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Cardassia Prime
None Known
Family history
Her biological parents died in the dominion war. She was adopted by a Terran Dr. Donna Friend and her life partner, a Mizarian known as Professor Firgin Danin. Most of her very young years were spent in and around Alpha Centari University where her parents taught. However Dr. Friend would often take the young Xerus on archeological expeditions, and soon the young lady developed a taste for the applied sciences. She never really fit in with any social group, but over the years one developed around her, and she has a few close friends in various scientific fields with whom she keeps in close commutation.
Most of her early education was provided by her guardians, what amounted to home schooling by two college level teachers. At the age of fifteen she was granted a Bachelors degree in Xenobiology, and at twenty-three she was the youngest ever student of astrophysics to achieve a doctorate out of the Alpha Centari University. She enrolled in Starfleet Academy and managed pass the entrance exam. She excelled in Medicine and Sciences, however her scores in Flight and tactical simulations were less then stellar. Her engineering score wavered. She excelled at the theoretical side of the training but when it came time for the hands on work she was unable to translate the training from the paper to the real world.

She is fluent in Romulan, Cardassian, and Federation standard, with the ability to read and write Klingon and Ferengi.
Medical profile
Being a Hybrid Dr Ivara has had a medically complicated life. When adopted she suffered a serious case of astigmatism, and a life threatening case of type 2 brittle asthma, and a moderate case of autism. She additionally suffered a number of minor aliments, including a weaker immune system, and a higher then average resting heart rate. Dr. Friend had a geneticist Dr. Salik Cottle repair most of those issues on a genetic level however she still suffers periodical asthma attacks, and evidence suggests that she has some persistent mental issues. She maintains a lower then average BMI, weather this is a symptom of her hybridism, or a health issue has not been investigated at this point. However, she dose have a malnourished and 'fragile' appearance.

Counselor's note
Despite clear evidence to the contrary she claims that wearing reading glasses improves her vision when reading. She goes to extremes to preserve her routine, and it has been suggested that she suffers a mild case of obsessive compulsive disorder
She has the Cardassian Shoulder scales, and the distinctive forehead spoon but her other Cardassian features are muted and she has a heavier Romulan V shaped second brow.

Starfleet Record

  • position: CSO
    rank: Lt.
    vessel: USS Andromeda
    date action
    11101.3 Assigned to CSO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens.
    11211.11 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens
    11211.11 Received Meritorious Service Medal for dedication in the recovery of abducted Federation citizens
    11211.11 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for dedication to duty
    11310.05 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion
    11310.05 Received Medal of Valor for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion
    11502.15 Promoted to Lieutenant for continued service aboard the USS Andromeda, dedication and demonstration of service that exemplifies a Starfleet Officer
    11502.15 Received Legion of Honor for actions aboard the USS Cataria and the role played in returning control of this sector of space to lawful authority
    11502.15 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for actions taken in the interest - and the necessity - of the greater good of Starfleet and the Federation against rogue segments of Section 31
    12002.26 Removed to Inactive



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The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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