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Lisa Cutter
Howard Cutter (deceased)
Pacifi Northwest, Earth
Twin Brother Jayden and a year older brother Ryder (deceased during the Jem Hadar War)
Michael Scott (deceased)
Family history
Jade came from a long line of explorers. Most recently, her father had been a Federation scientist who had specialized in propulsion technology. He had been killed when the twins were sixteen during a failed transwarp trial. And his brother, her Uncle, had served as the commanding officer of the USS Hayden until his retirement.

Almost since the beginning of human travel into space there had been someone from her family out among the stars. Perhaps the most mysterious had been her great-great grandfather who had gone missing for many years. The family had believed he had been killed on one of is exploratory missions. Then one day, out of the blue, he had returned to the fold, but not alone. He had brought with him a son. Who the mother was or what race she was from was never disclosed and to this day it remains a mystery... the DNA so far remained unmatched with any known species the Federation had on record.

The effects of that unknown DNA made its appearance generation after generation of Cutter children, but never in the same way. Each gift never repeating itself. It made one wonder who their ancestress had been.

In the case of Jade she had more then one gift; if one counted the telepathic connection she had with her twin. As telepathy went, they had a very strong connection. But the telepathy was unusual in that she could only speak to her twin and no one could pick that up, nor could their minds be tampered with. That uniqueness had been an advantage that the Federation had made use of by placing them on a couple of co-op missions among telepaths.

Her specific gift was healing that came in many forms and often at a high cost to herself; except for one aspect. For the most part she avoided using the ability to heal. Small things healed quickly and easily on their own and the harder things... well if it did not kill her, her brother had threatened he would. The one time she had gone back on her promise, it had almost killed her as she had tried to save a friend... and failed. It was this incident that had redirected her away from the medical field directly and into counseling where she could still do some good; as a doctor she had lost confidence in herself.

As children, the twins were inseparable, often getting into mischief. But while they had the knack for getting into trouble, they often had the knack of getting out of trouble... accept for the occasional times they had needed their elder brother to help them out. But After the death of their father, that mischief had escalated in their grief and they had been caught stealing a shuttle to go find him. Because there had been no remains, they had found it hard to believe he was dead... believing he was still out there somewhere, lost, like their great-great grandfather.

They had been caught by the police. Considering the background and their situation, the court had been lenient... at least that was the appearance given to everyone but the twins. They had been separated; sent to boarding schools far from each other.

While their ability to speak with other telepathically had been curtailed, they still had the sense of each other in the back of their mind. But it was not enough; they no longer had each others presence to help balance the other out. Jayden buried himself into sports and partying, ignoring his studies until he could not, as his more reasonable sister was no longer there to curb him. As for Jade, she had lost her extroverted, adventurous brother and retreated into being introverted and serious, burying herself in her studies.

Eventually Jayden went to Starfleet academy, carrying on the family tradition, while she headed for the science academy with the intention of being a botanist... plants after all did not care who you were. There she fell in love with one of her professors, a visiting Scotsman who helped return the balance she had lost with Jayden. With the loose of her friend and her husbands support, her goals shifted and she went into the field of medicine, specializing in counseling.

Upon her graduation, they moved to his family home in Scotland and for seven years, theirs had been a good marriage. They had decided to begin their family when disaster had struck in a shuttle accident while they were on vacation. Jade had pulled through but Michael and their unborn child had not.

Unable to remain on Earth, Jade had taken the first position that had an opening, which happened to be for a medical doctor, off Earth. She made new friends and connections. One thing had lead to another and she had found herself a member of Starfleet where her path crossed with that of her twin.

Over the years the twins were specially trained and sent into Undercover Operations due to their unique telepathic connection.
- Standard Earth Schools Until 16
- Boarding school
- Science Academy
- Medical Academy
Medical profile
Care must be taken with any medication and blood transfusions due to the unidentified DNA. Throughout her body there is restructuring; results from the accident. Otherwise she is strong and healthy.

Starfleet Record

  • position: CNS
    rank: Ens.
    vessel: USS Andromeda
    date action
    11411.19 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Andromeda as Ens.
    11412.2 Removed to Inactive



"Assimilation is complete..."

The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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