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Dk. Brown
Khelaq of the house of Kol
Clark Heisman
First City, Quo'nos
Kolek (older) and Malq (younger) (brothers)
Family history
Klas' parents' meeting was somewhat akin to the neanderthal method of marriage (bash the female over the head with a club and drag her back to your cave) only in reverse. Clark was the captain of a small time pirate vessel that would prey on poorly defended ships while they traveled through the several light-years long gap between the protection of the Federation and the Klingon Empire's respective fleets. These forces giving defferential distance to one another often left commercial shipping vulnerable for a short time, but carelessness either way would mean getting caught by the authorities.

One day, Clark and his crew made that mistake, straying too far into Klingon territory and running afoul of a Bird-Of-Prey. Disabled and boarded, the captain of the Bird-Of-Prey gave Clark a choice; fight to the death and die with honor, or be taken prisoner and likley spend the rest of his life of Rura Penthe. Clark chose the fight. He was big for a human, but certainly not comparable to a Klingon, but through an incredible stroke of luck, he ended up killing the Klingon captain instead of the other way around.

The crew wasn't quite sure what to do with this. The first officer of the Bird-Of-Prey, who happened to be Khelaq of the house of Kol, was so impressed with Clark's display of skill and ruthlessness that she wanted him for herself. She took him as her personal prisoner and cut the rest of Clark's crew adrift in their disabled vessel.

Clark eventually learned to love (or at least tolerate) Khelaq in return and they had three sons. Khelaq remains in the Klingon Defense Force as captain of a Bird-Of-Prey. Clark has recently completed full initiation into the house of Kol and Klingon society. Kolek is in the KDF and Malq serves in the marines.
Standard Klingon schooling with emphasis on tradition and being a warior. Klas encountered problems with full-Klingon children in school deriding him for his mixed heritage until he nearly killed one such bully in his tenth year of schooling. This appears on his scholastic record as a commendation for "extreme dedication to honor"

Klas served two years in the Klingon Defense Force as an engineer before deciding to attend Starfleet Academy. he felt that his knowledge of engineering was not progressing at a satisfactory rate where he was, and decided that the more 'science and exploration' focused Federation might be more suitable.
Medical profile
Has had numerous broken bones and minor wounds from the usual fights and behavior of a young Klingon.

Otherwise perfectly healthy.
Forehead ridges characteristic of all Klingons, however Klas' are smoother due to his mixed heritage.

Starfleet Record

  • position: EO
    rank: Ens.
    vessel: USS Afton
    date action
    10607.31 Assigned to EO aboard USS Hercules as Ens.
    10610.12 Transferred to EO aboard USS Afton
    10611.08 Removed to Inactive



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Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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