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Analine Serall
Olat Serall
Lake El Nar
One child now 5 years old named Mysri Juliana Nicholi; given up for adoption at birth
Family history
Mysri Juliana Serall was the only daughter of Trill’s wealthy minister of Finance, Olat and Analine Serall. Being the only daughter in to a wealth family afforded her a lot of luxuries including large living quarters to herself, a live in maid, and a tutor who came to their house to teach her.

From the time she could walk, her father had two aspirations for his daughter. The first was to become joined to a symbiont. The second was to follow in his footsteps and be the first daughter to succeed her father as Minister of Finance of Trill. The Serall’s always enjoyed longevity, and he expected himself to be no different. Olat Serall’s list of dislikes were short. He had two: Someone who could out power him in any type of fight, and anything having to do with the Federation.

As Mysri grew older and began to develop her own ideas and her tutor began to notice her aptitude for the sciences and the biological sciences in particular. This aptitude grew into a insatiable craving from more knowledge and understanding of the subject which her tutor began to be hard pressed to fill. She was shown around hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. Much to her chagrin, however, she was also forced into a rigorous mold when it came to her study of economics. Her tutor had no choice. That part of her curriculum was dictated by her father and there was no telling daddy, "no".

Amongst her other training, she was groomed to receive a symbiont. Each step was taken years before it needed to be just in case. And for each step she received the best training she was able to. Given her aptitude for medicine, the head of the Symbiosis Commission was invited to the Serall Household for lunch allowing Julia an opportunity to dialogue with the man.

Julia continued to grow and mature and eventually was introduced into society. At the ball held in her honor to announce herself to the aristocratic elite on Trill, she was introduced to a young, handsome Federation Diplomat from earth, name Vladmir Nicholi, who had been invited by the head of the Diplomatic Corp.

The forbidden fruit always being the sweetest, Vladmir found much favor in the eyes of the young woman, and as much and as often as possible, the two would find excuses to be in the same place at the same time. Their topics of conversation included Federation Politics, Medicine, Diplomatic Affairs, and their lives that would be spent with each other. Understanding Mysri’s heart he encouraged her to stand up to her father and explain to him she wanted so badly to study medicine. She found that it came easy to her, unlike economics.

About six months after she met him, Mysri finally stood up to her father one evening at dinner and explained that she really had a desire and love for medicine. She explained, that this wasn’t meant as a rebellion against him and his ideals, but she wanted to follow her heart. She was swiftly put in her place. She was the daughter of The Minister of Finance on Trill and not just someone to decide her own future. Hers was already decided for her and there was no room for questions.

She sneaked out of her room for the first time that night, the first of many times, and the only place she knew to go was to Vladmir. During the day her behavior became erratic. She had a hard time concentrating on any of her studies even medicine. Her head and her heart longed for freedom and she knew she wouldn’t find it while she was in that house.

Her father was apprised of her behavior by Mysri’s tutor, and concerned for his daughter he had some of his men do some looking into the situation. Those same men reported back approximately a week later that Mysri had been secretly seeing the Federation Diplomat to Trill a young man by the name of Vladmir Nicholi.

Much to surprise, when she came down to dinner that evening, Vladmir was there. He had been invited to dinner by her father, but both he and Mysri knew enough to be suspicious and rightly so. Neither said anything to the other over dinner and only answered direct questions from either of Mysri’s parents. When Mysri went to leave the house that evening, she noticed she was being followed, and so made as if she were out for a late night stroll and returned home. The next morning, however, when she was reading through her current events, she noticed a headline that she prayed was a crude joke her father was playing on her. It read: "Federation Diplomatic Ambassador to Trill Arrested." She scanned the article. It appeared that her father had accused Vladmir of stealing her mothers priceless necklace. By that afternoon, Mysri had packed a couple of bags and found transportation to earth under the name Julia Nicholi

Arriving at San Francisco, Julia’s first stop was to StarFleet to take the entrance exam. She took it and passed easily; however, missing the admittance deadline by one month she was obligated to wait until the next year. Deciding Vladmir’s family was deserving of an explanation she set out to find them. He had talked often of his family and the love they shared. Upon her arrival in Eastern Europe, she settled in, in a small town working for as a doctor’s aide. During the time she searched for Vladmir’s family, Julia was surprised to find out she was pregnant and the only person who the father could be was Vladmir’s.

Luckily for her the timing worked out. No one at Starfleet was aware, and she had almost a year before she had to return to begin classes. When It came time for the child’s delivery, there were complications. The baby was taken by old fashioned C-section and Julia was left with a horizontal scar across her abdomen. She gave the child up for adoption christening her Juliana Mysri Nicholi.

Upon graduating Valedictorian of her Medical class, Julia was commissioned to the Hayden as an MO, she wasn’t given her first, second or even third choice of ships due to numerous disciplinary infractions on her record during her Academy time. Somehow from the time she confronted her father to the time she graduated from the Academy her personality took a 180 degree change leaving her very bitter and closed.
Julia was privately tutored all through primary and secondary school.
She attended Medical School at Starfleet Academy.
Medical profile
Heart Rate 72
BP 119/72
Respirations 14
Temperature 98.2
Cranial scan: Brain capacity and neural activity is functioning within norms. Synapse time is .009 ns. All lobes of the brain have been scanned for abnormalities and have registered negative.
Bronchial scan: Lung capacity for the Ens. bodily make-up is actually better than would be expected. It registers 2.5 l. The lung pressure is .93 kps
Gastrointestinal scan: pH is within norms. No signs of GERD, intestinal polyps, tumors or growths of any kind.
Muscular scan: All within norms. Neuro-electrical pulses are firing within norms. She has complete Range Of Motion with all major muscle groups.
Bone scan: Bone Density is within norms. No soft bone tissues, growths, spurs or other calcium deposits were logged.
Cardiovascular scan: No arrhythmias were logged. No weakness in the heart muscle itself or in the blood vessel walls. No plaque build-up that is more negligible has been noted. Blood Pressure and heart rate are within given norms.
Blood Scan: All blood levels of Hgb/Hct are within norms. Albumin counts are within norms. Cholesterol counts are within norms. Blood sugar levels are well within norms also.
Lymphatic scan: The Lymph pathways are cleared and within norms. No traces of carcinogenic agents found.
Reproductive scan: According to scans everything falls within acceptable norms.
Horizontal scar across her abdomen. Characteristic Trill Spots

Starfleet Record

  • position: CMO
    rank: Lt.
    vessel: Abertura Station
    date action
    10303.01 Assigned to MO aboard Abertura Station as Ens.
    10303.13 Transferred to CMO
    10303.28 Promoted to Lieutenant for .
    10306.22 Removed to Inactive



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Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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