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Raven Black
Cheyenne Sky & step-mother: Sitka
Talan & adopted father Aedrin of Torrone
USS Einstein
2 half brothers: Rengala & Seon and one half sister. Two adopted sisters: Sierra and Sienna (identical twins) and one adopted brother: Caedril
Ethan Knight
Braedon Kíí Dylan Knight 10404.30
Brenden Niyol (wind) Aaron & Brianna (daughter has mother's hair and boys father) So'tsoh (morning star) Sky 10802.29 (children are one year older due to time paradox adding a year)
Family history
Instruments played: Eorian Flute, Vulcan Lyre, Human Piano

Family History:
Conceived during an unusual storm that forced her father who was a xenobiologist into early pon farr, the ships botanist, stepped in to help him. Talan stayed with her mother for six years, until it was time for him to go home and complete the bonding with his intended. During the summers, Sky stayed aboard the ship with her mother. During school sessions, she lived with her father and his family. Her two younger brothers and sister adored her, while her stepmother simply accepted the fact of her existence. She was never cruel, but neither did she learn to love her husband’s daughter. Amazingly, there was still peace in that household.

Sky’s mother remained aboard the Einstein teaching her daughter the uses of plants. Living aboard a science vessel and on Vulcan, she had an unusual education while growing up. Between her parents, she decided she fit best in Starfleet. Though she loved Vulcan, she never felt as if she truly belonged as much as she did among the stars where she had been born. She is a gentle soul, who rarely lost her temper nor could she hold a grudge for long.

While the crew was on shore leave, Sky, who does not like parties or gatherings of more then a few people, had purchased an old book from her favorite antique store. While reading it, she was somehow pulled into the story. There, she fell in love with the world Terrone and much more and in the end, indirectly, helped their civilization from being destroyed by a simple mistake. The Admiral came across Sky’s body and after medical had failed, entered into that world through her mind. Later, with Dylan Roznine’s help, the two of them brought her ‘back’.

Upon her return, she found an invitation from Terrone waiting for her. Needing healing, she received permission from her captain for a LOA for the planet was a month to get there and back. There she met the man who would officially adopt her and give her a place in his kingdom along with more siblings, one of which was named for her. While there, Q dumped Admiral Knight with her and basically sealed the planet off for the next four years. Over the years, she had come to love Ethan and married him and had a son with him.

At the anniversary of their fourth year, Q brought them back to the station… only weeks later from when they had originally left. Not quite so easy to explain, the couple had awaited the return of the Huron and the arrival of their families to reconfirm their vows through another wedding.

The admiral had remained on the base while Sky, with their son, had returned to her work aboard the Huron for she had been born among the stars and was a creature of the stars; Ethan knew that she would not be happy on the station for more then short periods of time. Many years down the road, they would retire and return to Terrone, but for now, the stars kept them. Dylan Roznine, now a member of her family helped her with Braedon on the ship. With her special bond with Ethan, he was only a thought away.

Many more changes awaited Sky on the Huron, but eventually Ethan was placed on special assignment, his rank dropping to fit in better with those around him. Sky had gone with him. First they had gone to the Hayden where they had remained a few months, long enough for the ship to be stolen out from under the crew. Then he had been reassigned to the USS Pharaoh, a ship not designed for families, though they had done their best during the short time they were there.

Sky desired another child, but her husband had logically asked her to wait; the Pharaoh was not a place for raising children. Ethan promised he would look into another assignment for them. And as luck would have it, they were assigned to the USS Seleya, a ship very much meant for families. And once again she re-entered her original role as a pediatrician, still among the stars.

Before the twins were born, Ethan's special assignment ended and he was given his own ship, the USS Andromeda where they began to make their home. A month before the twins were to be born, the timeline divided, a temporal paradox occurred.

Ethan had gone down to a planet and had made a discovery while leaving her aboard in charge. What that discovery was, she could no longer remember as memories had been blurred and lost. Unknown to her, she had given birth and with her husband watched the twins learn to walk and talk.

But for him, in his time line he had stayed aboard to figure out what had happened to her, as she had suddenly vanished and ended up being gone for two weeks. What ever he had done had changed the past she had known. And Ethan had lost out on the first year of the twins lives.
Due to her strong telepathy (also her unusual ability with animals) she chose the medical field at the age of 16, though she had a strong background in all the science do to living aboard a science vessel. Her mother had seen to her being well rounded in all areas. Trained on Vulcan, leaned toward the stars and joined the federation during her internship.

Telepathic Ability:
Where Talan tested in the normal range for Vulcans, and was a touch telepath only, and Sky’s mother had no known abilities in telepathy, Sky herself had tested in the upper ranges. She was what was called a full telepath, one in every thousand children born to Vulcans. And among Vulcan’s that ability could lead to many things. These children were given different instruction. The trick was trying to find the right discipline to teach a child for there were nine Sohk-Paks or "schools of the mind".

Talan and Cheyenne had discussed which might be best for their daughter. Given Cheyenne’s Native American background, Talan had bowed to Cheyenne in the decision to place Sky on The Path of Mey’lar, which was devoted to acquiring direct knowledge about the universe through both sensory and mystical experience. It taught psionic techniques, which emphasized a general openness to the environment and self-awareness, and shunned direct mind-to-mind contact.

However, as Sky’s talents turned toward healing, it was decided it would be best to place her in The Tenets of Serin, a Path devoted to aiding the sick and healing the wounded. Its disciples were sworn to a physician's code similar to the Hippocratic oath. Besides general medical skills, they learned to diagnose by telepathic contact to what the patient was feeling, and to aid in his recovery by induced biofeedback techniques.

Both training techniques had taught Sky strong shielding for own sanity. And while she had reached the level of master in The Tenets of Serin she still had her earlier training in The Path of Mey’lar, which was why she did not openly mind meld with another outside of healing or telepathically open up to others. She did not shun it, nor as a healer could she, but there was still that left over restraint.
Medical profile
Her mixed bloods have at times caused medical problems.

Two live births
Pointed ears, angled brows and almond shaped eyes.

Starfleet Record

  • position: CMO
    rank: Cmdr.
    vessel: USS Andromeda
    date action
    10311.17 Assigned to CSO aboard USS Huron as Ens.
    10311.17 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for
    10403.07 Promoted to Lieutenant for excellent service, above and beyond
    10502.06 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for exemplary service and dedication to duty
    10508.14 Received Vulcan Scientific Legion of Honor Medal for developing a formula to synthesize an ultra-rare vaccine for the outbreak on Durrava IV
    10601.29 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties
    10608.2 Received Star Cross for extraordinary heroism, courage and unrelenting perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds
    10608.2 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Hayden
    10611.3 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Pharaoh
    10703.14 Transferred to MO aboard USS Seleya
    10801.09 Transferred to CMO aboard USS Andromeda
    10808.24 Promoted to Commander for commitment and dilligence
    11211.11 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens
    11211.11 Received Meritorious Service Medal for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens
    11310.05 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion
    11310.05 Received Medal of Valor for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion
    11411.22 Removed to Inactive



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Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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