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OPS LCm Ella Lynn Macrellis (Retired)
XO Cmd Michael Raymond Lyones VII (Retired)
Tranquility, Proxima Colonies
XO LCm Michael Raymond Lyones VIII (37yrs)
CIV Harrold Eric Lyones (33yrs)
CSEC Lt Kyra Lynn Thedri'in (Twin, 31yrs)
CSO Lt Martin Sean Lyones (30yrs)
EO JLt Iomi Rose Lyones (27yrs)
Family history
Serra is a second generation Federation applicant. Though she is obviously ambitious enough to fill the role of an Officer, she was forced into Enlisted ranks for some time due to a poor standing on her Academy application tests.
A bright woman, Serra often has trouble getting along with others. Climbing through the ranks as an Enlistedman allowed her the time to work on her people skills until she was accepted to Officer Candidacy school.

She has studied at the Enlisted School on Mars, graduating as an E3 and being assigned as Junior Engineer's Mate under Tervan Leere. She rose quickly through the ranks thanks to the observation and teachings he provided, and she became Chief Engineer's Mate. A brief stint as the Acting Chief Engineer on the Perseus brought her to a fateful decision to apply for Officer Candidacy.

Serra has finished Continuing Education packets on Warp Field Theory, Delta and Gamma Radiation Protection, Maintenance Routines I and II, Advanced Diagnostics, Level Two Bridge Clearance, and Subspace Harmonics Resonation.
Medical profile
Medical Profile, Circa 10604.07:
Serra is a healthy human female whose profile holds a serious record of repetitive breaks and sprains. Serra has previously been exposed to high spectrum radiation in large volumes, however there are no lingering adverse effects. She has no medicinal allergies, nor any known allergies to common triggers.

Apparently Serra is free from most carcinogens. She has stated a disdain for alcohol, even right down to the synthohol served in the ship's messhall. It appears that, even as far back as youth, she has avoided polluting her body with various toxins in differing drinks. It has even been stated that Serra will refuse to drink wine at social functions.

Miss Lyones is in extremely fit condition. She has a fitness routine on the holodeck where she continues to practice karate. She has stated on repeated occasions that she is a black belt in the art. Her body shows signs of being heavily athletic in her youth. She has a very nice physique and metabolism, allowing her to maintain the hectic schedule she has. Highly flexible, she seems almost suited to be an engineer by birth.

Psychological Profile, Circa 10604.07:
Truthfully, Serra is mentally stable. There are no massive or outstanding abnormalities to prevent her from fulfilling her duties. She has a minor Inferiority Complex that is paired with a slight Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder; She is constantly in need of something to occupy her hands and is well suited to the manual tasks of the Engineering Department. It seems Ms. Lyones has somewhere developed a Hedgehog's Dilemma. She is unable to accept people in large groups or quickly into her circle of contacts. Relationships, for her, are established over years instead of months or weeks normally. She has no significant phobias, save tribblephobia. Her inexplicable fear of the furry little creatures is quite interesting

One other extreme condition to note is her chronic insomnia. She seems to have developed it during Basic Training when her "over-the-top" mentality seems to have fueled a desire to become better like her siblings (most of whom are extremely successful). Serra also seems to be suffering from a mild version of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. All of this seems to propell her ambition to become more. She has been known to say "I feel as though [while sleeping] I am losing what I knew before." This is an interesting comment. No medication or treatment regimen has seemed to help. Fellow crewmen have noted that "[Serra] seems to work like a woman possessed." Even so, her quality of work is on par with, if not superior to, many of the officers on board.

Serra has an uncanny understanding of mathematics, especially complex mathematics such as trigonometry, calculus, quantum mechanics, and temporal-spatial calculations. As such, Serra is capable of rapid calculation and can understand of abstract and mathematical systems. She seems a natural musician and linguist, knowing how to play piano, viola, trumpet, trombone, guitar, and sitar as well as speaking well over a dozen languages. She is fluent in Vulcan, Klingon, Bajoran, Betazed, and Bolian as well as being conversational in Breen, Romulan, Gorn, Cardassian, Ferengi, Andorian, Orion, and Tholian.
Serra's hair is often disheveled and unkempt with a very short cut of five centimeters. She often appears tired, but is never physically exhausted.

Starfleet Record

  • position: CEO
    rank: Ens.
    vessel: USS Afton
    date action
    10706.1 Assigned to EO aboard USS Perseus as Cadet
    10708.19 Removed to Inactive
    10711.13 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Afton as Ens.
    10711.19 Removed to Inactive



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The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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