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Sea Green
Dishwater Blond
Nora Duttenberger Daniels (deceased)
Matteo Daniels (deceased)
Family history
Matteo Daniels, was born in New Jersey, on Earth, to a German father and an Italian mother. Matteo grew up and became employed at the Utopia Plantitia Fleet Yards, on Mars, as an engineer (ship builder). He met a girl and fell in love. She was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar. They married and very soon, a baby boy was born. They named the boy Walter, after some guy Matteo owed a favor to. Matteo Daniels was serving on a Federation star ship as a civilian engineer in 2375 when his ship was attacked and destroyed during the Dominian war. Nora was left with a 7 year old son. Nora and son left Mars for Earth. They lived in a rural section of Florida until Nora died. Her cause of death was never known to Wally. One day, a lady in a blue uniform came to his fourth grade class room and took him out into the hall and told him his mother had died. Then, the lady in the blue uniform took 9 year old Wally to a Military School for Orphaned Boys, in Massachusetts, USA, where he he lived until he was 14. One other day, that same lady in the blue uniform came and told young Daniels that he had a long lost maternal grandfather in Switzerland that wanted him to come and live with him. Jonas Durrenberger had been a valued and trusted employee of Starfleet Academy's Psychiatric Hospital (a teaching school). He had arranged for Walter to attend Starfleet Academy, in San Francisco, after high school. Unfortunately, Grandfather Durrenberger died two years prior to graduation. As Wally's grades were beyond reproach, had the credits to graduate and had no other guardian, he was admitted to the academy early. On his 18th birthday, Wally inherited his Grandfather's vast fortune and estate. Wally graduated Starfleet Academy, class of '88 (2388).

Wally, aside from possessing military skills, enjoys cross country running, is an accomplished equestrian in both the tradition English riding style and the newer Western style. He also enjoys snowboarding, skiing and the card game gin rummy.
Starfleet Academy - Doctrine in Psychiatry, secondary medical degree.

Grades 11 & 12 (ages 14-16) Private school in Switzerland (So private, I can't mention its name here).

Grades 5,6,8,9 & 10 (ages 9 - 14) Military Academy, in Massachusetts. He skipped the 7th grade. Extensive military training.

Grades 2 (second semester) - 4 (ages 7 - 9) Public School System of Florida.

Grades Pre-School, Kindergarten - 2(first semester), (ages barely 3 - 7) Mars Elementary School, for Fleet Yard kids.
Medical profile
No issues.
Fit; athletic but, small framed.

Starfleet Record

  • position: CO
    rank: Capt.
    vessel: USS Cherokee
    date action
    11209.06 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Cherokee as Ens.
    11306.11 Received Distinguished Service Medal for the Vroa battle over Betazed and Vulcan
    11805.2 Received Starfleet Command Commendation for Conspicuous Gallentry for maintaining the Standards of Starfleet in the face of impossible hardship at the Rabidus Pleasant View facility
    11805.2 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for outstanding performance of duty
    12011.22 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding service and dedication to duty
    12101.05 Transferred to CO
    12101.05 Promoted to Captain for outstanding service and dedication to duty



"Assimilation is complete..."

The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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