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deceased (Vulcan adopted: T’winn)
deceased (Vulcan adopted: Seurare
El Aurian Homeworld
deceased - Older brother Toran
deceased – Orian. Remarried - Bill Powers 10707.23
deceased – Jace (7) and Jewelanna (2)
Family history
Service record:
Citizen of Vulcan – residency from 1804.26 – 4710.02
Starfleet Academy from 4801.01 – 4912.31
MO to CMO aboard the Research vessel USS Chief Joseph 5004.26 – 6507.03
Medical instructor at the academy 6609.13 – 7508.14
FCO and Operations aboard the Survey Vessel USS Clark 7508.22 – 7912.31
Classified 8001.01 – 9402.14
CNS aboard the Science Vessel USS Levy 9406.23 – 9805.15
Assigned as CNS aboard the USS Europa 10107.01

Before the destruction of her homeworld, Azhure would have been classified as a simple country girl. She lived with her family and two children out in the county on a ranch that her husband ran. She herself helped out as a veterinarian on the ranch and when the county vet was overwhelmed or on vacation, she lent a hand. Mostly though she cared for home and family.

She had married relatively young for her people, but she had the life she wanted. Unlike many her age, she found adventure at home, she didn’t need to go elsewhere to seek it. And she loved her two young children.

Spring came and the usual brastion epidemic struck. The clinic normally had plenty of vaccine on hand as it tended to strike like clockwork. However, this year they were not as prepared thanks to a bad batch of vaccine. Instead of waiting days for delivery and the potential for the epidemic to get out of hand, Dr. Gratall had asked her if she would go into town and pick up the vaccine along with some other odds-n-ends.

As the sun was setting and she had everything on her list, as she was stepping outside the door to head for home, the Borg attacked. Everything happened so fast that she could never remember afterwards the sequence of events. The next cohesive memory she had, was finding herself on one of the refugee ships, searching over and over for her family. They never made it off their world. A world she would never see again.

Time passed and fate was not kind to her people. It was as if the gods had turned their backs on them with vengeance. Eventually she found herself and other refugees on the USS Enterprise. But something had been torn from her, moments before her arrival. As if losing everything were not enough, now part of her soul was missing. Maybe that little piece could find the peace she had lost.

Starfleet took her people in hand, including herself, but she felt little more then a lost soul wandering from place to place. Eventually she found herself on Vulcan. Their way of dealing with things was the balm her soul needed. She stayed on that world for many years until one day one of her people came and asked a favor of her. She knew it was time for her to leave. She spent the next years ‘helping’ the Bajorans.

By the time her ‘little’ adventure was over, she had made a conscious decision on changing her outlook on life. And after the frustration in dealing with bureaucracy, she figured the best place to use help, was through Starfleet.

For the next 40 years she was in and out and about Starfleet, depending on where fate took her. Her one main frustration and drawback, were her looks. Admittedly, for her species she was young, but compared to the rest of the federation, she was not THAT young. Of course, there were pros and cons to looking so young. Like the time she had been an Orion slave girl or when she wanted to bamboozle someone into thinking she was young and therefore naive. But on a Starship it was pure frustration for the first months until the crew got used to her and could look beyond the physical and of course some never could. But that was why there was usually more then one counselor on a ship because there were sometimes personality conflicts or in her case, physical conflicts.

She discovered her most challenging and favorite role was counseling. It seemed to fit her. Her last assignment before giving up her commission had been aboard the science vessel the USS Levy. She had taken a 2 month hiatus to deal with the needs of one of her people in the Maqui, only to end up never returning. She would never saw her crew again. The USS Levy had run across an ancient mine field. All hands had been lost.

Azhure returned to her adopted family on Vulcan to deal with old wounds that had never really healed that had been reopened on the Levy’s loss. Eventually an old and a new friend, Shsssaa and Tsalea, looked her up and asked if she would fill in the role as ship counselor aboard the USS Europa. Tsalea’s priorities had shifted after her last assignment and she needed to join her husband. But counselors were hard to come by and Tsalea did not want to leave her shipmates high and dry. For Azhure, it was an opportunity to go back into the field she had enjoyed. It had not taken much to reinstate her commission. Then once again, without a backwards glance, she had tied up some loose ends and headed for the next adventure in her life.

Time passed as the Europa’s captains changed. When Starfleet once again offered her a position, this time on an unusual station, she was ready to move on for something different. How different she did not realize until she stepped onto Hais V and entered the planet based station of Abertura that had once been commanded by the Dominion, but had since gone to Klingon hands and then shared command with the Federation.

Sharing command with the Vorta and his Jem’Hadar, a Klingon general and his garrison, playing ambassador with the Haisians to keep peace and completing her duties as a Federation officer, her life there was never boring. It did not take her long to find her niche on the station which quickly became a second home. It was there and the love of a man that she was finally able to begin to lay aside her past and loss. She had not been there long before she was offered command of the station. However, due to her own desires and belief in how she could best serve the station, she nominated a Klingon commander she had worked with before on the Europa.

Eventually the Federation council wanted a personal report on the status of the station and Captain M’Tor was sending her to Earth via the USS Quirinus. Bill Powers came with her with the intention of spending some down time together away from the rigors of duty and command. However, they never made it to Earth and their lives were quickly altered as they found themselves involved with the crew of the Quiriuns and the saving of the universe. Eventually the universe was remade, but it happened with herself, Bill and a Haisian farmer Iu taken out of place and time so that when they were returned, only they remembered how things were and what had happened and held to secrecy.

Upon their return, there was a change in their lives. They had been placed on a special assignment dealing with the Quiriunus along with temporary posts. Unfortunately, not being part of the remaking of the universe, they had no idea what their assignment were or who their contact was. Without being able to explain why they do not know what is going on, they must await their contact and play things out to their conclusion. And when they have completed their assignment, the pair that no longer belongs to the universe they live in, will head back to their unusual station where they would fit right in and where they had already glimpsed their future together. But as Azhure knew only too well, especially now, things were not written in stone… not even the past. And even if it was, time could still be eroded away.
Medical degree in Veterinarian science from El-Aurian homeworld
Medical degree in Xeno biology from Vulcan Science Academy
Medical degree in counseling from Starfleet Academy
Medical profile
No known health problems.

Other Characteristics: Special talent with animals. Sensitivity to time and temporal displacement.
Sunburst birthmark on the back of her neck

Starfleet Record

  • position: CNS
    rank: Cmdr.
    vessel: Arcadia Station
    date action
    10107.2 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Europa as Cmdr.
    10203.05 Received Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Performance of duties
    10302.17 Transferred to XO aboard Abertura Station
    10502.18 Transferred to CNS aboard USS Quirinus
    10505.26 Received Distinguished Service Medal for Dedicated loyal work for the benefit of the Federation.
    10512.13 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Service to Starfleet Command
    10701.24 Received Sanctum Star Campaign Medal on behalf of the Amenti Government for serving in the Federation-Synod Conflict of 2383
    10707.17 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for outstanding service during the Xherivhan assignment
    10707.17 Received UFP Medal of Honor for your oustanding service to the U.S.S. Quirinus and Starfleet Command
    11001.03 Transferred to CNS aboard Arcadia Station
    11306.03 Removed to Inactive



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Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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