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Christine Patricia Melissa Andrews, née Richards
Brian Stephen Francis Andrews
Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada
Brother: Michael Adam Christopher Andrews (age 19)
Sisters: Theresa Erin Christine Brooks née Andrews (age 33), Anna Stephanie Brianne Andrews (age 23)

Brother-in-law: Johnathan Colin Richard Brooks (age 32)
Nephews: Sean Aidan Brooks (age 4), Neil Liam Brooks (3 months)
None (deceased)
No children.
Family history
Born in 2351 to suburban, Canadian, human parents, James and his older sister Theresa (later joined by Anna in 2357 and Michael in 2361) learned about the finer things in life by attending a small elementary school and taking regular hikes through their parents' expansive property. James' father, Brian, an interplanetarily-known, retired electro-optical engineer and his mother, Christine, spent all of their childrens' formative years in quiet Sussex, New Brunswick, encouraging them to excel in school but, ultimately, take their lives in the direction they wishes.

Theresa met, and later married in 2374, Jonathan Colin Richard Brooks while attending Carleton University in Ottawa for a Bachlor's Degree in Warpfield Engineering, expressing a desire to work for Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems, developing new engine cores for starships. Their son, Sean Aidan Brooks, was born in the summer of 2376. Sean has demonstrated remarkable brilliance in his first four years. His brother, Neil, went through a complicated birth. He his recovering well and is expected to show similar development to Sean's.

Anna gets along with James the best of all of James' siblings. Anna's school life was difficult, to say the least, and James took it upon himself to protect her, though without sheltering her. They share many interests and often find themselves completing each other's sentences when in each other's company for extended periods of time. Despite this, Anna decided not to follow James into Starfleet and currently lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, where she owns her own aromatherapy products company.

Michael still, currently, lives with his parents. After a lacklustre -- though by no means poor -- final year of high school, Michael thought it would be best to find work before applying to university. He enjoys making music and has professed that he would one day like to be the first human to release a hit record in the Ferengi Empire.
Graduated in the top of his class from both high school and St. Francois Xavier University, with a B.Sc. in Warp Dynamics with a minor in Data Systems. Was also a member of the varsity ai ki do team, winning medals throughout the Maritimes. Applied to Starfleet Academy at age 25, after his marriage, and sped through, surprising his professors. Graduated from the Academy in the top percentile and demonstrated a keenness for precision flying and targetting. Was a member of Nova Squadron ever year of his attendance and lobbied, though unsuccessfully due to the Joshua Albert incident of 2368, to re-instate the Kulvoord Starburst as a legal precision flight maneuver. This did not surprise his flight instructors, as Andrews was well-known throughout the Academy by his final year for pushing the envelope.
Medical profile
Andrews appears to have better-than-normal reflexes. It is unknown whether this is a result of his incredible piloting and targetting abilities or the source. Fortunately, his attuned reflexes have not resulted in Andrews being "jumpy". Quite the opposite, in fact; Andrews seems to be able to hold his mental focus better than most of his fellow students. He also has 20/17 vision in both eyes. It is the opinion of the Academy's Infirmary that these deviations from the norm will not adversely affect his performance onboard a starship or station.


Due to an accident while on a recent undercover mission for Starfleet Intelligence, Andrews has a mild aversion to personal beam weapons, resulting in a compulsion to check and re-check its setting before use. It is the opinion of this medical professional that Andrews be given exposure therapy using the Andromeda's phaser range to remind him that what occurred was an accident and a misfire; beam weapons do not adjust setting on their own.

However, the resultant guilt from the accident could be more difficult to treat. Andrews feels responsible for what happened and consistently brings up the question "what about his family?" I have reminded him that death is a risk anyone in any military accepts when they sign up and that anyone emotionally involved with military personnel is also aware of the risk. I have a feeling that his guilt may affect may affect his relationship with his wife. I recommend that Lt.-Cmdr. Jordaïn work with him on an extended basis to keep his relationship intact; if Andrews finds himself growing closer to his wife out of "I don't want anything to happen to us", it may affect his performance on the Bridge. However, growing more distant from his wife will have an adverse effect on his relationship. My final recommendation is that Andrews be left off Away Missions that involve infiltration.


Upon download of Andrews' psychological profile from Starbase 50, I am surprised that Captain Sketek allowed Andrews to participate in the mission to Ulysses Prime, though it seems to be 'just what the doctor ordered'. He also handled the trauma of seeing his own corpse with professional nonchalance, with some help from Commander Jordaïn. By his own admission, he feels it is the fact that his wife is with child that allowed him to, ultimately, keep a clear head and return to Andromeda. It seems that Andrews' psyche responds well to refusing to stay down. The best human parallel is to get back on the horse after falling off. I recommend that if future potentially-traumatic incidents occur around Andrews, that he not shy away from the circumstances.


I just received a report from Andromeda that Andrews' wife and unborn child passed away while on shore leave on Risa. Due to this unfortunate event, I urge that he spend time in counselling with Commander Jordaïn. His only comment, "I get the feeling that the galaxy's trying to shatter my mind", concerns me. I hope that a close eye will be kept on him; I fear his resolve is weakening.
Well-tanned skin. Otherwise, no remarkable physical attributes.

Starfleet Record

  • position: CO
    rank: Cmdr.
    vessel: USS Huron
    date action
    10401.18 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens.
    10406.1 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for dillegence and log writing
    10410.24 Promoted to Lieutenant for devotion and excellence
    10411.09 Participated in Prism Pi as IO
    10504.17 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for teamwork
    10504.17 Transferred to TO aboard USS Huron
    10504.17 Transferred to CO
    10508.14 Promoted to Commander for exemplary service and dedication to duty
    10601.17 Removed to Inactive



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