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Dark Brown
MCPO Jannet Durron (deceased)
T'Var (deceased)
North East America
Family history
His father died before Ray was born while the father was on a mysterious assignment for the Vulcan Science Academy.
He was raised by his mother who was assigned as the Transporter chief of the USS Newport. The crews of the Newport also took the place of his family.
One of his mother's 'good' friends, the FCO of the Newport, took on the father role. His mother chose to stay on the Newport while Ray went to Starfleet Academy. The crew of the Newport was saddened by Ray's departure but he planned to return once he had graduated.
Unfortunately tragedy struck as it so often dose. Shortly after his enrolment in Starfleet academy the USS Newport went missing. Debris and escape pods were discovered at its last known point and it was presumed destroyed. None of the personnel who were aboard the escape pods were alive.
He wasn't the only surviving member of the Newport's crew. Another cadet from the Newport was enrolled in the academy and several of the young children were installed with grandparents or other relatives at the time of the incident.
Ray Durron was at Starfleet academy during the Breen attack of 2375. He was physically uninjured in the attack and he was among the cadets who aided in the emergency medical efforts.
He was born on Earth but after a brief few months his mother took him to the Newport. He grew up shipside and learned on the ship's small school.
He apprenticed under the Newport's FCO and he had a shuttle rating before most children knew the difference between a type nine and a type fifteen.
When he was old enough he left the Newport for Starfleet Academy. He did well enough but he wasn't a star student. Until his instructors found that he was a much better pilot than many of his fellows. He took all the 'required' courses though his engineering and sciences were a touch low he managed to survive. He took an Advanced Piloting course and was one of the best pilots in his class.
He also was forced to take something other than all the Advanced Piloting courses he could and wound up in a Medical course. Other than his proficiency at piloting he has been noted as a suitable tactician when it comes to placing ground troops in simulations, so he was also asked to take several Tactical courses. Including Advanced Ground Combat (armed/unarmed).

Aboard the Andromeda he has learned practical engineering and science from the crew and he has been showing a marked interested in Computer operation and design. This interest has been focused on studding the works Dr. Lewis Zimmerman and his team.

Ray Durron has shown proficiency in Terran, Klingon, Cardasian and Romulan languages as well as a basic knowledge of Andorian, Caitian, and several other Federation languages.
Medical profile
All vaccinations taken care of.
No outstanding health issues.
noted distrust of medical profession

Additional: Starfleet medical.

After the events of stardate 10402.05 Ray was found to be suffering from schizophrenia, and depression. This is not the first time that a person in a command position has had mental problems when life is lost on their ship. We medicated him without his knowledge and he recovered. He is now off the medication.
We advise that he be transferred off the Andromeda as soon as can be arranged.

Starfleet Record

  • position: CO
    rank: Capt.
    vessel: USS Europa
    date action
    10012.15 Assigned to FCO aboard USS Andromeda as Ens.
    10106.17 Promoted to LtJG.
    10108.16 Participated in Prism Kappa as CP
    10203.31 Promoted to Lt.
    10206.09 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for At the request of Captain Kalla Starfleet Command is pleased to present you with a letter of Commendation for Personal Initiative on Stardate 10206.02
    10210.06 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for personal initiative
    10304.11 Promoted to Commander for excellence
    10310.05 Transferred to XO
    10408.06 Transferred to FCO aboard USS Europa
    10410.25 Transferred to XO
    10411.09 Participated in Prism Pi as CM
    10504.04 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Service and Dedication to the crew
    10509.11 Promoted to Captain for Outstanding Performance of Duties
    10509.11 Transferred to CO
    10705.07 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for OUtstanding Service Aboard the USS Europa
    10705.16 Removed to Inactive



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The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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