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Red Cloud Raiser (dead)
Gunther Raiser (dead)
Two sisters (one older, one younger)
Michelle van Kerkhovan (married)
Samantha Raiser
Not married
No children
Family history
Cathy was born on Mars but grew up primarily on Earth. She was bullied briefly as a child in high school, but after taking up various martial arts and changing schools, she become stronger and got over her depression. Father is a scientist that works on Mars. Mother is a 'free spirit' who teaches young children 'spiritual' lessons. Older sister, Sam, is studying towards her doctrate on quantum physics. Younger sister, Michelle is part of a research team studying marine life on various planets.

Red Cloud and Gunther were killed tragically in an Orion pirate attack recently.

Cathy received a cermonial tattoo from the XO of the Broadsword, Commander J'het as a symbol of her rite of passage to adulthood (in this case, after accepting her post as XO aboard the Perseus).
StarFleet Academy (excelled in Security/Tactical)

Holds a black belt in both Karate and Kendo (although not a formal education, it has provided her with knowledge of pressure points and other things)

Completed a course in Advanced Tactics and Small arms combat under Lieutenant Commander Kliener (NPC) on Atlantis Station
Medical profile
Diagnosed with anti-depressants earlier in her life. Has a horrible tendancy to throw herself into the thick of a fight, in order to restore peace or save someone.

Walked with a barely noticable limp for a few months as a result of a distruptor injury while saving civilians on Torvanol Two

Fractured left arm in several places, weakened knee, bruised jaw, lacerations[cuts] to back and broken ribs from a hand-to-hand fight in which, under the influence of a foreign substance, she lost control, assaulted three individuals (including XO of the Broadsword) and killed a man.

Medical Update 10702.18

Right knee crushed in a heavy door due to an accident while on away mission on an Outpost. The knee had to be completely replaced with a metal replacement. Limp is very noticable now. Raiser will walk with a cane until further notice

Medical Update 10802.24

Catherine Raiser underwent a second operation to repair the damage to the knee due to overuse. The micro-fractures and the nerves were repaired. Her knee is now fully repaired and is functioning at 90% efficiency.

Medical Update 10908.31
--- CMO's eyes only---

Captain Raiser requested an abortion of an unwanted fetus. She had requested that this information be viewed only by the ship's CMO and as a matter of reference for any medical complications that may arise.

Medical Update:
Captain Raiser has unfortunately had to have the lower portion of her right leg amputated above the knee. The limb was severely damaged in a ship takeover and, given the circumstances (of the ship being under hostile control), the CMO had no choice but to remove it.

Physiotherapy has been progressing well and Catherine now walks small distances with a prosthetic limb.
Short hair,Dragon tattoo on back of neck, ceremonial/tribal tattoo of a cougar on the small of her back

Starfleet Record

  • position: CO
    rank: Capt.
    vessel: USS Victoria
    date action
    10410.3 Assigned to TO aboard USS Broadsword as Ens.
    10501.17 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for your excellent performance of duty, even outside duty hours
    10504.03 Transferred to CTO
    10504.21 Promoted to Lieutenant for superb dedication to the ship and crew
    10511.24 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for Service to both your crew and ship
    10609.07 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for heroism beyond the call of duty while recovering the USS Crecy
    10609.07 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for heroism in the face of adversity while aiding the USS Victoria
    10609.07 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for conspicuous dedication to duty
    10612.19 Promoted to Commander for meritorious service, conspicuous dedication to duty, and extreme bravery in combat.
    10705.13 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for excellent service in all areas
    10705.21 Transferred to XO aboard USS Perseus
    10706.04 Received Star Cross for consistent heroic actions above and beyond the call of duty aboard the USS Broadsword.
    10708.26 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Broadsword
    10710.12 Transferred to XO aboard USS Afton
    10802.24 Received Starfleet Command Commendation for Conspicuous Gallentry for courageous actions taken in defense of the ship, and a Federation planet
    10807.2 Received Distinguished Service Medal for exemplary performance of duties under duress
    10812.21 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for outstanding leadership and dedication
    10908.01 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for exemplary leadership and diplomatic skill
    10908.17 Received Revelations Legion of Honor Campaign Medal on behalf of the Federation for serving in the campaign against the Toqar Empire, performing peaceful negotiations and military operations while protecting Federation interests
    10908.21 Transferred to CO aboard USS Victoria
    10908.23 Promoted to Captain for exceptional dedication to Starfleet
    11006.16 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for exposing corrupt members of Starfleet
    11203.19 Received Distinguished Service Medal for courage under fire
    11212.29 Removed to Inactive



"Assimilation is complete..."

The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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