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Tael Raeyld [deceased]
Sol Raeyld [deceased]
Family history
Sol and Tael were both only children, born on Betazed to families of nobility, betrothed at birth, and subsequently married when they came of age. However, they soon forsook their heritage and its responsibilities, choosing to leave Betazed and obtain apprenticeships at a nearby colony. Eventually assigned to assist in the colony’s main medical facility, the couple discovered the key to their true passion in life, and shortly thereafter both enrolled in medical school.

Some years after beginning their life’s work, the Raeylds returned to Betazed in an attempt to reconcile with their families, as well as to carry to term and give birth to their daughter, Serena.
Unfortunately, the Raeylds and Leas assumed the younger Raeylds had returned home to settle down, raise their daughter among her people, and resume their house responsibilities – but the couple held no such intentions. Shortly after Serena’s birth, they took to the stars again.

The Raeyld family continued to travel across the galaxy, seeking out cities and settlements that had been or were being ravaged by war or disease, and freely offering their medical services.
As a result of her parents’ dedication to healing others, Serena spent hours every day in medical facilities, even as an infant. As every facility was a defacto emergency ward and accepted every helping hand available, Serena assisted from a very early age, and as a young teenager, became a decent doctor in her own right.

The Raeylds’ work eventually led them to a Maquis colony in the demilitarized zone. Early 9701, shortly before the Dominion-Cardassian destruction of the Maquis, the Maquis medical facilities at which the Raeyld’s were serving were among those hit during a Cardassian offensive. Serena’s parents were caught in the collapsing building and Serena herself was taken captive by the ground assault. However, shortly thereafter she was released to Federation authorities.*

An inquest was held to determine if Serena should stand trial for aiding the Maquis; however, she was found to be to young to be held accountable for a decision that was ultimately made for her by her parents, and no charges were filed. By the time the legal proceedings had cleared, Betazed (and therefore any of the girl’s remaining family) was under Dominion occupation, leaving Serena a ward of the state. With the approval of her appointed legal guardian, she applied and was accepted to Starfleet Academy and Medical School.

*All reports of the Raeylds’ work beyond Federation borders, including their deaths amongst the Maquis, were obtained solely via questioning of Serena Raeyld after her return to Federation space. As she was understandably shaken at the time, certain details may be ultimately unreliable. Unfortunately, there is no way to verify their accuracy.
Elementary: Private tutelage
High school: Private tutelage
Med School: Private tutelage and Starfleet Medical
Medical profile
Physiologically, Raeyld is in remarkably good health and recovers quickly from occasional injuries received in the line of duty.

Raeyld's blood is Type O-, and she manages a case of hypoglycemia with a careful diet and administration of glycogen when necessary.

Despite her Betazoid heritage and a highly disciplined mind, she has never displayed development of any natural telepathic or empathic ability.

Betazoids and other empaths/telepaths have had mixed results when trying to skim or scan her mind: occasionally it is telepathically blank, as if she didn't exist at all. Most often, however, her mind reads normally, if slightly "off."
Serena has a seemingly-fragile, almost waif-like frame, but is deceptively strong, as well as agile and flexible.

Starfleet Record

  • position: XO
    rank: LtCmdr.
    vessel: USS Claymore
    date action
    10706.16 Assigned to MO aboard USS Claymore as Lt.
    10809.03 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Performance of Duties Under Extreme Conditions during the search and recovery of the USS Nantahala and the Romulan vessel Rhenal.
    10809.03 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for dedication and service to the USS Claymore
    11003.1 Received Legion of Honor for restoring the Lothian Government under extreme combat conditions
    11101.3 Transferred to CMO
    11106.15 Received Starfleet Surgeons Medal for distinguished service and devotion to duty while rescuing the crew of the NX Visby
    11106.15 Promoted to Commander for exemplary performance of duty to ship and crew
    11210.24 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for your dedication to the saftey and security of sector 097, Deep Space 3, Federation, and Starfleet
    11210.24 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for the Claymore's dedication to service above and beyond the call of duty
    11308.21 Received Medal of Valor for defending Bajor and Vulcan from the Vroa threat
    11701.11 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for distinguished duty to ship and crew while helping the inhabitants of Thienya II
    12006.28 Removed to Inactive
    12012.1 Assigned to CNS aboard USS Claymore as LtCmdr.
    12012.19 Transferred to CIV
    12106.2 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your leadership and efforts in returning Claymore from Kethran territory
    12210.12 Transferred to XO



"Assimilation is complete..."

The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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