Character image

Linkasa Godar
Sorak Lithrian
The Netherlands
Family history
When Sorak and Linkasa came together it was frowned upon by many people, but despite that they stayed together. They settled on Earth on the European continent where they had a happy life. At first they were frowned upon again, but as time passed they were integrated in the culture. Sorak became a politician in the region and Linkasa worked mostly as a teacher on the local school. They only got one child, T’Keth, but recently they are trying to get a second child.
T’Keth grew up being rather special. He got a lot of attention medically when he was born because of his uniqueness of species. He also got a lot of attention by his grandparents and great-grandparents as they tried to teach him the ways of their people and although it never really interested him, on a subconscious level it stuck by him. From when he was young he always liked flying and when he got older the interest stuck and it played a big role in his choice of joining Starfleet. Although he much rather would fly a one-manned ship, he never could because there are only so much of them.
Once he entered Starfleet Academy he got some friends and with them he pulled a lot of pranks. They also builded a shuttle together which they gambled for when they were graduated to decide who would get it, which was T’Keth.
In the Academy he also met Ellissa Harrt, they became friends and although he and his friends were a bit mischievous, she would never take part in any of their pranks. In time T’Keth and Ellissa grew closer, eventually becoming more than friends, but they never did more than hang out with each other and both were happy about it.
T’Keth graduated from the Academy with flying colours in Flight and a minor in both Tactical and Engineering.
Since then Ellissa and he have become engaged and had a child together. Unfortunatly the child died during childbirth because the ship was raided by pirates and Ellissa was stunned while in labor.
After this Ellissa had been in shambles, but with his family in ruins T'Keth carried on with his duty while trying to figure out a way to get his daughter back.
After years he finally founda way to get his personal ship back to the correct time while making it look like an accident. Here he influenced the recent past by trying to transfer only specific memories to his past self through a mind meld giving him vague knowledge of his own future.
At that point the future self was caught and an investigation was made by Temporal Investigations. This investigation concluded that the changes that T'Keth would make were small enough that it would barely influence the course of the timeline and they were both let go on the condition that the future T'Keth would not interfere in the course of the timeline anymore.
Since then his daughter didn't die and most of the knowledge he gained has dissipated to the back of his mind.
T’Keth grew up being rather special. He got a lot of attention medically when he was born because of his uniqueness of species. He also got a lot of attention by his grandparents and great-grandparents as they tried to teach him the ways of their people and although it never really interested him, on a subconscious level it stuck by him. From when he was young he always liked flying and when he got older the interest stuck and it played a big role in his choice of joining Starfleet. Although he much rather would fly a one-manned ship, he never could because there are only so much of them.
Once he entered Starfleet Academy he got some friends and with them he pulled a lot of pranks. They also builded a shuttle together which they gambled for when they were graduated to decide who would get it, which was T’Keth.
In the Academy he also met Ellissa Harrt, they became friends and although he and his friends were a bit mischievous, she would never take part in any of their pranks. In time T’Keth and Ellissa grew closer, eventually becoming more than friends, but they never did more than hang out with each other and both were happy about it.
T’Keth graduated from the Academy with flying colours in Flight and a minor in both Tactical and Engineering.
Since then Ellissa and he have become engaged and had a child together. Unfortunatly the child died during childbirth because the ship was raided by pirates and Ellissa was stunned while in labor.
After this Ellissa had been in shambles, but with his family in ruins T'Keth carried on with his duty while trying to figure out a way to get his daughter back.
After years he finally founda way to get his personal ship back to the correct time while making it look like an accident. Here he influenced the recent past by trying to transfer only specific memories to his past self through a mind meld giving him vague knowledge of his own future.
At that point the future self was caught and an investigation was made by Temporal Investigations. This investigation concluded that the changes that T'Keth would make were small enough that it would barely influence the course of the timeline and they were both let go on the condition that the future T'Keth would not interfere in the course of the timeline anymore.
Since then his daughter didn't die and most of the knowledge he gained has dissipated to the back of his mind.
Local schools.
Starfleet Academy
Starfleet Academy
Medical profile
In perfect health, almost never sick.
During the period of a bit more than a week T’Keth has undergone his first Pon Farr. Because he is a hybrid of Human, Vulcan and Klingon the Pon Farr was not life threatening, although he was extremely violent because of his Klingon blood.
The Pon Farr was cured by T'Keth mating with Ellissa. Because he is part Vulcan they now have a psychic link with each other, this ability is now slowly showing itself. It also resulted in their firstborn child, Rela.
He is vulnerable to the pheromones of Orion women when not in within a certain distance from his mate.
During the period of a bit more than a week T’Keth has undergone his first Pon Farr. Because he is a hybrid of Human, Vulcan and Klingon the Pon Farr was not life threatening, although he was extremely violent because of his Klingon blood.
The Pon Farr was cured by T'Keth mating with Ellissa. Because he is part Vulcan they now have a psychic link with each other, this ability is now slowly showing itself. It also resulted in their firstborn child, Rela.
He is vulnerable to the pheromones of Orion women when not in within a certain distance from his mate.
Small ridges on the forehead and ears which are a little bit pointed and sharp teeth.
Starfleet Record
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