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Elaine Ann Davis
Jeffrey William Davis
Harrisburg, North American Continent
Katherine Leslie Davis (sis)
Family history
Davis's family exists almost entirely in North America, with some extended family still living in Cardiff, Wales. His parents are both alive, but have been divorced since his first year at the Academy. His father, a lawyer within the Federation Diplomatic Corps, resides in San Francisco. His mother, a nurse, currently resides in Harrisburg .

His sister is a journalist. She travels quite often as part of her occupation, and she has no permanent residence. Her current assignment and whereabouts are unknown.

Davis has had very few personal relationships since leaving the Academy. As a result, he has no children and no family of his own to speak of. He rarely keeps in touch with his parents and sister, though the tendency to do so has increased in recent years.
Managed to get into Starfleet Academy following his secondary school graduation. Studied Warp Propulsion in hopes of becoming an engineer. Graduated about the middle of his class.
Medical profile
10506.01: Underwent routine physical aboard U.S.S. Apache. Given clean bill of health.

10506.24: Suffered severely broken arm while ridding as a passenger in a malfunctioning Turbolift. Injury treated, with no lingering effects.

10612.15: Underwent required check-up in Sickbay following the intruder incident that led to Lieutenant Kizlev's injury in Main Engineering.

Starfleet Record

  • position: CO
    rank: Cmdr.
    vessel: USS Claymore
    date action
    9807.18 Assigned to EO aboard USS Seleya as Ens.
    9810.05 Transferred to CEO
    9901.13 Awarded Letter of Commendation for performance aboave and beyond the call of duty
    9901.13 Promoted to LtJG.
    9902.28 Removed
    9906.08 Assigned as CTO aboard USS Seleya as LtJG.
    9906.23 Transferred to TO aboard USS Scimitar
    9907.3 Removed
    9910.3 Assigned as CEO aboard USS Vesuvius as LtJG.
    10007.02 Removed
    10101.29 Assigned as EO aboard USS Scimitar as LtJG.
    10106.14 Removed
    10111.04 Assigned as EO aboard USS Vesuvius as LtJG.
    10201.24 Transferred to CEO
    10301.02 Assigned to EO aboard USS Pharaoh as LtJG.
    10301.04 Transferred to CBO aboard Abertura Station
    10304.24 Transferred to CEO aboard USS Vesuvius
    10308.08 Removed to Inactive
    10309.04 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Vesuvius as LtJG.
    10310.28 Removed to Inactive
    10402.05 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Pharaoh as LtJG.
    10405.04 Removed to Inactive
    10501.12 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Pharaoh as LtJG.
    10504.07 Removed to Inactive
    10506.14 Assigned to CIV aboard USS Apache as LtJG.
    10605.27 Promoted to Lieutenant for outstanding dedication to duty
    10606.24 Transferred to OPS
    10610.07 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties
    10610.07 Transferred to FCO aboard USS Claymore
    10610.08 Transferred to EO
    10701.27 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for outstanding service to vessel and crew
    10701.29 Received Purple Heart for wounds received during the Sanctum War
    10703.07 Received Sanctum Star Campaign Medal on behalf of the Amenti Government for serving in the Federation-Synod Conflict of 2383.
    10703.28 Transferred to OPS
    10809.03 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Performance of Duties Under Extreme Conditions during the search and recovery of the USS Nantahala and the Romulan vessel Rhenal.
    10809.03 Promoted to Commander for dedication and service to the USS Claymore
    10809.03 Transferred to XO
    11003.1 Received Legion of Honor for restoring the Lothian Government under extreme combat conditions
    11106.15 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for the rescue of the NX Visby’s Crew
    11210.24 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for your dedication to the saftey and security of sector 097, Deep Space 3, Federation, and Starfleet
    11210.24 Received Starfleet Command Letter of Commendation for the Claymore's dedication to service above and beyond the call of duty
    11210.24 Transferred to CIV aboard USS Andromeda
    11310.05 Received Admiral's Letter of Commendation for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion
    11310.05 Received Medal of Valor for sacrifice and bravery in the defense of Earth and Mars against the Vroa Incursion
    11310.19 Removed to Inactive
    11406.06 Assigned to CEO aboard USS Claymore as Cmdr.
    12006.28 Removed to Inactive
    12012.14 Assigned to XO aboard USS Claymore as Cmdr.
    12106.2 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your defense of the Claymore during the Kethran attempt to board
    12210.12 Transferred to CO



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The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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