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Trina Rhea
Tyler Rhea
Varga (Archeological Dig)
Matthew Rhea
Geran Hanover (deceased)
Chelsea Hanover
Family history
Tyler and Trina Rhea were a part of the team assigned to work with Seral and T’Orea Crane on the Varga Project. The planet, which was in the process of being populated by the United Federation of Planets, had uncovered some rather interesting finds. The original team that was put in place after the finds was Admiral Matthew Crane and his wife Martha from the SFC Botany and Science Departments. He along with a host of others began the long and tedious process of examining the planet. This was a process that would cover many generations of work and people as each area had to be minutely examined. When his son, Seral and wife T’Orea began working on the project Matthew and Martha returned to earth to aid in the examination of some of the articles that were found there.

Small settlements had been established as the archeological teams completed their work in the different areas. Early evidence showed the planet had only been out of an ice age for approximately 500 years. By all indications the planet had once been largely populated but had been uninhabited for thousands of years. As time went on with all the excavations they soon found that Varga had at one time been much like 20th century earth. The Ice Age that took over the planet came after what seemed to be a horrific nuclear war. Speculation has it that the people that once inhabited this planet did not have the sense to stop the escalation of problems as earth had and effectively destroyed the planet.

Trina was working in the cataloguing area at the time since her advanced condition did not warrant her being at the sites. Working alongside T’Kerl the two were chatting away about T’Kerl and Syrak’s upcoming wedding when Trina felt the first signs of labor. Sending word for Tyler to report to the medical facility T’Kerl got Trina there quickly. Before Tyler could arrive from where he was working Trina had given birth to their daughter.

Ana spent her time growing up between her studies on Betazed and alongside her parents at the Varga Project. Early in life she showed a deep interest in what was being found there so her parents brought her often hoping she would enter the field of archeology with them. All through her life Ana talked of nothing but joining Star Fleet and nothing her parents said could deter her from this. Ana’s only confident in this dream was T’Kerl who would listen to her and only tell her to continue talking to her parents. The age difference did not seem to bother T’Kerl who treated Ana as a young adult and never a child. Without letting Ana know T’Kerl spoke to her parents and got them to agree to let her try for the academy. She pointed out that she could do worse and even though she loved archeology it was a hobby for her and not something she wanted to do for a career. To further her point to Tyler and Trina she pointed out the collection that Ana had been amassing over the years of all the ancient weapons. Finally they realized that is what she wanted to do and began letting her take the necessary courses to enter the Academy.

A few months before Ana was to report to start classes she was again back on Varga working with T’Kerl. Syrak and several others were in one of the caves carefully excavating a site they had found. Ana watched in dismay as her friend seemed to pale and took off running for the caves screaming out that they were all dying. The digging began but it was too late…most had been killed immediately and those that weren’t died before help could reach them. Ana felt so helpless as she watched her friend who a few hours ago was so happy and full of life begin retreating within herself.

After graduation Ana married her longtime sweetheart Geran Hanover and joined him on his ship working as a Civlian Liaison to different departments. Pregnant with thier first child Ana and Geran were happily anticipating the day their child would be born. Geran was pulled for a special mission and Ana was returned to Betazed. One month later they got the reports that the team was missing and presumed dead. The trauma of that pushed Ana into early labor and the doctors were unable to stop it...their daughter was born 2 months premature. Stardate 10201.06 Ana returned to active duty in the hopes it might help her in finding her husband...only five and a half months later she took an emergency leave as the bodies of the team were finally recovered. After a short break she reactivated her commission and returned to duty with her daughter.
Was privately tutored during her early years due to the genetic issue with her telepathy in that it didn't work right.

Medical profile
At a very early age it was discovered that Ana's telepathic abilites were not that of normal Betazoid's. Although with time and effort she could establish telepathic links with some for the most part she only saw the thoughts of others in colors and shapes. With this issue at hand it was decided she would be better off being tutored and trained to deal with her abilities and she was turned over to Rena Lochan to take care of not only training her but keeping her safe. Outside of this issue she has no other major health problems.

Starfleet Record

  • position: FCO
    rank: LtCmdr.
    vessel: Denali Station
    date action
    10201.13 Assigned to TO aboard USS Luna as Ens.
    10202.03 Transferred to CTO
    10206.04 Awarded the Purple Heary for injuries sustained during a confrontation with the Orion Syndicate
    10212.28 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding performance of duty
    10212.28 Received Medal of Valor for outsanding performance of duty against an unknown creature at the New Berlin Museum on Luna on Stardate 10212.07
    10305.11 Promoted to Lieutenant for outstanding performance of duty
    10306.07 Removed to Inactive
    10312.18 Reinstated to MO aboard USS Scorpius as Lt.
    10401.3 Transferred to FCO
    10402.28 Removed to Inactive
    11004.16 Assigned to CTO aboard USS Katana as Lt.
    11202.01 Removed to Inactive
    11712.28 Assigned to FCO aboard Denali Station as Lt.
    11808.03 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for demonstrating utmost professionalism and adaptability during temporary and unplanned service on the USS Southern Star (NCC-37855)
    12308.27 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for excellent dedication to duty, and consummate skill as a pilot officer



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Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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