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Blonde (dyed- naturally a light brunette)
Emyline Caitlin [Clemenson] Waters
Richard A. Waters III
London, England, Earth
Aurelea Reyna Waters [adopted older sister]
[biological siblings]
younger sister, Tierney Samantha
younger brother, Richard Alexander IV
Christopher Roberts
Xander Benedict Roberts
Family history
Born to Richard Alexander Waters III and Emyline Caitlin Clemonson in London, England on Earth, Kylie was the unexpected first child of the couple. Since her mother is Betazoid and her father Human, it was thought the two would be unable to have children without much difficulty; thus the reason they adopted Kylie's older sister, Reyna Caitrin (Rae).
Kylie's childhood was mostly uneventful, though from an early age she tried to live up to her older sister, Rae. She began dancing and gymnastics early on (by the age of 4) and took up fencing and martial arts when her older sister began to learn them from their father. She grew up speaking French with her family, and maintains fluency.
Today, Kylie fences occasionally, but maintains her ballet dancing through use of the holodeck. Despite this competition that existed between the sisters for much of Kylie's life, they became quite close as Rae left for the Academy and remain close to this day.
Kylie’s younger sister is a ballet dancer with various companies on Earth and married. Kylie’s younger brother has a talent with holodecks and holoprogramming, and he just entered a graduate research program to obtain his doctoral degree in holographic engineering. As of right now, he is a civilian and not part of Starfleet. Her mother is a retired Starfleet and civilian psychologist, and her father an avid historian and dog breeder (among other hobbies).
Kylie completed an uneventful primary education, and graduated with a Valedictorian Honorable Mention certificate from her secondary school. She played tennis with her school team, and was captain of the dance team for her last three years of secondary schooling and continued to dance ballet on the side. She competed for one year on the school gymnastics team, and remained an alternate for the remainder of her schooling but competed only sparingly.
She was accepted into Starfleet Academy after one try, and pursued Medicine and Psychology. Kylie graduated from medical school with honors. Her degrees in both Medicine and Psychology are current. Kylie is certified and trained as an emergency medicine doctor. She also has training in genetics and epidemiology.
Following her first posting out of the Academy and subsequent death of her fiancé at the time, Kylie transferred into Starfleet Intelligence with help from her older sister, Rae. She worked as a field medic and an analyst for several years before she transferred to the USS Katana as a liaison, then to Denali Station as a Counselor. She remained on the inactive list, and was re-activated following the departure of her sister for a short assignment to Earth. Her contract time with SFI is nearly completed, and she works as requested for SFI on Denali. She is currently assigned as a full time physician in Denali’s Infirmary.
Medical profile
Kylie is overall quite healthy. She has a tendency to consume large amounts of caffeine and chocolate during high-stress times, along with a significant reduction in caloric intake when stressed. She is flexible and agile from years of dance and gymnastic training, with expected past orthopedic injuries. Her muscles are well toned from physical activity, and she maintains an active routine of ballet dancing, along with occasional tennis or fencing, and completes the minimal required training sessions with the SFI group on Denali. She has a tendency to ignore minor injuries.
ambidextrous; slender build;

Starfleet Record

  • position: CMO
    rank: LtCmdr.
    vessel: Denali Station
    date action
    10306.02 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Katana (NC-17) as Ens.
    10307.09 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for exemplary performance of duty
    10408.26 Removed to Inactive
    10410.06 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Katana as LtJG.
    10501.03 Received Purple Heart for wounds sustained during the Gorn attack at the Calabi-Yau expanse
    10503.05 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your distinguished service to the U.S.S. Katana from stardate 10306.2 to the present. Your contributions have always been appreciated, and your presance on the ship will be missed. This award granted
    10503.05 Removed to Inactive
    11207.28 Assigned to MO aboard Denali Station as LtJG.
    11302.12 Promoted to Lieutenant for dedicated service
    11304.04 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for Denali Station
    11310.27 Transferred to CMO
    11601.24 Received Purple Heart for meritorious service in the face of injury
    11808.03 Received Axanar Humanitarian Medal for treatment and aid of Federation civilians in the most difficult of circumstance during the Borg incursion on Pacifica and thereby distinguishing yourself by meritorious direct participation in a significant operation of a humanitarian nature



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The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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