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June Robinson
William Owens
Colchester, England, Earth
Family history
Nigel left his parent's home as soon as he was old enough to join Starfleet. As a young Officer, he served in the original UFP/Cardassian Union war years prior to the Dominion.

He spent his entire service career on the older vessels such as Mirandas and Excelsiors. That is, until he was given the assignment of Operations Officer on the Paula Greene. He attended to his duty admirably until one day The Borg assimilated the Paula Greene. Nigel became "Four of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 5081" where he assisted in the assimilation of an entire race, destroyed many life-forms and retained the memories of countless more.

After an alien race returned the Paula Greene and all her crew to their previous state, Nigel mildly felt the programming of Four of Nine return when the Paula Greene encountered a Borg Sphere months later. Nigel was removed from active duty when he turned to alcohol. Was ordered to return to Earth and seek counselling.

After a year on Earth, Nigel returned to active duty serving on the Pendragon in a minor role below decks under observation until Starfleet is satisfied he can handle a more important role again.

On Stardate 10311.23, Mr Owens exacted a form of extreme revenge on Klingons suspected of creating some form of Green Mist that not only absorbed the crew of an entire Science Station but the Luna's CO, XO and his new found love and ship's CNS. Currently being held under house arrest until such time as he can be transported to Quo'Nos for trial.
Starfleet Academy
Medical profile
Officer should still remain under observation while performing his new duties as a bridge officer. It is possible that the stress of bridge duty may proove to be too hard on him psychologically.

The unknown alien race had removed all signs of Borg Technology, including nanoprobes. However, there is no telling what long term effects the assimilation process may have had on the Lieutenant both physically, as well as mentally.
Receding Hairline parted on the side.Short Stout appearance

Starfleet Record

  • position: OPS
    rank: Lt.
    vessel: USS Andromeda
    date action
    10010.22 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Paula Greene as Lt.
    10103.04 Removed.
    10103.18 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Paula Greene as Lt.
    10109.01 Removed.
    10211.05 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Luna as Ens.
    10212.28 Received Purple Heart for Injuries sustained at the New Berlin Museum on Luna in confrontation with an unknown creature on Stardate 10212.07
    10212.28 Received Medal of Valor for outsanding performance of duty against an unknown creature at the New Berlin Museum on Luna on Stardate 10212.07
    10305.11 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for steppending during Extreme conditions as Executive Officer when Capt Harm went missing
    10311.03 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding performance
    10401.18 Removed to Inactive
    12002.01 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Andromeda as Lt.
    12002.26 Removed to Inactive



"Assimilation is complete..."

The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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