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Amanda and Blake Harris - 9 year old human orphans adopted by Mrlr aboard Arcadia Station.
Family history
Was found as a kitten adrift in the maelstorm nebula in an escape pod from a ship with no ship registration. Unknown how long she was in stasis. Escape pod showed signs of damage from weapons fire of unknown origin. Was brought to the nearest mining colony and placed in an orphanage. Moved from colony to colony as room was found in other orphanages more suitable for her age. Her age and birthdate were aproximated. Her birthdate was the day that she was found.
Deferred her academy entrance so that she could take time to search for her background. A DNA comparison was not found to any Caitian DNA on record. No clues were ever found so she abandoned the search and enrolled into the Academy. Specializing in spatial and temporal anomolies.

Was assigned to Special Ops training and transfered off of Arcadia Station. Reassigned to Arbetura Station for a short tour of duty after completeing her first SFI assignement, before being pulled off for another special operations assignment.

Reassigned into the fleet as a tactical officer for the USS Sharikahr.
Medical profile
Scarring can be seen under her fur. Like all of her species...very fast and agile but frail. Broken bones and torn muscles are a constant hazard for all caitians.
Tattoo of unknown hieroglyphics on back of right hand and back of neck. Fur is mostly silver with tawny and black stripes

Starfleet Record

  • position: CTO
    rank: Cmdr.
    vessel: Arcadia Station
    date action
    10205.08 Assigned to CSO aboard USS Claymore as Ens.
    10205.15 Transferred to CNS
    10205.16 Transferred to CNS aboard USS Gryphon
    10208.17 Removed to Inactive
    10210.17 Assigned to TO aboard Arcadia Station as Ens.
    10210.18 Transferred to CTO
    10211.07 Transferred to TO
    10211.07 Transferred to CIV
    10301.25 Transferred to CTO
    10302.18 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for your excellence in service and performance of your duties
    10304.08 Received Distinguished Service Medal for outstanding performance of duties
    10306.03 Received Purple Heart for injuries sustained during the conflict with T'laran terrorists
    10308.12 Promoted to Lieutenant for excellence of duty
    10308.12 Removed to Inactive
    10311.21 Assigned to CBO aboard Abertura Station as Lt.
    10401.13 Participated as XO of PRISM Xi
    10405.22 Removed to Inactive
    10406.16 Assigned to CTO aboard USS Sharikahr as Lt.
    10407.27 Transferred to CIV
    10410.29 Received Starfleet Decoration for Valor for actions of bravery and courage that far exceeded what your duty demands, in the recent Pi Stanlius system
    10410.29 Received Purple Heart for injuries sustained, in the recent Pi Stanlius system
    10412.08 Transferred to CTO
    10501.29 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Triton
    10506.17 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for service and devotion to the Triton
    10506.25 Received Starfleet Command Commendation for Conspicuous Gallantry for your heroic act in saving a fellow officer from certain harm
    10511.11 Promoted to Commander for service and devotion to the Triton
    10605.26 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties under extreme conditions
    10609.01 Removed to Inactive
    10610.28 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Triton as Cmdr.
    10701.1 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Delphyne
    10702.28 Removed to Inactive
    10708.22 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Apache as Cmdr.
    10801.19 Received Medal of Valor for outstanding performance during the rescue mission of the Admirals
    10804.19 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties
    10810.11 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for for preformance above and beyond the call of duty
    10912.2 Removed to Inactive
    11702.07 Assigned to CTO aboard Arcadia Station as Cmdr.
    11903.24 Removed to Inactive



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Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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