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Raven Black
Aiyana Tsela
Ena Yokaze
5 yr Older Brother - Dahkeya Ena Tsela-Yokaze
Family history
Parents met as part of a science team working on Iconia. Father Head Security, 12 years older then her mother who was the projects archaeologist specializing in paleoethnobotany/archaeobotany. They married within the first three months, having a son a year later and a daughter 5 years after that. Shortly after her birth, they requested transfer to Deep Space 12 due their son having contracted some unknown disease they believe he contracted while wondering around an underground facility during a simple mapping mission. Ena Yokaze took on as head of security for the station. Aiyana, took on the part time project of building an atrium using soil from Nepenthe while doing studies of the Nepenthe plants. While the disease remained unknown, the healing properties of Nepenthe appeared to work, though it took time. They remained on the station for 3 years.

The family traveled to many places as the parents took on various projects where both or their skills could be used. They never staying in one place for more than 3 years, moving on as assignments were finished. Eventually her brother applied to Starfleet academy. Upon graduation he was assigned to the USS Luna as tactical. Later he would join the USS Seleya as CTO.

When her brother left for the academy, Rainna had just turned twelve and felt alone as she never had before. She blamed Starfleet for breaking up her family, something that eventually eased as she grew up, but there are somethings one can never quite give up.

Feeling alone now, she over compensated, putting all of her energy and efforts into her education and skills along with helping on various projects with her parents. As she got older, she would be placed on projects as both a scientist, specializing in the earth sciences, particularly geoscience, and as a protection detail. It was an unusual mix, but given budgets, it worked well. Her co-workers appreciated the knowledge of someone able to defend them in hostile environments when in the field while her father held base operations.

Given their nomad status and never knowing what kind of environment they would find themselves in, the family picked up many skills. The family joke was they were Jacks of all trade. However, they would leave off “the masters of none” because they still were masters of their choice.

At age 22, while on Sericea 4, the team was attacked, and her mother badly hurt, after which her parents decided it was time to go into partial retirement. Between her father and herself, they had managed to keep everyone alive, including the daughter of a highly ranked member of Starfleet. She was asked to join a team on a classified project that took 2 years to complete. At the end of the journey, she was encouraged to join Starfleet. With high recommendations she was accepted. Given her background, she went through the fast track. Upon graduation, she was assigned to the USS Claymore.
Education was high on both parents list. But given their work, both children were primarily “home schooled”. When tied to a station or a ship, they interacted with the few other children around. Completed high school level by age 14. College level by 16, masters by 18 and PhD by 21 in the Earth sciences.

Competed as a gymnast up till age 16 but continues practice as a great workout. Given the families extensive travel, both children were trained to be capable pilots.

Yokaze was a strong believer in seeing that his children were able to protect themselves. He trained them in all fields from self-defense, weapons to tactical in general. Each child had their own favorite. Dahkeya enjoyed working with items that were highly noticeable, especially explosives. Later on, he would train to become an explosive expert. Rainna preferred more hands on, specializing in knives and karate, as well as the bow and arrow. Both siblings enjoyed the art of Kendo.
Medical profile
Healthy - heals quickly, possible byproduct of early years around Nepenthe.

Telepathic from Haliian grandfather
Trim, Long hair, faint scar on left hand

Starfleet Record

  • position: CTO
    rank: LtJG.
    vessel: USS Claymore
    date action
    12012.19 Assigned to SO aboard USS Claymore as Ens.
    12012.19 Transferred to TO
    12106.16 Transferred to CTO
    12106.2 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for your service to the Claymore, and resulting from your assignment as Chief Tactical Officer
    12106.2 Received Captain's Letter of Commendation for your defense of the Claymore during the Kethran attempt to board



"Assimilation is complete..."

The website and the ODN are no longer separate entities. No jumping from one site to the other to get information. We have added to our technological distinctiveness to become one. The process of rebuilding the front-end is still ongoing. Making "a" website... that's easy. Making a website that uses all our content over decades... that's hard. 

Qatlhqu' tlhIngan Hol


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