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Pitch black
Antonia Delia Juarez
New Zaragoza, Antares IV
Antonio (elder), Eduardo (elder), Esmeralda (younger), Arranxa (younger), Felipe (younger)
Cmdr. Eleanore Juarez, XO Denali Station
Celia Across (9), Gabriel Across (6), foster children
Family history
Luiz is the third son of Antonia, a waitress in a shabby tavern mainly frequented by Fleet Yard personnel. She has six children of at least three different fathers as she always falls for the flashy Starfleet uniforms that sometimes enter the place where she works. Luiz’s father presumably was a Starfleet officer, too, but Antonia won’t tell him the truth. From the little she said, Luiz assumes that he was killed during the battle at Wolf 359. His bastard descendancy is a heavy blow to Luiz’s ego that is powered by his Spanish ancestory, so that he keeps it secret even from the few persons he calls friends. If somebody finds out and makes fun of him, he becomes very furious and trys to defend his honor violently. He won most of his fights in spite of his little hight and strength and his talent to hit an opponent where it hurts has brought him the nickname "Razor".
Due to the low social status of the Juarez family, Luiz was happy to be allowed to join a charity standard school program. He never was a good pupil but dreamed of joining SF, impressed by the work going on at the Fleet Yards and the results that orbited his home planet. Therefore Luiz applied fort he Academy but failed his first entry tests. Thus he entered the marines’ bootcamp and made use of his off-duty time to learn for a second application. Due to his excellent battle skills gained through a life-long streetfighter career he left bootcamp as lance-corporal. After that, he tried the Academy entries a second time and succeded as fifth of his year. With Tactical and Flight operations as major, Luiz started his much desired career in Starfleet.
Medical profile
Luiz’ health is in an acceptable state. He had to suffer from several lack-illnesses during childhood and adolescence and his immune system is still susceptible to infectious diseases. His body is specked with scars, reminders of his time in the New Zaragoza slums where he earned himself a name as a mean, dirty but most of all succesful fighter.
black moustache and goatee, lean and wiry body, coarse voice, a good deal of scars all over his body

Starfleet Record

  • position: CTO
    rank: Cmdr.
    vessel: Denali Station
    date action
    10401.13 Assigned to TO aboard Denali Station (PG) as Ens.
    10404.27 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for excellence in performance of your duties to Denali Station
    10406.29 Transferred to CTO
    10409.26 Promoted to Lieutenant for excellence in the performance of your duty
    10502.23 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for excellence in duty and in defense of Denali Station
    10505.21 Received Purple Heart for wounds recieved in action during the battle of Denali Station
    10505.21 Received Starfleet Command Commendation for Conspicuous Gallantry for leading the boarding party on the Gorn Cruiser Krythoris in defense of Denali Station
    10510.02 Received reprimand for conduct unbecomming an officer
    10511.07 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your continued excellence in attention to your duty
    10603.24 Promoted to Commander for your continued dedicated service to Denali Station
    10704.01 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for excellence in leadership and staff preparedness, awarded for the actions of your staff in your absence during the Castle Protocol crisis
    11309.01 Removed to Inactive
    12001.01 Assigned to CIV aboard Denali Station as Cmdr.
    12012.1 Transferred to CTO



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Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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