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Jet Black
Esme Dimetriev
Vladimir Dimetriev
New Moscow, Russia, Earth
Lt.Cmdr. Isidore Dimetriev (brother: CEO)
Family history
The Dimetriev family originates in the Russian area of Earth, a lineage that has been fairly unbroken for many generations.

Viktor was brought up in a strong family that put emphasis on honour and courage within oneself. His father is an engineer with the Starfleet Corps of Engineers a postion he has held all his adult career, Viktor inheriting his intelligence. His mother works as a clerk at the Federation office in Russia.

His parents noticed his ability to understand certain concepts and ideas, but left him in a normal school for the experience. The experience, instead of humbling the youth, made him more driven to be the smartest and strongest person in his class.
Viktor did not join Starfleet officer's training immediately after finishing standard school. Instead attended his basic training in tactical, security and flight. From there he joined the many enlistedmen on the ships, striving to do his best all the time.

The officers that commanded him were impressed by Viktor's intelligence and ability to adapt to most tactical/security matters that the rigours of serving on a starship provided. By the time he had been promoted to Chief Warrant officer second class, he was leading entire teams on away missions and assisting the chief of security and tactical with roster changes and delegation of tasks.

After attending a lecture at one of the conferences, he was inspired by a Chief Tactical Officer aboard one of the larger starships. The very next day, after obtaining the blessing of his own CTO and CO he joined Starfleet Academy.

He excelled in some of his courses, showing exceptional promise in Tactical and Security. His defining moment was suggesting a better security drill for his final exam, showing his Vulcan instructor a more 'logical' solution to the problem.
Medical profile
Viktor is a very fit man, blessed with the ability to maintain his figure for a long time without training continuously.

Psychologically, Viktor has an extremely cool demeanor, a whole world that flashes past his eyes never to be revealed. Unlike Vulcans who suppress their emotions, Viktor does not, nothing seeming to affect him permanently.
Viktor is a well built man

Starfleet Record

  • position: CIV
    rank: LtJG.
    vessel: USS Afton
    date action
    10702.19 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Afton as Ens.
    10705.12 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for dedication to the ship against overwhelming odds
    10709.1 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for excellent performance under fire
    10709.1 Received Starfleet Decoration for Valor for personal valour under fire in the interest of ship security
    10710.12 Removed to Inactive



"Assimilation is complete..."

The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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