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Dark Brown
Sorina Calen [deceased]; Marie MacKensie [step-mother]
Tynan MacKensie
Federation Ship
Jacqueline [step-sister]
James Galian
fraternal twins: son, Quinton, daughter, Kesya
Family history
Corinne was born to Tynan MacKensie and Sorina Calen aboard the USS Glorion, where Tynan served as a Tactical Officer at the time. Shortly thereafter, Sorina Calen was killed in a transporter accident. Tynan took an LOA and returned to his parents' home on Earth to raise Corinne with their assistance. Since their relationship had been a very brief affair, Sorina's parents were not involved at all with their grandchild, and she has never met them. He returned to serve aboard starships two years after Sorina's death, Corinne in tow. Given her father's nickname of 'Mac' by his friends, Corinne was bestowed the nickname 'little Mac', which morphed into 'Mac' eventually as she advanced in Starfleet.

During a teaching assignment at Starfleet Academy, Tynan met and married Marie Dupont, who had a daughter a year older than Corinne. The two raised their daughters together, though the girls did not get along and fought quite often. Given the part-Klingon heritage of Jacqueline, the fights often turned physical. When Tynan rotated through assignments in the Diplomatic Corps as a diplomat assistant and then diplomat and Ambassador away from Earth, Marie and Jacqueline remained at their home in France, and Corinne was occasionally allowed accompanied her father. Times when she was left on Earth in care of Marie eventually led to a friendship between Jackie and Corinne, after many fights, arguments, counseling, and clinic visits. Both Jacqueline and Corinne joined Starfleet through the Academy, and maintain a fairly close relationship now that they are adults.

Corinne's grandfather has some human ancestry, thus their residence on Earth and human surname. The amounts of human DNA in Corinne's genome are negligible given her full-Betazoid parental grandmother, and full-Betazoid mother and maternal relatives.

Corinne's husband, James Galian, is full Betazoid. He currently serves as a tactical officer in Starfleet. They were Academy classmates, though James was in her sister's class a year ahead of her. They married following her graduation from the Academy and before her matriculation into Medical School. Upon completion of her residency, she joined James at his posting. Their children, fraternal twins Quinton and Kesya, were born on Starbase 23 during an intermediary period in their assignments.
Standard childhood and secondary education. Attended Starfleet Academy with a dual-major in Neuroscience and Anthropology. Graduated with honors, transitioned into Medical School with specialty in Psychiatry and Neurobiology. Career mostly consisted of work as a counselor, though she assisted in sickbay enough to maintain her basic medical skills. Current on all continuing education for medical and counseling licenses. Most recently, she pursued further training in negotiation, diplomacy, and interplanetary politics.
Medical profile
Synthetic blood vessels, surgically mended fracture in her left forearm as result of injury from one of her first assignments. Tissue and bone was regrown from grafts.

Two biological children, fraternal twins, uncomplicated pregnancy and birth.
slender build

Starfleet Record

  • position: CIV
    rank: LtCmdr.
    vessel: USS Columbia
    date action
    11206.12 Assigned to XO aboard USS Vienna as Lt.
    11302.19 Transferred to CO
    11310.27 Removed to Inactive
    11607.19 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Vienna as Lt.
    11608.21 Transferred to XO
    11701.09 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for dedication to duty
    11909.03 Transferred to XO aboard USS Columbia
    12408.08 Transferred to CIV



"Assimilation is complete..."

The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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