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Dark Brown
Dark Brown
Sari S’LirAihai – killed at age of 120
Vrih S’LirAihai – killed at age of 193
ch’Rihan – Romulus, Aihai province, capital city Ra’tleihfi
Brother: S’ten S’LirAihai 25 years older than Vaebn – Killed
Brother: Nveid S’LirAihai 18 years older than Vaebn - Killed
Family history
S’LirAihai family history is 820 years old according to the existing Imperial Archives. Vaebn’s family of house S’LirAihai meaning “Honorable from Aihai” was one of Senators , Ambassadors, Artists, Architects and two Proconsuls. Vaebn’s mother Saeihr was the Senator in the upper Senate and his father Vrih was a member of diplomatic counsel and Ambassador to federation for 14 years and thus the house of S’LirAihai lived as most senatorial houses in honor and peace. The honor of the S’LirAihai didn’t rest on military actions and wars but on Honor, S’Task’s teachings, and many social work as well as diplomatic achievements.
The first generation to brake from the line of civilian servants were Vaebn’s two brother Nveid and S’ten they decided to join the imperial space guard forced to that decision by the more and more warlike Romulan government and politics. The peacefully life of the Vabn’s child hood has started to change his Father returned home to Romulus pulled back from his Ambassadorial service on Vulcan by the new Praetor and his mother more and more aware of the shifting politics started to openly speak against the militaristic ways. She talked of the old Romulan ways, honor, S’Task and thus more and more became the enemy of the ruling praetorate. She became a member of the Roluman dissident movement. The Romulan life Vaebn was raised to respect was changing.
First to fall to his change were his two brother S’tek and Nveid who served on warbird T’Rath. They were killed by an agent of Tal’Shiar. This was the first step of the S’LirAihai family destruction. Second to wall and all due to not wanting to except the more and more aggressive politics was his father who was murdered in his bed in their family house in Aihai plains. Vaebn’s mother Saeihr was aware of what was going to follow next. She used her influence in the dissident movement and her senators position and her past contacts to save her last and youngest son Vaebn S’LirAihai. Vaebn was put in a hibernation unit together with the 20 other ex senators and other Romulan who were all dissidents, and secretly transported off the ch’Rihan to federation. Vaebn was saved together with the rest of the dissidents by the Enterprise NCC-1701 D and transported to safety.
He was 15 years of age when this took place so he could remember all the details and all that happened to him.
He was moved to Vulcan to a safe camp where he spent his 10 years living with people who more looked like Romulan than humans. At age of 20 he entered Vulcan sciences academy and finished it 5 years later.
At the age of 25 he finally decided to leave the safe camp and go to earth he was all too much in a alien world for him as he grew older. Romulans are a most passionate and emotional people and living with Vulcans was a pain, so Earth was the next option.
He moved to earth and found a place to live in San Francisco. He lived there for 18 years working in the starfleet academy and social studies faculty as an adviser to Romulan social studies. His contact with starfleet opened his mind to space and space started to take him. Space was was, free and opened to except him alien to all in federation one of his kind in this place. So he requested a way in to Starfleet and finished starfleet academy later on to be accepted as a full officer.
Vaebn S’LirAihai never forgot the natural beauty of his once home Romulus and of the beautifully old stile family home, of smells, foods, songs and music, of 2000 years old bilding in the capital city and Senate chambers. But he also remembered the blood of his Father on the pillow and tears of his mother morning for his brothers. Also he could never forget the last news he got by a secret contact on Vulcan form Romulan embassy about his mother being killed in the Senate by a poison seat cover on her char. So now he was a new Romulan from earth who liked to eat pizza but also loved to wear traditional Romulan robes.
Basic education provided by private tutors from Romulan imperial academy
- Secondary education started in a S’Task academy on Romulus and finished on Vulcan in a safe camp instructed by a dissident Romulan teacher
- High education finished on Vulcan sciences academy
- Academy finished in Starfleet academy on Earth
SFA studies:
-Interstellar history
-Command school
Medical profile
No genetic , infectious or mental deceases.
Strait hair, cut in a traditional Romulan fashion with a V shape forehead hair cut. Skin color light yellow-gray-green. Mild forehead V ridges, oval face structure, sharp inclined eyebrows, strong nose.

Starfleet Record

  • position: OPS
    rank: Ens.
    vessel: USS Andromeda
    date action
    10707.07 Assigned to OPS aboard USS Andromeda as Ens.
    10806.15 Removed to Inactive



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