Mary Howard
Saul Rickenbacker
Vega Colony
Family history
Eddie's family has lived on Vega for 9 generations having emigrated from America in the original group of colonists. Though they have a German ancenstry the Rickenbackers have adapted to the Vegan way of life and as such speak with the odd accent mix that is common to the planet: speaking vowels reminiscent of Glaswegian Scots but with a clearly Eastern coast American sound. Being a metal rich colony the family has sustained themselves throughout those generations via the traditional Vegan craft of mining.
Despite having a high population by Federation standards Vega colony has a low population density, with settlements scattered all over the planet. As such there are several small mining settlements such as Eddie's home town and a handful of large cities which ship the finished proudcts off-world and service starships.
Eddie followed along the footsteps of generations before him and took to mining at 17 years old. He worked principally on machines, learning the in-depth mechanics of heavy duty phasers drills. After 3 years of mining he decided to move into the capital and worked as a mechanic for the various cargo barges and trade ships operating out of the starport on a daily basis, much to the dismay of his parents who wished for him to remain in the family tradition of mining. Eddie proved himself a capable engineer however, working on hundreds of different types of ships over 3 years.
Coupling his experience and education Eddie applied to Starfleet Academy, again to the dismay of his parents who had no other children to continue the family line.
Despite having a high population by Federation standards Vega colony has a low population density, with settlements scattered all over the planet. As such there are several small mining settlements such as Eddie's home town and a handful of large cities which ship the finished proudcts off-world and service starships.
Eddie followed along the footsteps of generations before him and took to mining at 17 years old. He worked principally on machines, learning the in-depth mechanics of heavy duty phasers drills. After 3 years of mining he decided to move into the capital and worked as a mechanic for the various cargo barges and trade ships operating out of the starport on a daily basis, much to the dismay of his parents who wished for him to remain in the family tradition of mining. Eddie proved himself a capable engineer however, working on hundreds of different types of ships over 3 years.
Coupling his experience and education Eddie applied to Starfleet Academy, again to the dismay of his parents who had no other children to continue the family line.
Eddie received a primary and secondary education at his home town on Vega and showed a natural aptitude for mechanical pursuits. At Starfleet Academy he drew upon his past experience and excelled in Engineering and Tactical to a lesser extent. He resented his treatment by fellow cadets and even instructors however, who tended to look down on him for his working class backgrounds, an attitude he found all too prevalent on Earth.
Medical profile
Nothing of significance other than numerous light burns from performing maintenance on phaser drills, all of which have healed.
Starfleet Record
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