conspicuous Gallentry for Outstanding Performance of Duties Bravery 10706.1 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Broadsword 10708.16 Removed to Inactive 10712.15 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Afton as Cmdr. 10802.24 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties 10803.09 Removed to Inactive 10806.17 Assigned to XO aboard USS Broadsword as LtCmdr. 10810.26 Removed to Inactive
- James McCauley
- position: CSOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10607.12 Assigned to CSO aboard USS Hercules as Ens. 10608.15 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding service 10610.12 Transferred to CSO aboard USS Afton 10702.15 Removed to Inactive
- James McCauley
- position: CEOrank: Ens.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10706.1 Assigned to EO aboard USS Perseus as Cadet 10708.19 Removed to Inactive 10711.13 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10711.19 Removed to Inactive
- John Brewster
- position: CEOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10602.22 Assigned to EO aboard USS Hercules as Ens. 10605.3 Transferred to CEO 10606.14 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding service 10610.12 Transferred to CEO aboard USS Afton 10703.29 Removed to Inactive
- Jordan Menzies
- position: CEOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Afton
date action 11007.19 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 11012.15 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for Dedication to duty and appropriate action for your position 11104.19 Removed to Inactive
- Jordan Menzies
- position: OPSrank: Ens.vessel: USS Carina
date action 11106.04 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Afton as Ens. 11111.14 Removed to Inactive
- Keith Bergstrom
- position: CEOrank: Lt.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10701.28 Assigned to EO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10703.29 Transferred to CEO 10705.12 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding leadership abilities 10709.1 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for excellent performance under fire 10709.1 Received UFP Council Peace Medal for strengthening relations between the UFP and Romulan Star Empire 10709.1 Promoted to Lieutenant for serving both your ship and the UFP 10711.12 Removed to Inactive
- Kurt Iversen
- position: CMOrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10601.06 Assigned to MO aboard USS Hercules as Ens. 10602.11 Received Distinguished Service Medal for your actions during a classified mission 10602.11 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your actions during a classified mission 10602.18 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding service 10610.12 Transferred to MO aboard USS Afton 10612.03 Promoted to Lieutenant for outstanding service 10702.19 Transferred to CMO 10709.1 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for excellent performance under fire 10709.1 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding application of leadership in your department 10802.24 Received Starfleet Surgeons Medal for revival of personnel exposed to vacuum as well as clear and direct medical aid 10807.2 Promoted to Commander for the continuing excellent standard of medical care, and administrative leadership 10812.21 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for leadership and exemplary service 10907.31 Removed to Inactive 10911.12 Assigned to CMO aboard USS Afton as Cmdr. 11009.27 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for above average performance of duties 11101.03 Removed to Inactive
- Margaret Greenup
- position: OPSrank: Lt.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10506.14 Assigned to EO aboard USS Hercules as Ens. 10602.11 Received Distinguished Service Medal for your actions during a classified mission 10602.11 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your actions during a classified mission 10602.18 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding service 10602.22 Transferred to OPS 10610.12 Transferred to OPS aboard USS Afton 10702.18 Promoted to Lieutenant for dedication to your duties 10709.08 Removed to Inactive
- Mark Boomer
- position: CSOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10609.07 Assigned to SO aboard USS Hercules as Ens. 10610.12 Transferred to SO aboard USS Afton 10612.03 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding service 10702.17 Transferred to CSO 10706.04 Removed to Inactive
- Mcfly
- position: CEOrank: Ens.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10807.21 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10812.03 Removed to Inactive
- Nate Rice
- position: CNSrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10608.29 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Hercules as Ens. 10610.12 Transferred to CNS aboard USS Afton 10612.03 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding service 10702.23 Removed to Inactive
- Orion Wilson
- position: SOrank: Ens.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10907.31 Assigned to CMO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10908.17 Received Revelations Legion of Honor Campaign Medal on behalf of the Federation for serving in the campaign against the Toqar Empire, performing peaceful negotiations and military operations while protecting Federation interests 10911.12 Transferred to SO 11002.17 Removed to Inactive
- Patrick Bridson
- position: XOrank: LtCmdr.vessel: USS Victoria
date action 10703.2 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10705.12 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for dedication to the crew and others above your personal safety 10706.21 Transferred to TO 10709.1 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for excellent performance under fire 10709.1 Promoted to Lieutenant for outstanding service 10710.19 Transferred to CTO 10802.24 Received Starfleet Decoration for Valor for actions taken in the defense and rescue of Starfleet officers 10807.2 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for routine excellence in the performance of duties 10811.08 Removed to Inactive 10908.22 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Victoria as LtJG. 10912.1 Promoted to Lieutenant for dedication to both ship and crew 11006.16 Received Meritorious Service Medal for dedication to ship and crew 11010.3 Transferred to XO 11012.28 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for courage under fire and assistance in the liberation of the USS Victoria from enemy forces 11108.05 Removed to Inactive
- Patrick Bridson
- position: CEOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Carina
date action 11007.27 Assigned to EO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 11012.15 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for dedicated effort and time in grade 11104.19 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for performance of duties under difficult circumstances 11104.19 Transferred to CEO 11108.07 Removed to Inactive
- Peter Faulkner
- position: MOrank: Lt.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10709.25 Assigned to MO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10712.22 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for dedication and steadfastness in the line of duty 10802.24 Received Axanar Humanitarian Medal for decisive humanitarian aid to the people of Beth Delta I 10807.2 Promoted to Lieutenant for courage and perseverance of duties under threat of violence 10812.03 Removed to Inactive
- Rob van den Dungen
- position: OPSrank: Lt.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10302.08 Assigned to SO aboard USS Broadsword as Ens. 10306.24 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding performance of duty 10403.01 Promoted to Lieutenant for outstanding performance of duty 10411.19 Transferred to CSO aboard USS Victoria 10507.11 Received Starfleet Decoration for Valor for actions regarding the situation on Jenus IV 10509.14 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for services rendered as Chief Science Officer 10601.07 Transferred to OPS 10602.23 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your continuous efforts 10608.05 Removed to Inactive 10803.11 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Afton as Lt. 10807.21 Removed to Inactive
- Scott Knight
- position: OPSrank: Ens.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10906.1 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10908.17 Received Revelations Legion of Honor Campaign Medal on behalf of the Federation for serving in the campaign against the Toqar Empire, performing peaceful negotiations and military operations while protecting Federation interests 11001.23 Removed to Inactive
- Scott Walters
- position: CTOrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10404.07 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Shrike as Ens. 10412.14 Removed to Inactive 10412.2 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Hercules as Ens. 10412.27 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding service 10505.02 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for your actions during the mission on Ynaria IV 10505.17 Promoted to Lieutenant for outstanding service 10506.27 Transferred to CTO 10602.11 Received Distinguished Service Medal for your actions during a classified mission 10602.11 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your actions during a classified mission 10602.18 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding service 10610.12 Transferred to CTO aboard USS Afton 10705.12 Promoted to Commander for the highest degree of dedication to the USS Afton and to Starfleet 10709.1 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for excellent performance under fire 10709.1 Received Starfleet Command Commendation for Conspicuous Gallentry for exposing yourself to known danger in defense of your ship and civilians 10710.19 Removed to Inactive
- Stefan Löffler
- position: COrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Broadsword
date action 10703.22 Assigned to SO aboard USS Afton as Ens. 10705.12 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for above average performance of your duties 10706.04 Transferred to CSO 10709.1 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for excellent performance under fire 10709.1 Received Vulcan Scientific Legion of Honor Medal for the discovery and research of an ancient space station 10709.1 Promoted to Lieutenant for outstanding attention to your duties 10802.24 Received Silver Palm for clear leadership under adversity 10807.2 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for clear and decisive leadership under threat of hostilities 10812.21 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for dedication to your duties 10908.01 Promoted to Commander for an exemplary record of service 10908.17 Received Revelations Legion of Honor Campaign Medal on behalf of the Federation for serving in the campaign against the Toqar Empire, performing peaceful negotiations and military operations while protecting Federation interests 11001.28 Transferred to XO 11002.02 Received Meritorious Service Medal for dedication to ship and crew, and exemplary demonstration of leadership 11009.27 Received Distinguished Service Medal for the exceptional command of the ship in order to save it from alien forces 11106.11 Transferred to CO aboard USS Broadsword 11304.07 Removed to Inactive
- Terry Gruber
- position: FCOrank: Lt.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10403.27 Assigned to EO aboard USS Hercules as Ens. 10407.23 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding service 10407.23 Transferred to FCO 10410.27 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Performance of Duties Under Extreme Conditions 10412.05 Removed to Inactive 10504.12 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Hercules as LtJG. 10505.02 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your actions during the mission on Ynaria IV 10602.11 Received Distinguished Service Medal for your actions during a classified mission 10602.11 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your actions during a classified mission 10602.18 Promoted to Lieutenant for outstanding service 10610.12 Transferred to FCO aboard USS Afton 10703.29 Removed to Inactive
- Wheller
- position: MOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10707.12 Assigned to MO aboard Morgan Le Fay Station as Ens. 10710.04 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for perseverance in duties 10710.04 Transferred to CMO 10803.09 Removed to Inactive 10812.14 Assigned to MO aboard USS Afton as LtJG. 10901.07 Removed to Inactive
- William Beeler
- position: CMOrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Afton
date action 10402.13 Assigned to CMO aboard USS Hercules as Ens. 10406.28 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding service 10410.27 Promoted to Lieutenant for excellent service 10410.27 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Performance of Duties Under Extreme Conditions 10505.02 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your actions during the mission on Ynaria IV 10506.06 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding service 10602.11 Received Distinguished Service Medal for your actions during a classified mission 10602.11 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your actions during a classified mission 10602.2 Promoted to Commander for outstanding service 10610.12 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Afton 10702.19 Removed to Inactive
USS Andromeda

SMs: John McDermott, Lea
- Amy Bennett
- position: COrank: Capt.vessel: Arcadia Station
date action 10003.12 Assigned to EO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10004.16 Received Starfleet Silver Lifesaving Medal 10005.08 Transferred to CEO 10006.18 Promoted to LtJG. 10010.29 Promoted to Lt. 10112.09 Promoted to LtCmdr. 10210.06 Awarded a Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for Commitment to Starfleet and the Andromeda 10210.06 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for Commitment to Starfleet and the Andromeda 10211.13 Transferred to XO 10301.08 Promoted to Commander for Dedication and Faithful Service to the Andromeda and Starfleet 10309.04 Removed to Inactive 10407.19 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Vesuvius as Cmdr. 10411.1 Transferred to OPS 10412.15 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for your assitance to Doctor Bannister in trying to find a cure which plagued the V'Rax 10501.19 Transferred to XO aboard Arcadia Station 10510.03 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties 10510.19 Transferred to CO 10512.06 Promoted to Captain for Your studious service to Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets 10611.14 Received Purple Heart for Being killed while in the line of duty 10611.14 Received Medal of Valor for your continuous service to Starfleet, the Federation, and it's citizens over your long and industrious carrear 10611.14 Killed
- Andrew Dalrymple
- position: CEOrank: Lt.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 11012.07 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 11211.11 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens 11211.11 Received Meritorious Service Medal for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens 11211.11 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for dedication to duty 11310.05 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11310.05 Received Medal of Valor for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11502.15 Promoted to Lieutenant for continued service aboard the USS Andromeda, dedication and demonstration of service that exemplifies a Starfleet Officer 11502.15 Received Legion of Honor for actions aboard the USS Cataria and the role played in returning control of this sector of space to lawful authority 11502.15 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for actions taken in the interest - and the necessity - of the greater good of Starfleet and the Federation against rogue segments of Section 31 12002.26 Removed to Inactive
- Andrew James
- position: CEOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Seleya
date action 10811.06 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Seleya as Ens. 10906.14 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for becoming a valualbe member of the crew 10909.23 Removed to Inactive 11003.09 Assigned to EO aboard USS Cherokee as LtJG. 11005.02 Removed to Inactive 11005.31 Assigned to CSO aboard USS Andromeda as LtJG. 11008.21 Removed to Inactive 11206.12 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Seleya as LtJG. 11207.15 Transferred to CEO 11209.17 Removed to Inactive
- Andrew James
- position: CSOrank: Ens.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10901.19 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Phobos as Ens. 10905.27 Removed to Inactive 10906.1 Assigned to CSO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10909.06 Removed to Inactive
- Andrew James
- position: OPSrank: Cdt.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 11303.01 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Andromeda as Cdt. 11310.05 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11310.05 Received Medal of Valor for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11311.28 Removed to Inactive
- Anna Marie Novick
- position: CIVrank: LtCmdr.vessel: Avalon Station
date action 9906.16 Assigned to CMO aboard USS Ganymede as Ens. 9907.22 Received commendation for outstanding leadership and courage 9908.28 Transferred to CMO aboard Avalon Station 9910.04 Transferred to MO aboard USS Pendragon 9910.24 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Vesuvius 10002.29 Promoted to LtJG. 10006.23 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Andromeda 10010.22 Promoted to Lt. 10103.18 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Luna 10110.15 Promoted to LtCmdr. 10201.06 Received the Purple Heart for your actions and injuries sustained during the take over of the USS Luna by a Storm faction on 10112.09 10206.06 Participated in Prism Mu as XO 10208.3 Transferred to FCO aboard IKS QIb 10209.28 Transferred to CTO 10302.01 Promoted to Commander for services to the QIb 10402.1 Demoted to Lieutenant Commander for ongoing player disciplinary problems 10406.11 Transferred to CIV aboard Avalon Station 10502.01 Removed to Inactive
- Annelise Brincker
- position: COrank: Capt.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 9910.24 Assigned to SO aboard USS Scimitar as Ens. 10001.31 Received Starfleet Command Commendation for Gallantry 10001.31 Promoted to LtJG. 10004.06 Transferred to CSO 10006.19 Promoted to Lt. 10008.1 Promoted to LtCmdr. 10008.1 Transferred to XO 10009.14 Participated in Prism Zeta as CIO 10010.08 Transferred to CNS 10010.09 Transferred to FCO aboard USS Andromeda 10011.26 Transferred to XO 10101.14 Promoted to Capt. 10101.14 Transferred to CO 10206.04 Removed to Inactive
- Becky Slater
- position: CMOrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Seleya
date action 9908.03 Assigned to MO aboard USS Ganymede as Ens. 9909.14 Transferred to CMO 9911.02 Promoted up to LtJG. 9911.02 Awarded Starfleet Mertorious Service Medal 10002.01 Promoted up to Lt. 10004.07 Promoted up to LtCmdr. 10004.07 Transferred to XO 10006.06 Promoted up to Cmdr. 10010.18 Removed 10301.02 Assigned to CMO aboard USS Andromeda as Cmdr. 10302.17 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Seleya 10303.18 Removed to Inactive
- Brendan Ringenoldus
- position: CTOrank: LtCmdr.vessel: USS Arondight
date action 9911.02 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10001.19 Transferred to FCO aboard USS Nighthawk 10003.18 Awarded Letter of Commendation for actions in the Ceti Beta system 10004.16 Promoted to LtJG. 10006.03 Awarded Letter of Commendation for valor in defense of USS Nighthawk against enemy incursion 10011.04 Demoted to Ens. 10011.18 Awarded Distinguished Service Medal 10012.02 Promoted to LtJG. 10101.31 Participated in Prism Theta as LO 10105.27 Transferred to OPS aboard USS Andromeda 10109.06 Transferred to CEO aboard USS Nighthawk 10110.04 Transferred to FCO 10110.09 Awarded Letter of Commendation for actions in the rescue of Colonel MacFarlane and Captain Cerdan 10201.13 Received reprimand for failure to follow the lawful order of a superior officer 10203.05 Removed 10203.05 Assigned as FCO aboard USS Nighthawk as LtJG. 10203.17 Transferred to CEO aboard USS Scimitar 10204.03 Transferred to OPS 10207.22 Transferred to FCO 10302.1 Promoted to Lieutenant for outstanding performance of duties 10307.07 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for emeplary service to the U.S.S. Scimitar 10308.18 Received Star Cross for extraordinary heroism in the line of duty 10311.03 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for Exceptional Courage Displayed Against Bellicose Invaders 10403.29 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for Outstanding Performance of Duties 10412.13 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Tal-War 10412.13 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Performance Of Duties Under Extreme Circumstances 10505.07 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your service to the U.S.S. Tal-War 10508.13 Transferred to XO 10603.05 Received Purple Heart for injuries sustained in a combat situation 10608.19 Removed to Inactive 10710.27 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Arondight as LtCmdr. 10712.02 Received Medal of Valor for the rescue of Admiral Winters and Admiral Forrest 10805.18 Transferred to CTO 10807.13 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your hardwork and dedication 10903.24 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for excellent service 10912.12 Removed to Inactive
- Callum Booker
- position: TOrank: Ens.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10704.14 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10704.17 Transferred to TO 10707.08 Removed to Inactive
- Cam Farris
- position: CIVrank: LtCmdr.vessel: Avalon Station
date action 10003.12 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10004.16 Received Starfleet Silver Lifesaving Medal 10006.18 Promoted to LtJG. 10009.14 Participated in Prism Zeta as LO 10010.22 Promoted to Lt. 10105.23 Removed 10106.17 Reinstated as CTO aboard USS Scimitar as Lt. 10112.06 Promoted to LtCmdr. 10204.09 Transferred to CIV aboard Avalon Station 10204.12 Received reprimand for insubordination and dereliction of duty 10208.12 Removed to Inactive
- Casey Hare
- position: CMOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 9807.1 Assigned to MO aboard USS Ganymede as Ens. 9807.18 Transferred to CNS aboard USS Geneva 9810.04 Promoted to LtJG. 9810.04 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Scorpius 9909.04 Transferred to MO 9910.06 Removed 10304.13 Assigned to CMO aboard USS Andromeda as LtJG. 10404.19 Removed to Inactive
- Charles Spencer
- position: CTOrank: Ens.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 11111.07 Assigned to CTO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 11206.23 Removed to Inactive
- Chris Esterhuyse
- position: COrank: Capt.vessel: USS Seleya
date action 10012.15 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Huron as Ens. 10104.15 Promoted to LtJG. 10108.19 Promoted to Lt. 10108.26 Received Starfleet Silver Lifesaving Medal for actions during the Delta Main Tragedy. 10201.13 Promoted to LtCmdr. 10204.17 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Scimitar 10211.11 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for exemplary service aboard the U.S.S. Scimitar 10301.05 Received Distinguished Service Medal for outstanding service as Chief Medical Officer of the USS Scimitar 10303.28 Removed to Inactive 10303.31 Assigned to CMO aboard USS Scimitar as LtCmdr. 10306.12 Transferred to CNS aboard USS Nighthawk 10309.2 Received Meritorious Service Medal for your continued service while on the Nighthawk 10404.17 Promoted to Commander for fulfilled tasks and duties well beyond the responsibility of a Lieutenant Commander 10408.07 Received Distinguished Service Medal for your distinguished service, not only to this ship and crew 10411.2 Received Purple Heart for your pain in gathering information to your duty 10411.2 Received Starfleet Surgeons Medal for the resuce of your crewmate as well as in helping in the rescue of the Federation President 10411.2 Received Distinguished Service Medal for your duty in helping to rescue the Federation President 10505.28 Received Star Cross for your heroic actions in previous missions, and missions before that has shown you fear no death, 10509.24 Received Medal of Valor for Your courage, and experience helped with the retrieval of the Away Team on Tribble Prime. I am honored to have you apart of the team. I am pleased to award you 10602.18 Received Purple Heart for your timely intervention to prevent mass destruction of the Nighthawk 10602.18 Received Axanar Humanitarian Medal for your intervention in preventing a world epidemic 10611.26 Received Purple Heart for risking your life to save others, going above and beyond the call of duty 10701.21 Received Sanctum Star Campaign Medal on behalf of the Amenti Government for serving in the Federation-Synod Conflict of 2383. 10806.04 Received Distinguished Service Medal for your loyal service all these years to her crew as well as being aide and guide 10806.15 Transferred to CNS aboard USS Andromeda 11211.11 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens 11211.11 Received Meritorious Service Medal for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens 11310.05 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11310.05 Received Medal of Valor for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11310.2 Transferred to CO aboard USS Seleya 11311.24 Promoted to Captain for command of the USS Seleya 11908.18 Removed to Inactive
- Chris Nickel
- position: OPSrank: Lt.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10010.22 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Paula Greene as Lt. 10103.04 Removed. 10103.18 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Paula Greene as Lt. 10109.01 Removed. 10211.05 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Luna as Ens. 10212.28 Received Purple Heart for Injuries sustained at the New Berlin Museum on Luna in confrontation with an unknown creature on Stardate 10212.07 10212.28 Received Medal of Valor for outsanding performance of duty against an unknown creature at the New Berlin Museum on Luna on Stardate 10212.07 10305.11 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for steppending during Extreme conditions as Executive Officer when Capt Harm went missing 10311.03 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding performance 10401.18 Removed to Inactive 12002.01 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Andromeda as Lt. 12002.26 Removed to Inactive
- Conor Power
- position: COrank: Capt.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10403.04 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Cherokee as Ens. 10403.12 Transferred to CEO aboard USS Andromeda 10411.05 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for commitment and hard work 10504.17 Promoted to Lieutenant for commitment and dilligence 10701.2 Received Sanctum Star Campaign Medal on behalf of the Amenti Government for for serving in the Federation-Synod Conflict of 2383. 10708.19 Transferred to XO 10804.06 Received Starfleet Decoration for Valor for with Combatr Cluster for Gallantry in the face of the Nexian terroristic plot 10808.24 Received Starfleet Decoration for Valor for gallantry 10906.07 Received Starfleet Decoration for Valor for action against alien invaders 11010.23 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for your dedication and leadership 11211.11 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens 11211.11 Received Meritorious Service Medal for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens 11211.11 Promoted to Commander for continued dedication to duty 11310.05 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11310.05 Received Medal of Valor for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11502.15 Promoted to Captain for outstanding service 11502.15 Transferred to CO 11502.15 Received Distinguished Service Medal for for actions aboard Starbase 514 and the successful return of control of the sector of space to lawful authority, as well as the prevention of massive loss of life of Starfleet officers and citizens on nearby starbases, 11502.15 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for actions taken in the interest - and the necessity - of the greater good of Starfleet and the Federation against rogue segments of Section 31 12002.26 Removed to Inactive
- Dan Hall
- position: CSOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10406.13 Assigned to MO aboard USS Tal-War as Ens. 10406.24 Transferred to CTO 10410.1 Removed to Inactive 10412.19 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Tal-War as Ens. 10501.31 Removed to Inactive 10503.15 Assigned to CMO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10511.13 Removed to Inactive 10512.22 Assigned to MO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10601.08 Transferred to CMO 10603.3 Removed to Inactive 10607.3 Assigned to TO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10608.04 Transferred to CSO 10701.14 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for commitment and dilligence 10701.2 Received Sanctum Star Campaign Medal on behalf of the Amenti Government for for serving in the Federation-Synod Conflict of 2383. 10705.13 Removed to Inactive
- Derek Castro
- position: CIVrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10101.21 Transferred to CTO 10101.31 Participated in Prism Theta as AS 10102.26 Promoted to Lt. 10106.06 Transferred to CTO aboard Avalon Station 10110.15 Promoted to LtCmdr. 10201.23 Transferred to XO aboard USS Quirinus 10201.23 Promoted to Cmdr. 10202.16 Transferred to XO aboard Avalon Station 10205.04 Removed to Inactive 10209.3 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Andromeda as Cmdr. 10302.23 Removed to Inactive
- Dylan Moss
- position: OPSrank: LtCmdr.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10301.08 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Performance of Duties 10303.15 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for responsibilities and respect you have earned 10306.28 Promoted to Lieutenant for fulfilling tasks and duties well beyond the responsibilites of Lt. Jg 10309.27 Received Starfleet Command Commendation for Conspicuous Gallantry for the outstanding commitment and ingenuity that led to the successful completion of the previous two missions 10311.1 Removed to Inactive 10312.07 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Seleya as Lt. 10405.3 Received Silver Palm for exemplerary conduct under strenuous circumstances 10405.3 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding service and dedication 10405.3 Removed to Inactive 10409.19 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Scimitar as LtCmdr. 10411.09 Participated in Prism Pi as CO 10412.13 Transferred to XO 10508.23 Removed to Inactive 10601.15 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Seleya as LtCmdr. 10605.21 Removed to Inactive 10703.31 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Nighthawk as LtCmdr. 10707.01 Removed to Inactive 11002.14 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Andromeda as LtCmdr. 11012.14 Removed to Inactive
- Eduardo Oneto
- position: CSOrank: LtCmdr.vessel: USS Don Johnson
date action 9907.31 Assigned to EO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10002.21 Removed 10005.07 Reinstated as EO aboard USS Andromeda 10009.1 Removed 10009.29 Reinstated as EO aboard USS Gryphon 10101.19 Received Purple Heart for injuries sustained stardate 10011.26 10102.06 Promoted to LtJG. 10112.03 Promoted to Lt. 10204.22 Transferred to CEO 10212.3 Received Purple Heart for injuries incurred from the Meglean 10302.24 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for consistant conspicuous attention to duty 10306.09 Removed to Inactive 10308.19 Assigned to CEO aboard Avalon Station as LtCmdr. 10311.09 Removed to Inactive 10409.09 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Pharaoh as LtCmdr. 10412.17 Removed to Inactive 10906.04 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Cherokee as LtCmdr. 11004.24 Removed to Inactive 11006.03 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Cherokee as LtCmdr. 11009.23 Removed to Inactive 11010.1 Assigned to CEO aboard Arcadia Station as LtCmdr. 11012.14 Removed to Inactive 11101.02 Assigned to CEO aboard Arcadia Station as LtCmdr. 11103.01 Removed to Inactive 11110.1 Assigned to CEO aboard Arcadia Station as LtCmdr. 11204.2 Removed to Inactive 11205.08 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Don Johnson as LtCmdr. 11308.09 Removed to Inactive 11312.13 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Don Johnson as LtCmdr. 11312.13 Transferred to EO 11312.13 Transferred to CIV 11401.31 Transferred to CSO 11404.08 Removed to Inactive
- Eli Irvin
- position: CEOrank: Lt.vessel: USS Quirinus
date action 10212.24 Transferred to CEO 10301.12 Received Starfleet Command Commendation for Conspicuous Gallantry for holding the high standards of Starfleet though the past missions 10303.02 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for excellence of service 10305.22 Removed to Inactive 10308.31 Assigned to EO aboard USS Andromeda as LtJG. 10309.03 Transferred to EO aboard USS Pendragon 10310.14 Removed to Inactive 10403.24 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Tal-War as LtJG. 10403.27 Promoted to Lieutenant for added specialist responsibilities 10408.02 Removed to Inactive 10609.11 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Pendragon as Lt. 10612.17 Removed to Inactive 10810.14 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Quirinus as Lt. 10901.27 Removed to Inactive
- Evan Taylor
- position: FCOrank: Lt.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 11304.24 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 11310.05 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11310.05 Received Medal of Valor for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11310.05 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for consistent performance above and beyond the call of duty 11502.15 Promoted to Lieutenant for continued service aboard the USS Andromeda, dedication and demonstration of service that exemplifies a Starfleet Officer 11502.15 Received Distinguished Service Medal for actions aboard Starbase 514 and the successful return of control of the sector of space to lawful authority, as well as the prevention of massive loss of life of Starfleet officers and citizens on nearby starbases, 11502.15 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for actions taken in the interest - and the necessity - of the greater good of Starfleet and the Federation against rogue segments of Section 31 12002.26 Removed to Inactive
- Gaven Royer
- position: FCOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Seleya
date action 11902.18 Assigned to EO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 11902.25 Transferred to FCO aboard USS Seleya 11911.02 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for , via Admiral Harlan for the Future First Project 12001.26 Removed to Inactive
- Graham Smiley
- position: CIVrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Seleya
date action 10102.2 Assigned to MO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10104.02 Transferred to CMO 10107.29 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Seleya as Ens. 10110.01 Received reprimand for conduct unbecoming a Starfleet Officer 10112.06 Promoted to LtJG. 10202.06 Removed to Inactive 10310.24 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Seleya as LtJG. 10404.19 Removed to Inactive 10405.21 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Seleya as LtJG. 10409.16 Received Purple Heart for postumosly for going above and beyond the call of duty during the Kindleener investigation 10409.16 Killed
- Hazzem Abdel-Hamid
- position: CTOrank: LtCmdr.vessel: USS Seleya
date action 9907.27 Assigned to CSO aboard USS Seleya as Ens. 9908.29 Received Letter of Commendation for actions in the Savrin situation 9910.24 Promoted to LtJG. 10002.27 Received Starfleet Decoration for Valor for command of Seleya during hostile attack at Lokari 3 10002.27 Promoted to Lt. 10008.13 Received Purple Heart for injuries sustained during New Empire action 10008.13 Awarded Starfleet Medal of Valor for outstanding bravery under adverse conditions 10010.15 Promoted to LtCmdr. 10102.26 Awarded Vulcan Scientific Legion of Honor for outstanding scientific work in adverse conditions 10108.16 Participated in Prism Kappa as CE 10110.01 Received reprimand for failure to follow the orders of a superior officer 10206.23 Received Distinguished Service Medal 10301.12 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for Oustanding Services during the 'Ring World IV' Mission 10312.21 Removed to Inactive 10410.17 Assigned to SO aboard USS Seleya as LtCmdr. 10411.14 Transferred to CSO 10502.13 Removed to Inactive 10606.19 Assigned to CSO aboard USS Andromeda as LtCmdr. 10607.02 Transferred to CTO aboard USS Seleya 10610.16 Removed to Inactive
- Heike Olesnevich
- position: FCOrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Triton
date action 10002.03 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10004.16 Received Starfleet Silver Lifesaving Medal 10006.18 Promoted to LtJG. 10102.27 Transferred to OPS aboard USS Gryphon 10109.04 Promoted to Lt. 10205.2 Removed to Inactive 10210.1 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Tal-War as Lt. 10301.18 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for 10301.11 10301.26 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for continued excellence 10404.17 Promoted to Commander for dedicated service to the USS Tal-War 10512.19 Transferred to FCO aboard USS Luna 10705.13 Removed to Inactive 10708.16 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Triton as Cmdr. 10801.15 Removed to Inactive
- Jack Farfri
- position: COrank: Capt.vessel: USS Europa
date action 10012.15 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10106.17 Promoted to LtJG. 10108.16 Participated in Prism Kappa as CP 10203.31 Promoted to Lt. 10206.09 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for At the request of Captain Kalla Starfleet Command is pleased to present you with a letter of Commendation for Personal Initiative on Stardate 10206.02 10210.06 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for personal initiative 10304.11 Promoted to Commander for excellence 10310.05 Transferred to XO 10408.06 Transferred to FCO aboard USS Europa 10410.25 Transferred to XO 10411.09 Participated in Prism Pi as CM 10504.04 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Service and Dedication to the crew 10509.11 Promoted to Captain for Outstanding Performance of Duties 10509.11 Transferred to CO 10705.07 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for OUtstanding Service Aboard the USS Europa 10705.16 Removed to Inactive
- Jack Farfri
- position: CSOrank: Lt.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 11101.3 Assigned to CSO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 11211.11 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens 11211.11 Received Meritorious Service Medal for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens 11211.11 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for dedication to duty 11310.05 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11310.05 Received Medal of Valor for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11502.15 Promoted to Lieutenant for continued service aboard the USS Andromeda, dedication and demonstration of service that exemplifies a Starfleet Officer 11502.15 Received Legion of Honor for actions aboard the USS Cataria and the role played in returning control of this sector of space to lawful authority 11502.15 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for actions taken in the interest - and the necessity - of the greater good of Starfleet and the Federation against rogue segments of Section 31 12002.26 Removed to Inactive
- James Van Hoyweghen
- position: CNSrank: LtCmdr.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10109.22 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10206.02 Promoted to LtJG for By the request of Captain Kalla you are hereby promoted to LtJg 10206.02 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade 10301.08 Promoted to Lieutenant for Commitment to Starfleet and the Andromeda 10310.05 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for commitment and dedication to the USS Andromeda 10406.1 Received Purple Heart for wounds suffered in combat with the enemy 10601.22 Removed to Inactive
- Janne Nikula
- position: COrank: Capt.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10004.02 Assigned to SO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10006.18 Promoted to LtJG. 10008.06 Transferred to CSO 10010.22 Promoted to Lt. 10101.31 Participated in Prism Theta as CE 10106.17 Received Letter of Commendation for repelling a hostile boarding party 10107.29 Promoted to LtCmdr. 10206.04 Transferred to CO 10206.04 Promoted to Captain for Promotion to Captain 10301.08 Received Distinguished Service Medal for Leadership in the face of the enemy (ACTDWide "Mythos") 10310.05 Received UFP Council Peace Medal for fostering peace between the UFP and the Melodians 10701.14 Received UFP Medal of Honor for Command of Task Force Andromeda during the Synod Campaign 10701.2 Received Sanctum Star Campaign Medal on behalf of the Amenti Government for for serving in the Federation-Synod Conflict of 2383. 10708.19 Removed to Inactive
- Janne Nikula
- position: CSOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10708.2 Assigned to CSO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10804.06 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for Steadfast Devotion to Ship 10810.05 Removed to Inactive
- Jean-Pierre Bernard
- position: OPSrank: LtCmdr.vessel: Avalon Station
date action 9810.11 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Titan as No Rank 9902.01 Removed 9902.14 Reinstated as CIV aboard USS Titan as Acting Ens. 9903.28 Received Letter of Commendation for actions above and beyond call of duty. 9903.28 Promoted to Ens. 9903.28 Transferred to FCO 9905.1 Received Letter of Commendation for actions above and beyond call of duty. 9908.29 Promoted to LtJG. 9911.3 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Andromeda 10001.3 Promoted to Lt. 10004.16 Received Starfleet Command Decoration for Valor 10005.29 Transferred to OPS aboard Avalon Station 10008.24 Promoted to LtCmdr. 10008.24 Received Starfleet Medal of Valor 10008.28 Transferred to XO 10102.08 Transferred to XO aboard USS Scimitar 10103.23 Participated in Prism Iota as LO 10106.21 Promoted to Capt. 10106.21 Transferred to CO 10107.14 Demoted to LtCmdr. 10107.14 Transferred to OPS aboard Avalon Station 10204.16 Received Starfleet Command Decoration for Valor for dedication to duty during missions ranging from stardate 10203.10 to 10203.24 10209.3 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for Exemplary Service and for Excellence in Administrative Duties 10303.05 Received Meritorious Service Medal for exemplary service 10304.14 Removed to Inactive
- Jeremy Castro
- position: FCOrank: LtJG.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10505.08 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Pharaoh as Ens. 10509.22 Removed to Inactive 10508.16 Participated in Prism Rho as CP 10509.26 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Delphyne as Ens. 10512.08 Removed to Inactive 10606.02 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Triton as Ens. 10610.13 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for diligence in the completion of your duties 10611.07 Transferred to FCO 10704.12 Removed to Inactive 10704.13 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Delphyne as LtJG. 10705.01 Received Starfleet Command Commendation for Conspicuous Gallentry for your efforts 10705.22 Removed to Inactive 10706.01 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Triton as LtJG. 10708.11 Removed to Inactive 10708.3 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Paula Greene as Lt. 10802.19 Removed to Inactive 10808.09 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Don Johnson as LtJG. 10810.24 Removed to Inactive 10906.14 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Andromeda as LtJG. 10909.06 Removed to Inactive
- Jim Koeller
- position: FCOrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Paula Greene
date action 9805.2 Assigned to SO aboard USS Pharaoh as Ens. 9808.23 Promoted to LtJG. 9809.13 Promoted to Lt. 9902.06 Promoted to Cmdr. 9905.23 Promoted to Capt. 9905.25 Received Letter of Commendation for meritous action against the Kazon. 9905.25 Transferred to CO 10002.13 Transferred to CO aboard USS Cherokee 10009.03 Received Distinguished Service Medal for eliminating threats to the Federation in the Badlands 10101.13 Removed 10101.21 Reinstated as XO aboard USS Andromeda 10206.13 Removed to Inactive 10403.22 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Paula Greene as Cmdr. 10406.27 Removed to Inactive
- Jim Koeller
- position: COrank: Capt.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10208.24 Assigned to XO aboard USS Huron as Cmdr. 10301.12 Received Silver Palm for Exceptional leadership during the Ry'leth situation 10301.12 Received Purple Heart for injuries sustained during the Ry'leth situation 10302.23 Promoted to Captain for Outstanding Leadership 10302.23 Transferred to CO 10402.27 Removed to Inactive 10606.05 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Hayden as Cmdr. 10610.19 Removed to Inactive 10610.19 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Pharaoh as Cmdr. 10701.26 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties under extreme conditions 10703.14 Transferred to FCO aboard USS Seleya 10801.09 Transferred to FCO aboard USS Andromeda 10801.09 Promoted to Captain for Restoration of Original Rank of Captain 10801.09 Transferred to CO 11211.11 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens 11211.15 Received Meritorious Service Medal for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens 11310.05 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11310.05 Received Medal of Valor for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11404.19 Removed to Inactive
- Karen Barkas
- position: CNSrank: Lt.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10005.13 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Elara as Ens. 10007.23 Awarded the Starfleet Command Commendation for Gallantry for actions performed in rescuing civilians from the planet of Alterax III 10009.24 Promoted to LtJG. 10012.1 Awarded the United Federation of Planets Medal of Honor for assistance in the defeat of the Imperial Navy and the rescue of the legitimate government of the Arkonnian Empire 10104.17 Promoted to Lt. 10104.29 Removed 10109.22 Reinstated to CNS aboard USS Elara as Lt. 10204.12 Removed 10206.04 Reinstated to CNS aboard USS Elara as Lt. 10209.14 Removed to Inactive 10506.2 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Elara as Lt. 10601.08 Removed to Inactive 11009.16 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Seleya as Lt. 11010.16 Removed to Inactive 11405.31 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Andromeda as Lt. 11409.21 Removed to Inactive
- Karriaunna Scotti
- position: CMOrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10311.17 Assigned to CSO aboard USS Huron as Ens. 10311.17 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for 10403.07 Promoted to Lieutenant for excellent service, above and beyond 10502.06 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for exemplary service and dedication to duty 10508.14 Received Vulcan Scientific Legion of Honor Medal for developing a formula to synthesize an ultra-rare vaccine for the outbreak on Durrava IV 10601.29 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties 10608.2 Received Star Cross for extraordinary heroism, courage and unrelenting perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds 10608.2 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Hayden 10611.3 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Pharaoh 10703.14 Transferred to MO aboard USS Seleya 10801.09 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Andromeda 10808.24 Promoted to Commander for commitment and dilligence 11211.11 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens 11211.11 Received Meritorious Service Medal for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens 11310.05 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11310.05 Received Medal of Valor for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion 11411.22 Removed to Inactive
- Karriaunna Scotti
- position: CMOrank: Ens.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10608.02 Assigned to DCO aboard Prism: Team Vanguard as Ens. 11103.01 Removed to Inactive 12002.02 Assigned to CMO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 12002.26 Removed to Inactive
- Karriaunna Scotti
- position: CNSrank: Ens.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 11411.19 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 11412.2 Removed to Inactive
- Kirsten McPherson
- position: FCOrank: Ens.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10906.09 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Don Johnson as Ens. 10910.3 Removed to Inactive 11101.29 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 11106.25 Removed to Inactive
- Lília Perfeito
- position: CSOrank: Capt.vessel: USS Seleya
date action 10002.16 Assigned to SO aboard USS Elara as Ens. 10002.2 Transferred to CSO 10005.14 Promoted to LtJG. 10007.23 Received the Starfleet Command Commendation for Gallantry for actions performed in rescuing civilians from the planet of Alterax III 10010.29 Promoted to Lt. 10012.1 Received the United Federation of Planets Medal of Honor for assistance in the defeat of the Imperial Navy and the rescue of the Legitimate Government of the Arkonnian Empire 10104.17 Promoted to LtCmdr. 10108.16 Participated in Prism Kappa as XO 10204.29 Received Star Cross for Actions against the Bellicose during the [classified] "Omega Crisis" 10204.29 Promoted to Cmdr. 10209.01 Transferred to XO aboard USS Andromeda 10211.13 Removed to Inactive 10304.2 Assigned to SO aboard USS Paula Greene as Cmdr. 10402.28 Removed to Inactive 10404.18 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Artemis as Cmdr. 10408.11 Transferred to CSO 10411.09 Participated in Prism Pi as DCO 10411.25 Transferred to OPS aboard USS Nighthawk 10505.28 Received Vulcan Scientific Legion of Honor Medal for your recent assistance in scientific research and your past performance in this same field, 10509.24 Received Distinguished Service Medal for your knowledge, and creative thinking during the Tribble Prime incident has made me wonder what else you know. I am honored and pleased to have you on this ship. With that I am pleased to award you 10602.18 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for intuitive nature and hard work vital to this crew 10602.18 Received Axanar Humanitarian Medal for <<<<<<<<<< Pause >>>>>>>>>> 10603.11 Transferred to CSO 10607.05 Transferred to CO aboard USS Seleya 10801.15 Promoted to Captain for dedication to duty and outstanding leadership abilities 10908.3 Received Star Cross for your handling of the situation on Magna Roma and the colonies 11003.14 Received Axanar Humanitarian Medal for your part in the rescue of the Edan's 11104.17 Received Axanar Humanitarian Medal for your leadership during the Udundian and T'naehmshaile incident 11212.16 Received Silver Palm for your meritorious service, on behalf of the Seleya crew and command staff 11310.1 Transferred to CSO 11310.15 Removed to Inactive
- Lília Perfeito
- position: OPSrank: Lt.vessel: USS Scimitar
date action 10408.15 Assigned to CSO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10504.17 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for commitment and dilligence 10602.05 Removed to Inactive 11106.13 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Scimitar as LtJG. 11202.06 Promoted to Lieutenant for Dedicated Service 11209.02 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for continuous service to the ship and duty as 2nd officer 11303.11 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for unwavering dedication to duty 11308.26 Removed to Inactive
- Maryanne Greska
- position: OPSrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 9806.14 Assigned to CMO aboard USS Vesuvius as LtCmdr. 10201.28 Reinstated as CTO aboard Avalon Station 10204.12 Received Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties under extreme conditions on stardates 10203.10-10203.24 10204.3 Removed to Inactive 10408.28 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Vesuvius as LtCmdr. 10409.05 Transferred to XO 10503.3 Promoted to Commander for dedication to duties to the Vesuvius and her crew 10601.25 Removed to Inactive 10612.29 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Andromeda as Cmdr. 10704.01 Removed to Inactive
- Maryanne Greska
- position: CMOrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10204.3 Assigned to MO aboard Avalon Station as Lt. 10208.26 Received Distinguished Service Medal 10210.01 Transferred to CMO 10301.2 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for exemplary service 10308.04 Promoted to Commander for exlemplary services to Avalon Station and her crew 10311.13 Received Starfleet Command Commendation for Conspicuous Gallantry for Service above and beyond the call of duty 10412.28 Received Distinguished Service Medal for your dedications and service to Avalon Station 10412.28 Removed to Inactive 10607.3 Assigned to CMO aboard USS Andromeda as Cmdr. 10608.2 Removed to Inactive
- Matt Coe
- position: COrank: Cmdr.vessel: USS Huron
date action 10401.18 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10406.1 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for dillegence and log writing 10410.24 Promoted to Lieutenant for devotion and excellence 10411.09 Participated in Prism Pi as IO 10504.17 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for teamwork 10504.17 Transferred to TO aboard USS Huron 10504.17 Transferred to CO 10508.14 Promoted to Commander for exemplary service and dedication to duty 10601.17 Removed to Inactive
- Matt Coe
- position: CIVrank: --vessel: USS Europa
date action 9910.05 Assigned to TO aboard USS Pharaoh as Ens. 9911.18 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade 10003.13 Assigned to TO aboard USS Andromeda 10004.02 Removed to Inactive 10407.27 Assigned to EO aboard USS Europa as LtJg 10411.08 Promoted to Lieutenant for Exemplary Service 10411.08 Transferred to CEO 10504.09 Removed to Inactive 10506.13 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Europa as -- 10506.2 Removed to Inactive
- Matt Coe
- position: OPSrank: Ens.vessel: USS Andromeda
date action 10504.18 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Andromeda as Ens. 10603.3 Removed to Inactive
- Michael Hebert