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Platinum Blonde
Meranda Kisard
Alaress Leere
Capitol City, El-Auria
11 Brothers: Tiras, Ligran, Mery, Hansur, Ethyr, Ocalus, Icarus, Noe, Felan, Kraln, Freel
9 Sisters: Yranoceum, Lydess, Govette, Sarah, Ira, Aeries, Tatyana, Ilyana, Uimn
All deceased.
Ellicia Ayne Leere (110, deceased)
Aurecina Lyria Leere-Finnegan, Daughter (116)
Marcus Brian Finnegan, Son-in-Law (25)
Troumm Leere, Son (44, Deceased)
Meikhan Leere, Daughter (44, Deceased)
Family history
Once a highly respected family on el-Auria, the Leere family was reduced to Tervan and his daugher, Aurecinia, after the Borg incursion. His father, Alaress, was a Provincial Governer in the Foyo region of el-Auria. Alaress met Meranda while at a New Year's party in Capitol City. The two had a courtship that lasted two years while Meranda finished Art school and recieved a teaching certificate. Later, Meranda would become a private art tutor. They were married in 2078 on the moon of Uotre and had their honeymooon on Geosh. Tervan is the youngest child of the couple, born in 2151. He had eleven brothers and nine sisters, not to count the number of cousins he had from his fifteen uncles and twelve aunts.

Traditionally, the Leeres had served in the el-Aurian Navy as explorers, scientists, engineers, and commanders. Without reservation, the Leeres use their training to advance any particular projects they may have in their civilian lives. Alaress had lead the Northern Expansion into what they referred to as the "Vast Wastes". Later, Federation cartographers would mark it as the Void. He was commentated and retired as a Master Cartographer with a Septimus Friess Decoration from the Republican Geographic Society.

Meranda Troussard was descended of a line of bankers and militiamen, of whom she was fiercely proud. Before marrying Alaress, she showed aptitude in design and architecture. Later, she would design and construct the provincial manor in Foyo, where she and her family would reside for sixty years in contemporary architectural splendor. The building straddled a waterfall where two rivers merged. Inspired by tales from those who returned from the Earth expedition, Meranda improved upon the methods by using the flow of the water to help cantilever the foundation.

Though many of Leere's siblings would live in splendor as politicos after their decade of Naval service, Leere followed in the footsteps of four in particular; Kraln and Freel, Ilyana and Tatyana. The two pairs of twins opted to remain in the el-Aurian Navy, rising to the ranks of Half Commandant at least. Freel was present at the first encounter with the Borg, falling valiantly in combat with the menacing race. Later, Kraln and Ilyana, commanding Damascus-class super-cruisers, fought Borg cubes with devastating effect. The siblings worked together, utilizing rotating energy bandwidths paired with solid weapons, to keep six cubes stationary around the Second Defensive Line. Tatyana would die in the aft sections of the Hatarai Chii, attempting to keep the craft from disintegrating in the pull of a Borg tractor beam. This would be along side the rest of Tervan's family.

In 2170, Tervan was married to Ellicia Ayne, beginning a short, but passionate, romance which he would never be able to ignore. Ellicia's family came from the wealthy 'landed nobility' of the Capitol City region. Her father was a Grand Commandant of the Seventeenth Division of the el-Aurian Army while her mother was the latest in a long line of homemakers. The two hired the finest private educators to teach their children, amongst whom were Meranda Leere. It would not be, however, until the two children attended the Capara Academy of Science that they would meet. First contact with the cybernetic species would prove disastrous, leading to the development of regenerative shielding and adaptive metallurgy. Within two years, the Borg would attack el-Auria itself. In the midst of the attack, Tervan would assist the crewman of the Hatarai Chii in escaping their assailants. The heavy cruiser, with a skeleton crew, had taken on volunteer militiamen and filled nearly to bursting with women and children, suffered major damage. The captain, not actually commissioned but a member of the city council of Teririar, ordered abandon ship. However, the ship suffered critical damage before that could be effected. The aft end of the craft blew apart and, despite separating and sealing the bulkheads from each other, the Hatarai Chii's nose began to plummet into the gravity well of the planet. Acting and thinking quickly, Tervan assisted the militiamen and few Naval crew in activating the trans-warp engines on the ship. Without direction, the Hatarai Chii ended up nearly thirty parsecs from el-Auria and, consequently, the Borg attack. The ship, however, was beyond repair. Sixteen thousand five hundred ninety-four people died on the Hatarai Chii, including his wife and the twins. Tervan would never fully recover from the loss.

Now a refuge from the displacement of el-Auria, Tervan and Aurecinia fled into Krenim space. While there, Leere worked various odd jobs until finally ending up on an experimental Krenim battlecruiser, serving as an Assistant Engineer. Working with Master Theoretcian Commandant Serviote, Tervan helped establish many different theories within the Imperium, including magnetic resonance containment and regenerative shielding, which were later used in the defense of the Mawasi home-fief against an infraction from the Hirogen. During the conflict, Tervan and Serviote engaged the hunter race multiple times, developing and refining their shielding technology. It was during one conflict with the Hirogen that an Alpha got the drop on the duo. After a terrible struggle, Tervan had managed to invert the shields designed to protect them and inadvertently created a sea of Dirac, annihilating the Hirogen ship altogether. Left to face the alpha with just his Krenim counterpart, Leere managed to subdue the alpha. However, his attempts to save Serviote met with futility. The Commandant died before Tervan could get him back to the Krenim cruiser.

Tervan would eventually be recognized for his work and effort after he left the Imperium with his Master Theoretician status. He would spend the next several decades wandering from system to system, working as a freelance mechanic and power technician.

Leere spent a deal of time in Klingon space, studying power systems and warp theory on Praxis. Eventually, he would rise to become second hand in a shipyard, where he constructed K't'inga-Class Starships along side Klingons, Kriosians, and other Imperial races. Up until the incident in 2293. Amongst the survivors of the explosion, Tervan and Aurecinia would move to the Federation during the subsequent relief missions.

Once in Federation space, Tervan joined up with Starfleet. He graduated from Basic Training as a Crewman, First Class and was subsequently assigned to the frigate USS Justicar, NCC-1984 as her Chief Engineer's Mate. While his first twelve years were spent on various ships and stations, he spent a total of six years on the Oberth-class Starship. Rising in rank quickly through a series of quite impressive reviews, Leere always managed to impress his COs and Department Heads. His record was spotless and even the COs of the Justicar had recorded several incidents where Tervan went "Above and beyond the call of duty" and performed "unsurpassed acts of bravery and compassion".

However, tragedy was to strike again. The Justicar, while on patrol near the Romulan neutral-zone, responded to a distress call from an ailing civilian ship. Discovering the source of the signal, the Justicar began a rescue mission, only to discover that the signal was faked by Romulan agressors. The trap had been sprung, and the tiny Oberth-class starship was outmanned and outgunned by three Warbirds. Fighting off the Romulans as well as she could, the ship suffered heavy damage and losses before she could jump to warp and escape to Federation space. However, the parting shot killed the ship's engines, as well as destroying the impulse drive. As the ship dropped out of warp, she fired her remaining complement of torpedoes. Though the weapons destroyed the Romulan ships, the shockwaves from the enemy's destruction rocked and shattered what remained of the Justicar's systems. The ship went adrift, dead in space.

It was the quick and decisive actions of the surviving Second Officer, Lieutenant, Junior Grade Aleksandar Ikinesky, which kept the remaining crew alive. Tervan, at the time, was a Master Chief Petty Officer, and was the ranking NCO in Engineering. He received a field promotion to CEO and to Warrant Officer. Tervan began coordinating with the Operations officer, an ensign, on repairs to the impulse engines. It was then that a terrible accident occurred. They were working on the fusion manifold for the drive, when an unexpected power surge shot through the system. The manifold subsequently ruptured, venting plasma and destroying one nacelle. The OPS officer was lost in the accident. Leere took on the OPS duty load as well. On 3206.12, Tervan was working with the remains of the engineering crew, almost finished with repairs to the impulse drive. The power up sequence began, and Leere noticed that one of the safety bypass valves would not seal properly. In order to keep it sealed, he reached into a tertiary access shaft. Leere managed to activate the mechanism correctly, however the manifold promptly sealed, severing his left arm between the shoulder and the elbow. With the ship restored to full power, the Justicar made a quick return to Starbase 11, where she was decommissioned. Tervan, as well as most of the crew, were honorably discharged from service after recovering from their injuries. Leere's arm was reattached and he completed therapy that fall and returned with his daughter to planetside life. The whole mission was deemed classified due to faulty intelligence on behalf of the Federation.
Wandering the Quadrants

For the next several decades, Tervan would wander the three quadrants (Alpha, Beta, and Gamma) looking for work and lessons. First, Tervan spent some time on a world called H'atoria. Located near the Federation border, the Leere's felt relatively at ease there. A local by the name of Prohk hired the technician to work with him on a new hydroponics cooler. Eventually, Tervan learned that Prohk was merely using Tervan to get to his daughter. Scorned by Aurecenia, Prohk became enraged, getting rather inhospitable for several months until finally the Rha'Daran attacked Aurecinia, demanding she give herself to him. In the defense of his daughter, Tervan broke three bones in Prohk's arm, two in his right leg and one in his left, as well as shattering the deranged man's jaw. Finally, after being defeated in such a total way, Prohk revealed that he had taken super-stimulants in order to kill Tervan and take Aurecinia as his bride. Disgusted, the Leeres moved on.

Moving across the quadrants, the father and daughter team settled on a Breen planet, Portas V. Quickly enough, though, they opted to leave. Between the inhospitable conditions of the planet and rumors of weapons smuggling, Tervan and Aurecinia decided it better to be left out of such dealings. They opted instead to return back to the Klingon border and resume a life there on Tranome Sar. Tervan enjoyed a life there as equipment repairman, working with a Klingon named Basr'Q. Together with the elderly Klingon, the two could turn scrap into weapons and weapons into finances. Likely enough, the Leeres would have remained on the planet were it not for a fateful battle. The two el-Aurians were among the few civilians to evacuate the planet and system. Making their way back across the galaxy, Tervan and Aurecinia would eventually make it to a resplendant world about to be turned on it's side.

Tervan and Aurecinia lived in Tycho City, Luna for nine years. However, Aurecinia met a man while living there and fell in love. During a long courtship, the two were married, and Ellicia joined her husband, Marcus Finnegan, in New Berlin. With an "empty nest" finally, Tervan felt the call to space again. He contacted Starfleet Command and made queries into the Veterans Services about being reinstated on a Starship. With a hearty dose of commendations and a pristine record, Tervan was evaluated and reinstated to service aboard the USS Perseus, a refitted Nova-Class frigate. As a final gesture, Starfleet Command allowed him to study Officers Training and promoted him to Ensign.

He served for several years as the Nova-Class Systems Specialist, given how similar the Nova's systems were to an Oberth's. Serving under Bili Morguhn, Tervan actually acquired an 'apprentice' of sorts with his Engineer's Mate, Serra Lyones. Eventually, while on a classified mission, Morguhn would disappear, leaving Tervan to become Chief Engineer. This cap in position also came with a promotion to Lieutenant Commander, solidifying his place on the ship.

While on the Perseus, Tervan met many people, who he befriended. Amongst these were the late Gregory Ross, Operations Officer, Captain John McKnight, Sturnok Val, Angela Kren, and many others of the Perseus crew. He also began to open up from the loss of Ellicia here thanks to the flirtations of Chief Talea Vong, the half-Andorian Chief of Security. The two would have a whirlwind romance lasting for quite some time and even through three of his assignments; the Perseus, Broadsword, and Morgan Le Fay. The couple would ultimately go their seperate ways in 2384, after Leere's disappearance and alleged death.

While serving on the Perseus, Tervan was involved directly with a series of dire events that eventually led to his enlistment with Starfleet Intelligence. Beginning with a run-in with a Caitian agent, Praxton, on an away mission to the Lekia conference, Tervan became exposed to Starfleet Intelligence. When a clone of Praxton was beamed to Atlantis Station after apparently being attacked by Lieutenant Commander Val, Tervan went with the wounded man in order to see that he was treated properly. However, Commander Hammond, Chief of Starfleet Intelligence on Atlantis Station, had him removed. Captain McKnight, however, felt that there was a need to know about the relationship Praxton had with Val and what could be done bout it. In order to do this, John assigned Tervan to work with Hammond for a day.

Hammond, however, had Leere follow McKnight on his expedition to recover a Bajoran Orb. This Orb, however, turned out to be a ruse by a Pah'Wraith. Initially, after refusing to use the Orb, the members of the Perseus were returned. However, a Jem'hadar Gul and First was granted his wish to be the most powerful Jem'hadar. In a moment of redemption, Leere confronted, enraged, and killed the Pah'wraith in order to save the Perseus crew. However, the Admiralty didn't perceive it this way. Because of his part in the affair, Tervan was charged with Conspiracy to Commit Acts of Subversion Against the United Federation of Planets.

Just before Captain McKnight commandeered the Perseus out of Atlantis on a rogue mission, Tervan was summoned to the Admiralty Offices on the Station, where he was made an offer. Admiral Carter offered Tervan a way to save the careers of the Perseus if he would monitor a Starfleet Captain of questionable loyalty. Tervan, having worked so hard to keep the Perseus family together, decided it best to leave in order to save those he could. Admiral Carter had him transferred to the Broadsword in the same day.

While on the Broadsword, Tervan met his observational target, Captain S'Tev Pasteur, a half-Romulan. After initial conversations, Tervan came to a realization that S'tev was a fine Officer and that there was, indeed, a rather large deal of support in the crew for him. With this revelation in hand, he contacted Admiral Carter and gave his report. He also gave a resignation from Starfleet Intelligence, only to be turned down for another important duty. He was ordered to Morgan Le Fay Station where he was to begin an inspection of the aged Station. With Yrione, his assistant, he would catalog and tag various pieces of equipment on the Station and return them on an Intelligence vessel.

Also transferring to the Broadsword was Tervan's lover, Talea. She appeared there shortly after he and functioned as the ship's Chief Tactical Officer. In the end, however, the two discovered that their relationship may well have been a bit more difficult than previously anticipated. With a sense of resolution, the two spent one, last evening together before going their separate ways.
Starfleet Enlisted Records
>1802.15 to Crewman, Third Class
>1805.08 to Crewman, Second Class
>1810.12 to Crewman, First Class
>1810.12 Assigned to EM aboard USS Justicar as Crewman, First Class.
>1908.22 to Petty Officer, Third Class
>1908.22 Assigned to DC aboard USS Leonidas as Petty Officer, Third Class.
>2107.19 to Petty Officer, Second Class
>2208.26 to Petty Officer, First Class
>2208.26 Assigned to CDC aboard USS Shran as Petty Officer, First Class
>2312.31 to Chief Petty Officer
>2312.31 Assigned to CBO aboard Lydess Station as Chief Petty Officer
>2405.11 Assigned to CEM aboard USS Justicar as Chief Petty Offcer
>2506.12 to Senior Chief Petty Officer
>3008.21 to Master Chief Petty Officer
>3008.24 to Warrant Officer (Provisional)
>3008.24 Transferred to CEO
>3008.30 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for accepting the OPS workload (unrecognized by Starfleet Command)
>3010.02 Honorably discharged from Starfleet

List of Degrees and Skills
Tutored under Sa'amha Riala (2161 - 2168)
*General education including ettiquete, politics, logic, science, mathematics, and linguistics
*Additionally, studied Applied Physics, Mechanical Engineering, and Quantum Theory, per his parents
Attended the Capara Academy of Engineering and Science in Tome, El-Auria (2168-2172)
*Majored in Engineering, specializing in Mechanical and Data Storage Systems
*Minored in Power Systems, Interstellar Politics, and Stellar Cartography
Apprentice to Master Engineer Keia Antatte (2172-2179)
*Frigate Unioo, 2172-2178
*Heavy Cruiser Hatarai Chii, 2178-2179
Studied at the Imperial Academy on Krenim (2183-2189)
*Majored in Mechanics, specializing in Weapons Systems
*Minored in Temporal Mechanics Theories
Technological Institute of Qo'Nos (2275-2277)
*Certificate in Klingon Technology Servicing and Repair
Enlisted with Starfleet (2294-2295)
*Specialized in Engineering and Damage Control
*Completed NCO School (2208)
Apprenticed with Mat Ettal on Bajor (2327-2344)
Completed Starfleet Officer's Training (2381)
*Completed Bridge Officer's Training (2382)
*Completed Abridged Starfleet Intelligence Field Agent's Training (2383)
Completed Advanced Leadership and Command Staff courses (2384)

Tervan was a member of the prestigious Leere family, and was tutored by Sa'amha Rialaa in Capitol City, El-Auria. While with his tutor, he studied the essentials mandated by his parents along with applied physics, mechanical engineering, and quantum theory. Later, he furthered his knowledge by attending the Capara Academy of Engineering and Science in Tome, El-Auria. Finally, after having graduated two years early, Tervan began an apprenticeship with a Master Engineer, Keia Antatte, in the El-Aurian Navy. His apprenticeship was cut short after only five years when the Borg attacked.
The Lonely Years

While in transition from the Delta quadrant, Tervan worked within the Krenim Imperium for almost fifty years, working and studying the Borg from afar. He assisted a singular Krenim by the name of Luronn in developing various means of countermeasures, including several key weapons used in fighting the Borg in the Delta Quadrant. Though these weapons were eventually made ineffective. The expertise in metallurgy and weaponry design proved indispensable in the war-torn Delta quadrant. Finally, after sixty years out from el-Auria, Tervan stumbled across the Hur'q and a vast trove of knowledge. With information about the Klingon empire, Tervan made for the territory. While in Klingon space, Leere worked with many different mechanics,eventually working as an assistant warp coil designer on Praxis. He worked under Lo'Qer of House D'rr, then under Director Kor of House Yerd. Fortunately, Tervan was on the intact hemisphere of the moon when it exploded. Shortly thereafter, the Klingons signed a treaty with the Federation, which promted Tervan to move again.
Starfleet Education

Tervan boarded a Starfleet relief ship and went to Andor. On the way there, he was impressed by the level of technology present on the ship. Recalling the glory of the el-Aurian Navy, he enlisted in Starfleet, applying for engineering. He showed great promise and the CO of the BT camp he was in took a great interest in him. After nine weeks, he finished as platoon leader and was assigned to the Justicar to finish his studies under the Chief Engineer, Murkos. A Vulcan Lieutenant of good review, Murkos would eventually contribute greatly to Leere's mindset of "prevention, not repair". However, like all good things, this "apprenticeship" was cut short too. Romulans would attack the Justicar in 2306. This would result in the death of Murkos.
Wandering the Quadrants

After serving on the Justicar, Tervan would wander around the Alpha and Beta quadrants for several decades afterwards, living on H'atoria, Portas V, and Tranome Sar. In 2327, Tervan moved once again due to a massive battle. He was amongst the only civilians to escape into space.
Education on Bajor

Once he had fled Romulan space, he arrived on Bajor, where he began learning in earnest the tales and stories of the Bajoran people. He had managed to find a place there in another apprenticeship with Mat Ettal, a mechanic in Hathon, Bajor. Ettal was the only mechanic there and was very eager to teach another, especially since he was ailing in his old age. This apprenticeship, too, was cut short. This time, by the Cardassians.
The Hiatus and Officer's Training

Having been rescued by Starfleet, Leere and his daughter wandered around the Federation, taking in stories and experiences. Everywhere he went, Tervan made a living teaching younger people how to repair things and how to be good people. His daughter, however, brought all of that to an end when she married in 2378. Suddenly without someone else to support, Tervan again felt the call to space. He spoke with Starfleet and signed up for Officer's Continued Training. He attended minimal classes at San Fransisco, Earth, and quickly graduated the course. He was promoted from Master Chief Petty Officer to Ensign and assigned to the USS Perseus.

After several run-ins with more covert or clandestine groups of Starfleet while on the Perseus, Leere took Bridge Officer's classes as well as field training as a Starfleet Intelligence Operative. Eventually, this would culminate in his mission assignment aboard the Broadsword in 2383, just before being tasked with clearing the Morgan Le Fay Station of [Classified by Starfleet Intelligence under General Order 24]. Afterwards, he returned to duty on board the Afton, where he operated as CEO. Leere completed Advanced Leadership Courses while on board, and managed to ease back into shipside life. However, he would be called away from this duty merely months later by [Classified by Starfleet Department of Special Operations]

[Classified by Starfleet Department of Special Operations] After this, Leere received a summons to the Broadsword to serve as First Officer. During the flight from Cygnet, Tervan reviewed Command Courses and gave back remedial tests when he arrived at Atlantis Station, just prior to boarding the Broadsword.
Medical profile
Medical Overview
Anatomically, Tervan is approximately akin to a human male in his early twenties. He is in good physical shape, despite having his left arm severed in 2306. This was reattached and has given little complaint since. There is a particularly long history of minor scrapes, abrasions, burns, breaks, lacerations, contusions, and the occasional impalement. This list is not abnormal, given his tenure and occupation. Leere was Deafened in 2382 by a compression stun grenade detonated at close range. The damage was repaired and treated by 10704.04 and he was declared fit for duty. Later, Tervan would suffer serious trauma during an engagement with [Classified by Starfleet Department of Special Operations]. His recovery was completed on Stardate 10806.12. Since then, he has been given a clean bill of health.

Psychological Overview
Leere is high minded and regal acting with a definite sense of duty and loyalty. Though he has suffered through much loss due to the turmoil around him over the last two centuries, given what little maturity he has (for an el-Aurian), he seems to be coping well.
It's relatively easily for Tervan to get along with most people, as he has a quiet, confident air about him that attracts people, co-workers, and followers to him. He is a natural leader. A peculiarity worth noting, Leere does not use contractions, as he finds them unnecessary.
Bears both a scar on left shoulder from an engineering accident (circa 2306) and a scar on upper right forehead from combat duty (circa 2384). Low-level empathic abilities, like those characteristic of the El-Aurian species, have been demonstrated. Leere has also developed this sense to function with people he is close to, like co-workers and family. It is possible for Tervan to sense changes to and in the time stream and deviations from the 'normal' time stream. Additionally, he has an eidetic memory, and is capable of recalling a large amount of information in a relatively short amount of time.

Starfleet Record

  • position: XO
    rank: LtCmdr.
    vessel: USS Broadsword
    date action
    10508.25 Assigned to EO aboard USS Perseus as Ens.
    10511.21 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding performance of duties under extreme conditions and outstanding performance and service
    10604.23 Promoted to Lieutenant for Victory Against Overwhelming Odds
    10604.23 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Performance of Duties Under Extreme Conditions
    10604.23 Received Silver Palm for Victory Against Overwhelming Odds while on an away mission
    10610.15 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for continued service and dedication to the crew of the USS Perseus
    10611.05 Transferred to CEO
    10704.03 Promoted to Commander for extraordinary dedication to the ship and crew
    10704.04 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for bravery and outstanding dedication to the Federation
    10704.04 Received Purple Heart for Outstanding Performance of Duties Under Extreme Conditions
    10704.04 Received Starfleet Command Commendation for Conspicuous Gallentry for Outstanding Performance of Duties Bravery
    10706.1 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Broadsword
    10708.16 Removed to Inactive
    10712.15 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Afton as Cmdr.
    10802.24 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties
    10803.09 Removed to Inactive
    10806.17 Assigned to XO aboard USS Broadsword as LtCmdr.
    10810.26 Removed to Inactive



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Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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