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United Federation of Planets Medal of Honor YesYes1
Star Cross YesYes2
Medal of ValorNoYes3
Distinguished Service Medal YesYes4
Legion of HonorYesYes5
Starfleet Command Commendation for Conspicuous GallantryNoYes6
Silver PalmYesNo7
Meritorious Service MedalYesNo8
Starfleet Decoration for ValorYesNoSpecial - rank must be LtCmdr and lower
Starfleet Surgeons MedalYesYesSpecial - Medical Staff Only
Starfleet Silver Lifesaving MedalYesYesSpecial - Non-Medical Staff Only
Axanar Humanitarian Medal YesYesSpecial
Vulcan Scientific Legion of Honor MedalYesYesSpecial - Science and Medical Staff Only
United Federation of Planets Council Peace MedalYesYesSpecial - Only for Diplomatic Missions
Purple HeartYesYesSpecial

United Federation of Planets Medal of Honor 


The Medal of Honor is awarded by the President in the name of United Federation of Planets Council to one who distinguishes himself or herself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life or her life above and beyond the call of duty; while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; or while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United Federation of Planets is not a belligerent party. The deed performed must have been one of personal bravery or self-sacrifice so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish the individual above his comrades and must have involved risk of life. Incontestable proof of the performance of the service will be exacted and each recommendation for the award of this decoration will be considered on the standard of extraordinary merit.

The Star Cross


Awarded to officers and enlisted personnel of Starfleet who distinguish themselves by extraordinary heroism, not justifying the award of the Medal of Honor, in military operations against an armed enemy. Originally awarded for combat heroism and other distinguished service; it is not necessarily a combat decoration only, awarded for extraordinary heroism in the presence of great danger and personal risk. It is now the second highest decoration for Starfleet personnel.

The Starfleet Medal of Valor


The star is awarded to any member of Starfleet who, while serving in any capacity, distinguished themselves by gallantry in action against an enemy of the United Federation of Planets, or while serving with friendly forces against an opposing armed enemy force. It is awarded for combat action only, and ranks as the third highest valor decoration of Starfleet.

Starfleet Distinguished Service Medal


The medal is awarded to any member of Starfleet who, while serving with Starfleet in any capacity, distinguishes themselves by exceptionally meritorious service to the Federation in a duty of great responsibility. Awarded for combat or non-combat services.

Legion of Honor


Awarded by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet to military officers who perform exceptionally meritorious service in a degree of great responsibility while in Starfleet.

The Silver Palm


This is awarded to any person in any branch of Starfleet service who, while serving in any capacity with Starfleet or the United Federation of Planets shall distinguish themselves by heroic or meritorious achievement or service; not a combat decoration.

Purple Heart


It is awarded for combat action only, and is awarded to any person wounded in action while serving Starfleet of the United Federation of Planets. It is also awarded posthumously to the next of kin of personnel killed in action, or who died of wounds received in action.

Starfleet Command Meritorious Service Medal


Awarded to any member of Starfleet of the United Federation of Planets who distinguishes himself or herself by either outstanding achievement or meritorious service to the United Federation of Planets. It was established as a junior award of the Silver Palm for the recognition of meritorious non-combat services.

Starfleet Command Commendation for Gallantry


Originally created as a ribbon called the Pantereas Commendation Ribbon, it was the first of the commendation awards. Awarded to members of Starfleet, who distinguish themselves by heroism, outstanding achievement or meritorious service. This is a personal decoration, which has often been awarded for Life Saving, in place of the medals originally created for that purpose and is junior to the Starfleet Command Meritorious Service Medal.

Starfleet Command Decoration for Valor


Awarded [LtCmdr and Lower] and enlisted personnel serving in any capacity with Starfleet who distinguish themselves by outstanding professional achievement or for leadership. Originally a non-combat award, the achievement medal is now awarded for both combat and non-combat service. The combat cluster device is worn on the ribbon if stipulated in the citation.

Starfleet Surgeons Medal


Awarded to anyone serving exclusively in the Starfleet Medical Corps who rescues, or endeavors to rescue, any other person from exposure, shipwreck, or other peril of Space. The rescue must take place in space within the United Federation of Planets or subject to U.F.P jurisdiction, or one of the parties must be a citizen of the United Federation of Planets, and the rescue must have been made at the risk of the rescuer's own life, with evidence of extreme and heroic daring.

Starfleet Silver Lifesaving Medal


Awarded to any person in Starfleet who rescues, or endeavors to rescue, any other person from exposure, shipwreck, or other peril of the Space. The rescue must take place in space within the United Federation of Planets or subject to U.F.P jurisdiction, or one of the parties must be a citizen of the United Federation of Planets.

Axanar Humanitarian Medal


This is awarded to members of Starfleet who distinguished themselves by meritorious direct participation in a significant act or operation of humanitarian nature, or who have rendered a service to mankind. Operations which merit consideration for the Medal include: disaster, flood, Plague, and Relief work, or rescue operations anywhere in the Galaxy.

Vulcan Scientific Legion of Honor Medal


Awarded by the Vulcan Science Academy for outstanding performances, discoveries or research in the Scientific Fields.  Traditionally, this award went exclusively to Officers and Enlisted Personnel in the Starfleet Sciences Department.

United Federation of Planets Council Peace Medal


Commends an individual who has set a personal example of foster peace, co-operation and mutual respect between divergent races.

(10302.08 - Brian Paveza)


  1. Star Trek:  The Next Generation Television Show - Episode "Measure of a Man"
  2. Star Trek:  The Next Generation Role Playing Game [White Horse]  1998
  3. Star Trek:  The Original Series - Episode "The Menageria, Part 1"

Additional Research and Aid:
Brian Paveza, Robert Olensivich, Mark Tucker



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Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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