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Cathenica Lusava
Javiniia Lusava
Andover, Massachusetts, Earth
Jackson Kingsley (1667-1669 Her Disappearance), Sir Jacob Southerland (1690-1710 His Death), Mikael Rachimoff (1762-1771 His Death), Jacques d’Orléans (1792-1793 His Death), Dan A. Wellington (1925-1943 Divorced)
Annabelle Kingsley (born Andover, MA, 1669); Louise Southerland (born Sussex, England, 1692); James Southerland (born Sussex, England, 1695); Jacob Southerland II (born Sussex, England, 1697); Galina Rachimoff (born Moscow, Russia, 1763) (died 1771: Cause: Bubonic Plague); Kya Lusava-Cartwright (born Risa, 2366)
Family history
K’thia Lusava was born in Andover, Massachusetts, under the human alias Faith McCaully to John and Mary McCaully (Javiniia and Cathenica Lusava), in 1649. Her mother was a physician and her father an anthropologist, and had traveled from the El-Aurian homeworld to study Earth society. There, ‘Mary’ worked as a midwife and ‘John’ as a shopkeeper.

In May of 1661, ‘Mary’ and ‘John’ were accused of witchcraft, after ‘Mary’ delivered several still-born babies and their abilities to draw out secrets among the townspeople came under suspicion. K’thia was hastily told the truth of her identity, and soon after, her parents were burned at the stake. She was sent to live with a family in town, where she stayed until she married Jackson Kingsley in 1667. Two years later, the pair had a daughter Annabelle, but when the girl was born with purple hair, talks of sorcery returned. K’thia fled the town in the middle of the night, leaving both daughter and husband behind.

Arriving in Sussex, England, K’thia took the new alias of Anne Worthington. She learned to play the harp and first found work as a music tutor, before eventually playing for the royal court. There she caught the eye of a knight, Sir Jacob Southerland, whom she married in 1690. The pair had three children, Louise, James, and Jacob II. They remained married until his death in a skirmish in 1710. K’thia remained in England for ten years after, when it became clear to her that her lack of change in appearance would bring her again under suspicion. In 1720, she faked her own suicide and left the country.

Arriving first in Paris, K’thia spent forty years traveling France under the new name Jeanne de Marseilles. There, she studied painting, and was the muse of one of her masters, Henri d’Aqua, beginning in 1739. During this time, the pair had a passionate, yet tumultuous love affair, which ended in 1742. K’thia resumed her travels and her studies, before venturing out of France in 1760.

Under the new alias Yelena Borsneknemov, K’thia worked as a barmaid in Moscow. Not long after her arrival, she met Mikael Rachimoff, a local shopkeeper. The two soon married and had a daughter, Galina. The three lived modestly, but happily, in Moscow until the Bubonic Plague reemerged in 1771 and took the lives of both Galina and Mikael. A grieving K’thia hastily found passage back to Paris.

Now under the name of Dominique de la Plage and full of rage and despair, K’thia returned to Paris, where she was easily caught up in the fervor of the French Revolution. She began an affair with fellow revolutionary Jacques d’Orléans, whom she married in 1792. Their marriage ended tragically when he died only a year later, a casualty of the revolution. K’thia continued to be a revolutionary activist until its end, before ultimately leaving the country yet again.

Once in Ireland and under her new name, Rose O’Malley, K’thia worked as a farmer. She periodically moved, to avoid questions about her lack of aging. In 1906, she settled in Dublin, where she obtained work as a seamstress. She stayed there for only six years, however, before procuring passage in steerage on the R.M.S. Titanic and immigrating back to America.

After surviving the Titanic disaster, K’thia, still under the name of Rose O’Malley, worked in a dress shop in Chicago. After only eight years, however, she tired of her job and moved west for excitement.

In Los Angeles, K’thia began to take classes in acting, and soon won a part in a low budget silent film. The film’s director, Dan A. Wellington, took an interest in her, and the pair married in 1925. She starred in a number of his films, but their marriage quickly fell on the rocks when the Depression struck and he began drinking and cheated on her, whereupon she began a series of extra-marital liaisons of her own. In 1939, she left him for LAPD police sergeant Nick Blanchard, whom she would remain with until his death in 1943, shortly before her divorce from Wellington was finalized.


After faking her suicide, K’thia changed her identity once again to Lucy Welchell and enlisted in the Cadet Nurse Corps with the desire to join the war effort. She moved to Iowa to study nursing. When she graduated in 1945, she was shipped to Germany to work at a military base, where she remained for two years.

When K’thia returned from Germany, she settled in New York, where she worked as a nurse at New York Hospital for eight years. Upon leaving, she remained in Manhattan and took the new name of Eve Tyler, spending the next fifteen years working as a stage actress on and off Broadway. When she retired from acting, she once again took up paintings, opening up a small gallery in New York City.

With the new name Kate Winchester, K’thia left New York and enrolled as an undergraduate at the University of Denver, where she double majored in Digital Media Studies and Biology.

Upon graduation from DU, K’thia applied to, and was accepted at, the University of Chicago Medical School. There she specialized in emergency medical care, and, upon graduation, interned at Cook County Hospital. Later, she took a job as an ER Doctor at Chicago Mercy Hospital, where she remained until she was fired for disappearing in the middle of her shift one night.

After twelve years in Chicago, K’thia transferred to Belleview Hospital in New York, where she continued to work in the ER for another ten years.

K’thia returned to Los Angeles under the name Dani Cooke. She worked for five years as a supermodel and then spent two starring on a soap opera, before moving into the production/screenwriting/directing side of the industry. In 2037, she created her own TV series, ‘The Traveler.’ With the show’s end in 2040 and the world descending into chaos, she left California and went back to school under the alias Rachel Arenne, obtaining a dual M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy and Social Work. From there, she spent several years as a therapist in Rugby, North Dakota. Subsequently, she went on to work as a social worker, ultimately serving in the Citrus College FEMA camp in Glendora, California following the third world war.

Despite first contact, K’thia retained her usual pattern of career and identity switching. She returned to Denver under the alias of Marcia MacIntyre and practiced clinical psychology, specializing in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder patients.

K’thia returned to New York under the alias Kristen Dunham, where she resumed work as an ER doctor at Belleview Hospital.

Returning to England as Rebecca Knowles, K’thia studied at the London Drama School for two years before taking a part in the Royal Shakespeare Company, and living in Stratford-upon-Avon.

With relations between Earth and other worlds building, K’thia finally disclosed her true identity, and began work with the government in San Francisco as a psychologist, now specializing in xenopsychology.

With the Xindi attack and the rise of xenophobia, K’thia fled Earth, and spent the next eighty-eight years traveling the galaxy.

Upon her return to Earth, K’thia attended culinary school in France for two years. Upon graduating, she worked as a chef for ten years, before opening up a restaurant of her own in the heart of Paris. She remained there for fifteen more years, before selling the restaurant and resuming her intergalactic travels.

K’thia spent her time traveling, while writing her memoirs in a series of novels, before finally settling on Risa, where she attended the Risan Institute of Holographic Arts. There she learned how to create holoprograms, and created one based on her 20th century television show, the Traveler, and another that placed the player on a movie set.

While at the Institute, K’thia met Christopher Cartwright, a twenty-three year old human student. The pair fell in love and K’thia became pregnant with their daughter, Kya. Unfortunately, Christopher felt unready for the responsibility of having a child, and the pregnancy strained their relationship. By the time Kya was sixteen months old, the couple split up. K’thia retained full custody of Kya, whom she raised on Risa. They saw Christopher a few times a year, before he eventually moved back to Earth. When Kya was twelve, K’thia applied to and was accepted at Starfleet Medical School, and she and her daughter returned to Earth.

After serving as the Karelian's CMO and her daughter's return to Risa for college, K'thia bounced around Starfleet, returning to counseling on the Columbia, before trying a brief foray into tactical on the Tomahawk and then returning to the medical field as a doctor on Denali Station.
Learned to play the harp in England
Studied painting in France
Acting school in Los Angeles, CA (1920-1922)
Cadet Nurse Corps - Mercy Hospital, Iowa (1943-1945)
Voice and Dance Lessons in New York, NY (1955-1958)
University of Denver: (1996-2000)
*Double Major: Digital Media Studies and Biology
University of Chicago Medical School (2000-2004)
*Emergency Medical Specialty
Simmons University Online (2040-2042)
*M.A. in Social Work
Touro University Worldwide Online (2040-2043)
*M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy
London Drama School (2100-2102)
Culinary School at the Cordon Bleu in Paris (2242-2244)
Risan Institute of Holographic Arts (2363-2365)
Starfleet Medical (2278-2282)

K’thia has a brown belt in the martial art Krav Maga, is skilled at fencing, and is proficient with both a phaser and a musket.
Medical profile

Anatomically, K'thia is approximately akin to a human woman in her mid to late thirties; however, a family tendency to appear even more youthful than the average El-Aurian has left her outwardly appearing in her late twenties/early thirties. She is in good physical shape.

Sustained bullet wound in the left shoulder in 1791, during the Champs de Mars Massacre.

Regularly smoked tobacco from 1920-1965. Lung damage has since reversed, although further damage has subsequently occurred from periodic falls off the wagon.

Broke left leg in a minor automobile accident in 2022. The bone has long since healed.


K'thia is somewhat wary of her El-Aurian extra-sensory abilities, and while her career in psychology forced her to use them more, she often prefers to ignore them out of habit. While in some ways she has the wisdom of a woman of her age, K’thia has gotten used to playing the role of a woman in her 20s and 30s, and more often than not behaves as such.

As a Titanic survivor, K'thia has a mild fear of water, and is particularly uncomfortable with deep ocean water, though she was able to suffer through the swimming aspects of Starfleet survival training. She also periodically suffers from severe recurring nightmares following significantly traumatic events.

Mental Abilities:

K’thia has low-level empathic abilities characteristic of the El-Aurian species. She also has an ability to easily pick up new languages.
Due to her El-Aurian genetics, K’thia retains the appearance of a woman of about thirty. She is tall, slender, and beautiful, with a model’s body. She has three piercings in her right ear (two on the lobe, one in the cartilage), two in the lobe of her left ear, and one through her navel. Additionally, she has a scar on her left shoulder from a bullet wound during the French Revolution.

Starfleet Record

  • position: MO
    rank: Lt.
    vessel: Denali Station
    date action
    10608.26 Assigned to MO aboard USS Karelian as Ens.
    10612.05 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for your service to Starfleet and dedication to duty
    10709.17 Transferred to CMO
    10805.27 Promoted to Lieutenant for unswerving dedication to duty
    10805.27 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for your years of dedication to Starfleet Medical
    10806.04 Removed to Inactive
    11709.1 Assigned to MO aboard Denali Station as Lt.
    11808.03 Received Silver Palm for selfless actions to end the Borg incursion on Pacifica, sparing the planet from further bombardment and thereby distinguishing yourself by heroic or meritorious achievement or service



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Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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