Christine De'Onna, adoptive mother
Charles De'Onna, adoptive father
Cierra De'Onna, birth daughter of Charles and Christine was 2 years old when Summer was adopted
Lt. Cmdr. Charles Kyle
Family history
Charles De'Onna, Captain of the USS Navarre, answered a mayday call from a ship that had been studying a star going Nova. Something had happened to their drive systems and they were being pulled into the destruction. When they arrived all they found was debris and one lifeboat floating in the area. Retrieving the pod they found an infant girl that was determined to be about three months old by the ships doctor.
Charles reported all of this to Starfleet and all communications to the planet came back as no one claimed they knew who the people were on the ship or that anyone reported any relatives missing. During this time the child who had been named Summer Nova lived with the Captain and his family. After several months of trying to locate any family the De'Onna's officially adopted Summer.
Summer grew up on the ship and was always an inquisitive child which sometimes got her into trouble as she would wind up in places she didn't need to be. She and her sister were both given the same opportunities with their studies and the two were always close.
A highly intelligent child, she passed her classes and advanced in the grades graduating high school at the age of sixteen. With the applications and some referral letters she was allowed to enter the Academy at the same time as her sister Cierra.
Charles reported all of this to Starfleet and all communications to the planet came back as no one claimed they knew who the people were on the ship or that anyone reported any relatives missing. During this time the child who had been named Summer Nova lived with the Captain and his family. After several months of trying to locate any family the De'Onna's officially adopted Summer.
Summer grew up on the ship and was always an inquisitive child which sometimes got her into trouble as she would wind up in places she didn't need to be. She and her sister were both given the same opportunities with their studies and the two were always close.
A highly intelligent child, she passed her classes and advanced in the grades graduating high school at the age of sixteen. With the applications and some referral letters she was allowed to enter the Academy at the same time as her sister Cierra.
All Summer's elementary and high school studies were conducted on the USS Navarre.
Star Fleet Academy - studied Flight Control
Star Fleet Academy - studied Flight Control
Starfleet Record
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