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Dr. Madeline Lyons
Nathaniel Brooks
Boston, Massachusetts, Earth
Chloe Lyon Brooks (sis), Marlene Lyon Brooks (sis - deceased)
Cmdr. Luiz Juarez
Two goddaughters - Julia and Natalie Waters
Family history
Eleanore, or Ellie as her friends call her, was born and raised in the North American city of Boston. Ellie is the youngest of Drs. Brooks (English Lit. professor) and Lyon’ s (pediatrician) daughters. Her oldest sister Chloe is a fashion designer. Her middle sister Marlene committed suicide when she was 18 and a sophomore studying Warp Propulsion at MIT. Marlene’s death is what prompted Ellie, then 16, to get serious about her studies and enter into the field of psychology. Prior to that she’d entertained daydreams of an acting career.

Ellie has a somewhat unorthodox approach to therapy and counseling. Rather than stick with known treatments she goes with whatever seems to work for each individual patient. Unfortunately for all around her she is convinced that there is no one she cannot help. This stubbornness gets her into trouble as often as it helps her achieve success.

Has a dog named Charles.
Standard Earth education
BS, MS in psychology at Simmons College
MD in Psychiatry at Boston University
Standard Starfleet Academy training
Medical profile
Only item of note is that she was treated for clinical depression as a teenager after her sister's suicide.

Suffered extensive nerve and some radiation damage to her feet and lower legs during time spent in the mirror universe. Surgery and intensive physical therapy have returned her mostly back to normal but she still walks with a limp and has not yet been able to resume recreational running.
None of note.

Starfleet Record

  • position: NPC
    rank: Cmdr.
    vessel: Denali Station
    date action
    10402.06 Assigned to CNS aboard Denali Station (PG) as Ens.
    10404.22 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for excellence in performance of your duties to Denali Station
    10410.15 Promoted to Lieutenant for execellence in duty
    10503.14 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for continued excellence in attendance to duty
    10505.21 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for demonstration of leadership capability during the battle of Denali Station
    10505.21 Received Starfleet Surgeons Medal for actions during the battle for Denali Station
    10511.07 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for continued excellence in the performace of your duties
    10511.07 Received Meritorious Service Medal for the leadership qualities shown in performace of your duties and added duties and responsibilities of taking on the role of Second Officer
    10603.24 Promoted to Commander for your continued excellent service and dedication to Denali Station and its crew
    10704.01 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for excellence in leadership and staff preparedness, awarded for the actions of your staff in your absence during the Castle Protocol crisis
    10712.17 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for excellence in leadership
    11112.03 Transferred to XO
    11302.1 Transferred to SC
    11309.01 Transferred to NPC



"Assimilation is complete..."

The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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