Character image

Dark Auburn
B'lee Kazys
B'lee Algirdas
Gallitep Province, Bajor
Brothers: B'lee Jonas; B'lee Leva
Sisters: B'lee Ona
Sisters: B'lee Ona
Family history
Staychne was born in 2342 in the Gallitep province of Bajor and grew up alongside his siblings during the Cardassian Occupation. When he was a young teenager he was caught stealing a data PADD from the pocket of a Cardassian officer. Sentenced to hard labor, he was sent to work at the Gallitep Labor Camp which, at that time, was run by Gul Darhe'el. There he witnessed many atrocities that haunt him to this day.
Born during the Occupation of Bajor, educational opportunities were few and far between. His mother did her best to home school all of the B'lee children but, once Staychne was sent to the Gallitep Labor Camp, no further opportunities for education came his way until the end of the occupation in 2369. Then, at age 27, he immediately stowed away on a freighter off the planet and has not looked back since.
Discovered half-starved two weeks later by the crew of the freighter Staychne was nursed back to health and then put to work as a back-up pilot. On board that craft, he discovered an aptitude for flying and, after several unfulfilling positions with various cargo services and freighter lines, he found himself on Earth. Applying to the Academy on a bet he was surprised to be accepted. Attending Starfleet Academy he became an accomplished and skilled pilot with a strong background in engineering.
Discovered half-starved two weeks later by the crew of the freighter Staychne was nursed back to health and then put to work as a back-up pilot. On board that craft, he discovered an aptitude for flying and, after several unfulfilling positions with various cargo services and freighter lines, he found himself on Earth. Applying to the Academy on a bet he was surprised to be accepted. Attending Starfleet Academy he became an accomplished and skilled pilot with a strong background in engineering.
Medical profile
Staychne, like many Bajorans, holds deep-seated resentment towards all Cardassians. Extensive counseling during his Academy years has made it possible for him to tolerate his few Cardassian classmates but strangers will still find it difficult to break down his walls. In addition, his 14 years spent in the Gallitep Labor Camp have left him with both physical and emotional scars and he suffers from occassional "night-terrors" when these memories are forced to the surface. All-in-all, he is a deeply emotionally disturbed person who, though congenial to most everyone, holds on to many lingering prejudices from the Occupation and beyond.
Ancestory of the ji'latta D'jarra.
Starfleet Record
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