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Unknown. Jayden’s great-great Grandfather was one of the early explorers outside of our solar system. During a particularly distant mission, he had brought home a child. Who the mother was or her race was, and remains today, a mystery. No known DNA
Lisa Cutter
Howard Cutter (deceased)
Pacific Northwest, Central Idaho, Earth
A twin sister named Jade and a one year older brother named Ryder.
Family history
Jayden’s father was a Federation scientist who specialized in propulsion technology. He was killed when Jayden was 16, during a failed transwarp test. His mother is still alive and resides on Earth. The Cutter family has a history in Starfleet, the most recent example being Jayden’s Uncle serving as the Commanding Officer of the USS Hayden until his retirement. Ryder entered Starfleet Academy, followed a year later by Jayden and Jade. Shortly after Jayden’s arrival, the Jem Hadar Wars broke out and cadets were needed to replenish the initial heavy Federation losses. Both Jayden and Ryder were so assigned. Jayden spent two years onboard various ships as a Tactical Officer, then returned for his final year at the Academy. Ryder, along with his entire away team, went missing and are still listed as MIA.
As children, Jayden and his sister were inseparable and somewhat… mischievous. Of the two, his sister was more the voice of reason. In an effort to curb this issue, they were sent to different private schools during their secondary school years. Without his twin to provide a “balance”, Jayden still did well in school, but only because it kept the money flowing from Mom & Dad which allowed him to spend time on his two major loves.... Parrises Squares and partying. Following his basic education, he applied to Starfleet on a whim. It seemed his date at a particularly wild party dared him to. Much to his shock, his aptitude test confirmed his parents repeated statements to him ("You could do so well if you'd just apply yourself") and he was accepted. At the Academy, he was a leader on several of the sports teams and did well on any physical requirements, but was an average student academically. Again, Parrises Squares and parties consumed too much of his free time. The Jem Hadar War, along with the loss of his brother, tempered much of that devil-may-care attitude. While he's still a "free-spirit", he now recognizes that there is a time and place for everything and that there is such a thing as appropriate behavior. Well... most of the time he recognizes that. Since his basic Academy training, he has returned several times for advanced training in Weapons, Self-Defense and Starship Tactics. He (and his sister) were also trained for Undercover Operations, where their unique telepathic gifts were a significant advantage.
Medical profile
Generally healthy. Some injuries from various away missions or sports mishaps, but nothing that caused any permanent damage.
Fit and athletic, not excessively muscular.

Starfleet Record

  • position: XO
    rank: Cmdr.
    vessel: USS Andromeda
    date action
    11410.18 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Andromeda as Cmdr.
    11502.15 Received Distinguished Service Medal for actions aboard Starbase 514 and the successful return of control of the sector of space to lawful authority, as well as the prevention of massive loss of life of Starfleet officers and citizens on nearby starbases,
    11502.15 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for actions taken in the interest - and the necessity - of the greater good of Starfleet and the Federation against rogue segments of Section 31
    11503.03 Transferred to XO
    11703.25 Removed to Inactive



"Assimilation is complete..."

The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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